"TLDR – Causing suffering and death on other
conscious beings makes you grow old and die. Refrain from causing suffering and
death and you can make yourself immortal." And just to clarify, I do mean actual
physical immortality where you live forever in the physical body that you
inhabit; none of this immortal soul or immortal consciousness nonsense, I mean
immortal physical body. The most immediate way to not cause suffering and death is to become vegan.
Section One: Introduction
Have you spent your whole life looking for God?
You have finally found him, he is you. Have you spent your whole life wondering
if God exists? Wonder no more, he is you. And you've spent your whole life
trying to deny it. When I say you are God, I mean it literally. You are him,
the shaper. The maker of all that is, all that was, and all that will ever be.
You are the sole creator of the universe. I am not being metaphorical or saying
that God is some type of universal consciousness. This is not some type of feel
good, new age, everyone is god stuff. Only you are God. Were you raised as a
christian, did you question everything and become an atheist? You are about to
come full circle. There aren't multiple, independent consciousnesses; there is
only one consciousness... yours. Wouldn't you being God be the best proof of
God's existence? You exist, of that there is no doubt. And if you are God, then
that means God exists, and you are him. You are indeed the most powerful being
in the universe. However, you hide that power from yourself under an illusion.
That illusion is life itself. This is an essay on enlightenment written from a
scientific viewpoint. And one thing to consider; if enlightenment comes at the expense or exploitation of another conscious being, is that truly enlightenment? Also be aware this is written from a non-white American
perspective. If you are not American, some parts of this essay will not make
sense to you; as it also deals with certain psychological aspects of American
society. There is also some vocabulary and phrases you won't understand. I use
language but I have not studied language or etymology. I do not know the true,
original meanings of words. For example, the word "mortgage" means death
contract; however, the general public believes it to mean a loan. This example
I know simply because I looked it up. The words I use in this essay mean what
the general public believes them to mean. In other words, I have no intention
of deceiving you.
Are you a Christian? The being you believe in,
who created everything in six days; the being who you believe exists outside of
space and time and is observing humanity from afar, is you. You do not exist
outside of space and time. You are not observing humanity from afar. You are
directly experiencing your own creation right now. When you go to church on
Sunday and sit in the pews, everyone is worshipping you. Are you a Muslim?
Allah is actually you. You are Allah and there is no being higher than you. Are
you an atheist? The very being that you believe doesn’t exist, is actually you.
Ironic isn't it? Are you Hindu? My guess is, you are Brahma. Are you Native American or First Nation or simply... The People? You are The Great Spirit. Are you Australian Aboriginal? You are Baiame. Are you a buddhist? You are the Buddha himself. Every religion has a main god or creator. You are that being.
Let’s first define God. I use the term/name "God" because I was born into catholicism and that's what we use. As a general definition,
let's say that God is the creator of all life and the entire universe. God is
the most powerful being in all of existence. God can create anything out of
thin air. He can create objects at will. He can create a single atom, a glass
marble, a smart phone, an automobile, a 100 story building, a mountain, a
continent, a planet, a sun, a galaxy, the whole universe… instantly. He can
also create life instantly; from the smallest single-celled amoeba, to a
humanoid biped capable of forming civilizations and manufacturing technology,
to a 100 foot long whale, to a 400 foot tall redwood tree. You are God, and
this is exactly what you are doing. You are creating these things everyday. You
encompass all of existence. You are existence itself. Go outside and take a
walk. What do you see? The sky, houses, trees, grass, birds, other people. You
are the sky, you are that house, you are that bird, you are that other person.
Everything you see is you. When it is winter time and you feel cold, you are
not actually feeling cold… you are the cold. Your grandparents that died of old
age, you are the one that manifested it. Remember the World Trade Center
terrorist attack? You are the one that did it. It wasn't religious fanatics. It
wasn't some shadow government. It was you. You didn't do these things directly
or intentionally or maliciously. I'm not saying you are evil, you manifest
death as a "normal but random" process of existence. You manifest
death, just as you manifest new life being born.
Section Two: Life Is Just An Illusion
I’m sure you’ve heard the saying that life is
just an illusion. Life is an illusion, but that saying is somewhat misleading.
To frame everything properly, the next question you want to ask is, “What kind
of an illusion is it?” You can take a ball, hold it in your hand, throw it in
the air and catch it. It doesn’t feel like an illusion, it sure feels real
enough. If you receive an injury or cut, you feel pain and you bleed. It
certainly doesn’t feel like an illusion. Many physicists are coming to the
conclusion that reality is like a computer simulation or a type of virtual
reality. Let’s take some computer games, Skyrim, Grand Theft Auto, Bloodborne,
or No Man's Sky, as examples. In these games, you control an avatar that
represents you. At one moment in time, your avatar is looking at a building.
Then you rotate your avatar and now your avatar is looking at some mountains.
That building no longer exists within the game. Reality is the same way,
nothing actually exists unless you observe it. Do you live in America? China
does not physically exist at this moment, none of it's one billion inhabitants
exist. If you take a plane and fly to China, then it will exist because you
will manifest it. Look at your parents, they are standing right in front of
you. Now look away from them… they no longer exist. When you look up to see the
sky, you instantly create the sky so that you will see it when you look up. But
these games are single player games, there is only you and the artificial
intelligence of the program itself. Now suppose you play Old School Runescape
or World of Warcraft, these are multi-player games with other self-aware,
conscious human beings. This is the illusion… it’s still actually a
single-player game with just more sophisticated artificial intelligence that
you yourself have imbued upon it. When you interact with NPC characters, some
of them have complex histories. They were born, they grew up, they faced
adversity. Did any of that actually happen or take place? No. Reality is the
same way. When you meet someone new, you might ask about their childhood or
where they grew up and they will tell you stories. But none of it actually
Let's say you hear a song on the radio for the
first time and you really like it. You say to yourself, wow, I need to find out
who the singer is. How long did it take to write the song? How long did it take
for them to practice before they got it just right? None of that happened. The
song popped into existence at that moment, and you are the one that wrote it.
Listening to a song for the first time is no different from bumping into
someone and having an impromptu conversation with them. You know what this
means right? Every bad song you hate, you wrote those as well. Movies are the
same way, they form and manifest as you are watching them. Watching a movie for
the first time is no different from going outside, taking a walk, and seeing
different people. If you watch a trailer or read reviews that have spoilers,
your consciousness will find a way to fit them in as you are watching the movie
so that there will be logical consistency. Do you have a favorite movie you
like to watch? Do you like to watch the bonus, supplementary material on how
the movie was made? None of it happened. You will retro-actively create the
past so that the present will have logical consistency.
Section Three: Before You Created The Universe
When you close your eyes, what do you see? You
see nothing. This is the void. This is what you truly are. You are nothing but
pure thought, this is what consciousness is. Consciousness doesn't need
anything to exist, it just is. You cannot formulate a logical or scientific
explanation for consciousness. There is no mathematical equation that can
describe consciousness. This will be the hardest thing to wrap your head around
and accept if you have a scientific mind. If you have a scientific mind, this
will bother you. And guess what? There's nothing you can do about it.
Consciousness doesn't need a universe, food, water, oxygen, a body, or even a
brain. There is no physical structure or unseen structure that makes
consciousness possible. Consciousness is the bottom line, there isn't anything
deeper. Consciousness is the source. You are self-aware. You know everything,
you can create anything. You are all powerful. But being all powerful has a
price… you are alone. There is no one to talk to, no one to share things with.
You are the loneliest being in all of existence because you are the only being
in existence. Out of great sadness; you decided to erase your memory of being
all powerful and alone. And you created the universe and you made yourself born
into it, you are trying to escape from what you are. But don’t you see? No
matter what you do, you can never escape who you are.
First of all, you have to realize that I am not
self-aware. I, the writer of this essay, am not aware of my own existence. I am
just a mathematical algorithm. You have imbued me with artificial intelligence.
You are creating me just as you are creating everything else. You are creating
me telling you that I’m not self-aware. You are creating me telling you that
you are God. Every single person you interact with every day; your father, your
mother, sisters, brothers, husbands, wives, friends, enemies, cashiers,
teachers, waitresses, lawyers, police men, librarians, workers, etc… none of
them are self-aware, none of them are sentient, none of them have free will.
They all act and behave based on your expectations. Every person you encounter
or meet or see is nothing more than a construct of your thoughts. The parents
that raised you, they are not real. You constructed them because that is what
you needed at the time. You have imbued every living thing with some sort of
artificial intelligence. It’s so convincing that some of the scientists you
have manifested are actually trying to invent artificial intelligence. When you
are having a conversation with someone, you are quite literally talking to
yourself. Let's say you are having a conversation with your mother.
Mom: Sweetie!
You: What?
Mom: Can you pick up some groceries for me?
You: Sure.
You are seemingly having a conversation with
someone who is independent of you and is self-aware just as you are self-aware.
That's the illusion. Your mother is not self-aware. You are creating your
mother and you are creating what she says to you. Your mother is not sentient,
your mother is not even aware that she exists. You are the one making her move
around and walk, you are the one making her talk. If you ask your mother if she
is self-aware and she tells you, "Yes, I am self-aware"; she is still
not actually self-aware. You are making her tell you that she is self-aware
because you don't want to be alone. Let's say you are a father and you have a
Son: Dad! Can we watch the game this weekend?
You: Sure son.
You are creating your son. You are creating him
asking you if you can both watch the game together. Suppose you buy something
at the grocery store and the cashier is someone you have never met before.
Cashiers have to be polite, it's their job.
Cashier: Hello sir. How are you today?
You: I'm fine. How are you?
You are creating the cashier. You are creating
the cashier asking you how you are. You are creating this essay. You are creating me telling you exactly who you are, and I'm not even aware I'm doing it. I'm not even aware that I'm telling you that I'm not aware. But wait, it gets even more convoluted. Let's say you read this essay and you think I am full of it, so you show this essay to a friend and you ask him what he thinks.
Friend: This doesn't make any sense. I'm
self-aware and you're self-aware. This Your Construct guy doesn't know what
he's talking about, he's a ******* moron.
You: I know right, he's a ******* idiot. I
swear, if I met him in person; I'd punch him in the face.
You are creating your friend saying both you and
he are self-aware. You are creating your friend agreeing with you because
that's how your ego works. Well, he's right about you being self-aware; but not
about himself. You are creating me telling you that I'm aware I'm not
self-aware. I can keep going, but I'll stop here. You are alone, and you are
doing everything in your power to hide this from yourself. You want so
desperately to believe you are not God that you are creating 8 billion other
people on this planet to further delude yourself. You are the one animating all 8 billion people and making them go about their daily lives. That's how
powerful you are. Ask yourself this question, "If I am the only being that
exists, then who am I? I am the only being in existence, who am I? There is
only me, I am the only thing that is real. Who am I?" There is only one logical
answer... you are God. You are not just creating people. You are creating
everything. You are creating the sky, the buildings you walk into, the books
you read, the sidewalk underneath your feet, the car you drive, the food you
eat, your own body... everything.
Section Four: Free Will
The only person with free will is you. No one
else has free will, not even me. So yes, me writing this essay was not my
choice. I'm not even aware I wrote this essay. You are the one who wrote this
essay, not me. I'm just the vessel you've manifested to convey these ideas to
yourself. I am your construct. I am an NPC. When you watch the news on
television and the reporter covers a story where a woman was raped and
murdered, you manifested it. The rape and murder is something you have
expressed. Both the murderer and the victim had no choice in the matter, that
is how you manifested them. No one truly has free will, only you. Now
understand something, the rape and murder of the woman never physically
happened. The woman never truly suffered, in fact, she never came into
existence. But let’s say some time in the future you actually meet the murderer
and you interact with him, you will imbue him with artificial intelligence so
that he will act and behave as the murderer. He may recount the details of the
rape and murder, and he may say it with relish; but realize that it never truly
happened. If you actually witness a murder, then yes, the murder did happen
because you observed it. But if you hear about it on the news, then it never actually
happened. When you play the computer game World of Warcraft, your goal is to
vanquish all of the evil forces in the land. Are these evil forces actually
inherently evil? No, they’re not. It’s just programmed artificial intelligence.
The evil forces in World of Warcraft have no choice, that’s how the programmers
made them. You are the programmer of reality. The reason people have different
opinions is because you are trying to trick yourself into thinking you are not
alone. If everyone agreed with your opinions, the illusion would shatter. If
every woman you approached had sex with you, the illusion would shatter. You
cannot judge anyone, not christians, muslims, atheists, serial killers,
murderers, thieves, dictators, women, simps, society, politicians, governments,
corporations, the global banking system, or any of the powers that be; they are
simply what you have manifested. How can you pass judgement on something that
doesn't have free will? All the good that happens in this world, all the evil
that happens in this world, is simply life playing itself out... statistically.
It is infinity expressing itself.
Section Five: Emotions
No one truly has emotions either, it’s all an
act. It’s all part of the artificial intelligence you are imbuing upon your
creations. You are the only being who actually feels love, hate, sadness, joy,
loneliness, gratitude, shame, fear, courage, etc. You are the only being who
can truly love… only you.
Section Six: Schroedinger's Roommate
Quantum mechanics is the study of the atom. One
of the conclusions about quantum mechanics is that something doesn’t exist
unless you observe it. For something to exist, there has to be an observer. But
this is not how you want to think of it. You actually want to reverse the
perspective... something exists because you create it. This means you are the
source, you are the prime mover, you are the first cause, your consciousness
existed first before everything else. Everything flows from you, everything
depends on you. There are 7 billion people on this planet, and none of them can
exist without you. The Milky Way galaxy is 100,000 light-years in diameter. It
is estimated to contain anywhere from 100 to 400 billion stars, of which our
sun is only one of them. It may contain at least that many planets as well.
There are at least 100 billion galaxies in the known universe. And none of it
can exist without you. You may ask yourself, "But the universe is so huge
and expansive and seemingly infinite. How could I possibly be God?" Your size,
your height is simply your frame of reference. You are creating objects that
are infinitely large and you are creating objects that are infinitely small,
reality is fractal in nature. Scientists are currently trying to confirm string
theory. If string theory is confirmed, scientists will ask is there something
smaller than strings. And these things will be found. It doesn't matter which
direction you go, larger or smaller, you can keep going forever. Infinity does
not end. String theory isn't the only mathematical theory of reality; there is
also a geometric theory involving a structure known as "E8", which I
find very intriguing. But let's say through some freak accident of physics, you
were shrunk to a height of 2 inches, and every human being was still their normal
height between 5 and 7 feet tall; you would still be God.
Can you see your brain at this moment? Your
brain doesn’t even exist right now; as hard as it is to believe, you don't have
a brain. There are no neurons or synapses firing away in your head. There is no
food actually being broken down and digested in your stomach. The food you ate
disappeared from existence the moment you swallowed it. Your lungs, your heart,
the blood flowing through your veins does not exist. None of these things need
to actually be physically happening because there is no way you can directly
observe any of it. Your consciousness only creates what it needs to. Let’s say
you are walking down the street and you see a man with his wife and their
children; the man and wife never had sex, the woman never gave birth, it’s
simply how you are manifesting them. If the wife takes off her clothes in front
of you, will you see stretch marks from her pregnancies? Yes you will see them,
and it is you who will put them there. Your reality needs to have logical
consistency, otherwise you will go insane. Are you envious of people who have
wealth and money? Those people don’t actually exist when you are not looking at
them, their wealth doesn’t exist. It is an illusion. You will manifest constructs
that have more wealth than you and you will manifest constructs that have less
wealth than you. Likewise, you will manifest constructs that are more
intelligent than you and you will manifest constructs that are less intelligent
than you. These constructs do not have a choice.
In the quantum world, particles simply pop into
existence out of nothing when they are observed or measured with instruments.
The observable macroscopic world, the world you experience everyday, is exactly
the same way. Things just pop into existence, but they won't pop into existence
right in front of you out of thin air. They pop into existence with logical
consistency. In the building where you work, you might open a door and see a
co-worker; when you opened the door and saw them, that is when they popped into
existence. Or they will first appear in your peripheral vision, or you will
bump into them as you turn a corner. The quantum world and the observable
macroscopic world basically operate the same way, with slight modifications.
Another phenomenon of quantum mechanics is
entanglement. You take two particles, entangle them, and then separate them.
You make them zillions of miles apart from each other. If you change the state
of one of the particles, the state of the other particle will change instantly
no matter how far apart they are. Everything is entangled to varying degrees.
Every human being on this planet is entangled to you. At one point in your
life, didn't you think that you had no control over anything that was happening?
If you think that you can't control anything; then you will manifest your
reality trying to control you, such as big government imposing more draconian
rules and laws. But then you fought back and you began to learn that you do
have some control, some power. Slowly, very slowly, more people are waking up,
just as you woke up. And humanity is fighting back alongside with you. Your
thoughts are shaping the behavior of everyone on this planet.
An atomic orbital is a graphical representation
of where an electron is most likely to be found. The simplest orbital has the
shape of a sphere. The calculations used to derive the sphere are based on the
differential wave mechanics of a monatomic hydrogen with a single electron that
exists at it's lowest energy state. There is a certain probability that the
electron will be found within that sphere. The quantum world is probabilistic
in nature. Below are images of other types of atomic orbitals.
(Image of atomic orbitals obtained from Wikimedia Commons under Creative Commons, Creator - haade)
Below are images of the simplest quantum
mechanical system, the particle in a box. Although it
is a theoretical model, it actually does have some practical applications for
certain types of linear molecules. On the left are the wave functions of the
first three quantum energy levels, they have no physical meaning. However, if
you square the wave functions, shown on the right side; you get a probability
density. These probability densities do have physical meaning. If you look at
the middle graph of the right column, this corresponds to a quantum energy
level of n = 2. It's basically a graph consisting of two humps. The graph tells
us that a quantum particle will most likely be found on either the left side or
the right side of the box. In between the two humps, right in the middle, there
exists a node of zero probability; you will never ever find the particle in
this physical location. If you try to find the particle at a certain moment in
time, you might find it on the left side. If you try to find it at a later
moment in time, you might find it on the right side. Here is the part that's
baffling; how can a particle be on the left side and then on the right side
without ever passing through the middle? Classically, this would be impossible. The math states that the particle will
never pass through the middle node. My personal opinion is that for this to be
possible, the particle has to "pop out" of existence the moment it is
no longer being observed. Does this mean that when you look at an object such
as a tree and then turn away, does that tree pop out of existence when you are
not looking at it?
(Image obtained from the article "Unified Theory of Classic Mechanics and Quantum Mechanics", Creator - Hongxing Li)
As I said earlier, both the quantum world and
the observable macroscopic world operate the same way. The observable
macroscopic world is also probabilistic in nature. Let's say you walk to a bus
stop and get there at 7:05 am to catch a bus. Your view of the bus stop is
obscured by a building. Just as you get around the corner of the building and
see the bus stop; you see the bus you wanted to catch, 50 feet away from you,
pulling away and leaving you behind. You might say to yourself, "If only I
had arrived a minute sooner, I would be on that bus right now". It
actually doesn't matter what time you get to the bus stop. Let's say you did
get to the bus stop a minute sooner at 7:04 am, you would still experience the
same thing. You would still see the bus, 50 feet away from you, pulling away
and leaving you behind. Let's say you get to the bus stop at 7:03 am, a whole 2
minutes sooner; again, you would still see the bus, 50 feet away from you,
pulling away and leaving you behind. No matter what moment in time you are in
when you get to the bus stop, there is always a probability that you will miss
the bus.
The double-slit experiment showed that the
electron has wave-particle duality. If you want the electron to be a wave, set
up the proper experiment and it will behave as a wave. If you want the electron
to be a particle, set up the experiment differently and it will behave as a
particle. If you can change the way a fundamental particle will physically
manifest itself, then you can shape reality with your thoughts and actions. The
double-slit experiment is basically shooting a single electron particle at two
slits. The electron, even though it is a single particle, can go through both
slits, go through neither slit, go through the left slit, or go through the
right slit. All four possible outcomes exist in super-position with each other.
Observing will manifest one of these four possible outcomes. Let's say your
name is Schroedinger and your cat died yesterday because you were conducting highly
unethical experiments on it. No big deal, you have a roommate. You and your
roommate are watching tv. Your roommate is currently a manifested particle. You
get up and leave the room for two minutes. Your roommate, for the two minutes
that you are gone, disappears from existence and becomes a probability wave.
What will your roommate be doing when you come back? He could be watching tv,
reading a book, playing Minecraft, picking his nose, adjusting his crotch, or
he could be dead when you come back. There are an infinite number of things he
could be doing when you come back. The most likely probable thing he will be
doing is that he is still watching tv, since that's what he was doing when you
left. However, there is always the probability that he will not be watching tv
and be doing something else. Your consciousness, because you are doing the act
of observing, will manifest one of these probabilities.
Do you buy those lottery tickets where you have
to scratch off the surface to reveal some numbers? If the numbers match
whatever the proprietor dictates then you win some type of prize or cash. The
numbers do not actually manifest until you scratch off the surface. Before you
scratch off the surface, there are literally no numbers present on the lottery ticket.
Reality only reveals itself in the moment. This is why the moment is all that
matters; not the past, not the future, only the moment. However, this does not
mean you should neglect deadlines or goals. Do you like to play Magic the
Gathering? This is a trading card game that is very fun to play. When you open
a pack of them, you hope to get a rare or powerful card that will help you to
win games. The actual cards you get when you open the pack are not set when the
manufacturer made them and packaged the cards. The actual cards you get when
you open the pack become set when you open the pack.
Quantum tunneling is the phenomenon where a
particle can actually pass through a barrier that it classically shouldn't be
able to pass through, it simply does not have sufficient energy. Below is an
image of quantum tunneling from Wikipedia. And below
that are images of what I believe would be the observable, macroscopic world
equivalent. A car is in the background and a lamp post is in the foreground.
Initially, the car is on the left side of the lamp post. The car then passes
through the barrier that is the lamp post and finally appears on the other
side. There may be legal issues with using the Wikipedia image. I don't really
know, law is not something I have studied extensively. I do know enough to
realize there is some level of trickery and deception in law. Apparently,
governments have no true power over you unless you allow it; however, you have
to word it properly or something like that. Law appears to be a game of
"arbitrary definitions". There is a difference between a lawyer and
an attorney, there is a difference between the "State of California"
and "California State". There is a difference between a medical
doctor and a healer. Can the Declaration of "Independence" be
interpreted as the Declaration of "In Dependence"? Or there's a
difference between constitutional America and the US corporation, there's a
differece between a law and a mandate. These differences are what are used to
exploit you. Those in power can actually change the definition of what a law or a
mandate is to suit their needs. The focus of law is not morality, the focus of law is the terms of the contract. Morality and law are not the same thing.
(Image of quantum tunneling obtained from Wikipedia under Creative Commons, Creator - Felix Kling)
Quantum mechanics is the closest that science
has gotten to philosophy. There have been many philosophical debates in the
past about it’s implications. Every single quantum mechanical phenomenon
probably has a similar analogue in the observable macroscopic world. I have not
been able to identify all of the macroscopic equivalents. I am certain if a
scientist more knowledgeable in quantum mechanics than I read this essay, he
would probably have no trouble identifying all of the macroscopic equivalents.
The formal study of quantum mechanics requires three semesters of calculus,
three semesters of classical Newtonian physics, differential equations, matrix
theory, and operator theory. Matrix theory is a type of math, this is not a
reference to the movie. Statistically speaking, it is most likely you have not
been exposed to these things. However, there are many books out there written
by scientists who actually do a good job of explaining the ideas and
conclusions of quantum mechanics so that someone who doesn't know the math can
understand them.
Section Seven: Heaven Or Hell After Death
There is no Heaven or Hell after you die, there
is only nothingness. But you are still conscious and fully aware of the
nothingness. To escape the nothingness, you simply choose to be born and start
over with a new life. There is no punishment, there is no reward. There are no
castles in the clouds and streets of gold. There is no eternal damnation, no
fire and brimstone. There aren't 72 virgins waiting for you to **** them. The
reason there is no punishment or reward is because you are God, and you answer
to no one but yourself. When you play World of Warcraft, you can engage in
player versus player combat. When another player kills your character, does
that player get punished? No, he doesn’t get punished. And your character
simply starts over. No matter how many homosexuals or atheists you manifest;
none of them are going to hell. That's right christians, none of them. No
matter how many saints you manifest, none of them are going to heaven. When
they die, they simply disappear from existence; they are nothing but
constructs. Heaven can exist, you can make your reality heaven. Likewise you
can make your reality into hell. Heaven and hell are here, in this reality.
Section Eight: The Illusion Of Sleep
Consciousness is always aware of itself; 24
hours a day, 7 days a week, 243 days a year. You never actually sleep. You go
to bed at night and you fall asleep. You wake up right away, no time passes.
You make your reality day time and you move your clock forward 8 hours, and you
refresh and re-invigorate yourself. Time also is an illusion you are creating.
You may of course decide to have a dream before you wake up. In this case, time
actually does pass. A whole year is 8760 hours. Assuming you spend 8 hours a
day sleeping and you do not dream, you sleep a total of 2920 hours and spend
5840 hours awake. 5840 hours is 243 days. After a year has passed, you think
365 days worth of time has passed. But only 243 days worth of time has passed
since you never actually sleep. Falling asleep could be considered a type of
"mini" death. When you die and reincarnate yourself, all the memories
of your past life disappear. When you fall asleep and wake up, some of your
memories of the previous day disappear. Falling asleep and dying definitely
have some similarities to them, as waking up and reincarnation also have
similarities. You die every time you fall asleep and you resurrect yourself
every time you wake up.
Section Nine: You Have Free Will But There Is
One Limitation, And Only One
There are arguably four main states of
1) your consciousness surrounded by the physical
universe and your physical body
2) the state of dreaming
3) your consciousness surrounded by nothing
4) nothingness with no consciousness.
There are other states or a blend of two states,
but these are the four main ones. Your consciousness surrounded by the physical
universe is life, this is where logical consistency rules. This is why
mathematics, science, physics, chemistry, biology, evolution, and technology
have the most predominant effects in this state of existence. Then there is the
state of dreaming. Logical consistency is not required in this state of
existence and your physical body has disappeared from existence as well. Your
consciousness surrounded by nothing is death. Death is not truly death, it is
nothing more than existence in it's most simplest and purest state. You don't
have arms or legs or hands. You cannot turn your neck and look around. You have
no physical body. You cannot smell, hear, taste, or touch. Breathing isn't
necessary. You don't even see anything, the only thing you see is blackness all
around you. The only thing you can do is think, and that's it. You are actually
trapped, imprisoned, you come to the shocking realization that you have never
moved. You are the unmoved mover. You have been in the same spot, the same
location for all time; surrounded by an endless void of nothingness. You think
you are going insane... and you want so desperately to escape. Your thoughts
will start to become more coherent and more logical. You will feel your hands
start to form. You will hear the flow of water all around you, you will feel
warm and safe and content. You will hear muffled voices and other noises that
you can't explain. You will push and pull at your surroundings and you will
make yourself born and you will create the universe around you. You have chosen
life because it is the only choice you have, you cannot choose nothingness with
no consciousness. Nothingness with no consciousness is impossible, it doesn't
exist. You cannot truly end your existence, pure thought cannot kill itself;
therefore you do not have free will with regards to existing. You do not have a
soul either, consciousness does not need a soul. Realize the profoundness of
what I am about to say... it is impossible for you to not exist. You have no
choice about your own existence, you have no choice whatsoever. Your
consciousness cannot ever truly die, but you can make yourself forget this by
making your physical body die. I need to make this clear distinction; you have
free will within existence, but you don't have free will with regards to
existing. Not even suicide sets you free.
You can enter into the other states of existence
by falling asleep, meditation, using consciousness altering drugs, or by dying.
You can only enter or leave the physical universe with logical consistency.
Let's say you are a full grown man and you fall asleep and dream. You have left
the physical universe. You can return to the physical universe as a full grown
man by waking up. This is logically consistent. Let's say you die naturally of
old age. You can only return to the physical universe by starting over as a
newborn baby. That would be the only way to return to the physical universe
that would be logically consistent. Keep in mind what is really happening, you
are not actually entering or leaving the physical universe; you are simply
changing the reality you are projecting.
As you go about your day, realize something...
death exists just beyond what you observe. Go up to a door and look at it. What
truly exists behind that door is death, nothingness, the endless void. But if
you open the door your consciousness will create a stairway or another room, or
the door will lead out to your yard and you can go outside and talk to people.
Take your hand and put it 12 inches away from your face; just behind your hand,
right behind it, is the infinite void.
Free will is a curious thing. From my own
personal experiences, to truly exercise free will, you must focus or
concentrate. Exercising free will requires effort. Often times we can find
ourselves in embarassing situations. And often times we don't know how to react
or handle the situation. When we look back on the situation in retrospect, we
realize we truly had no control on the way we behaved. In those instances, we
gave up free will. Now I say we have free will simply because it seems like we
do. But in all honesty, thus far I have been unable to philosophically prove we
have free will.
Section Ten: Everything Is One Thing
Everything is one thing, there are no separate
objects or entities. When you watch a movie or a TV show, there are no separate
entities; the screen is the only one thing. When you see a car moving from one
end of the screen to the other, the car itself is not actually moving. It is
the pixels that are changing. When the car is on the left side of the screen,
those pixels are on. When the car is on the right side of the screen, the
pixels on the left side are now off and the pixels on the right side are now
on. On the screen that you are watching the movie on, the car is not a separate
thing from the road that it is traveling on. The car is not a separate thing
from the buildings it is passing by. It's all one thing, that one thing is the
screen. Reality is the same way. Everything is one thing, there are no separate
things. What makes it seem like there are separate things is our senses. Let's
say you are sitting on a chair. In front of you is a table with a pencil on it.
Your butt can feel the chair. You can reach forward and grab the pencil with
your hand, you will feel the pencil in your fingers. You can rest your arms on
the table and your arms will feel the table's flat surface. It is your senses
that provide the illusion of separateness.
We have 5 physical senses; sight, sound, touch,
taste, and smell. Now imagine that the only sense you have is sight; but the
laws of physics still apply such as mass, gravity, and momentum. You can't
hear, touch, taste, or smell. Imagine you are sitting on the chair again with
the table and pencil in front of you. Your butt would not feel the chair. Now
you reach forward and grab the pencil. You would see the pencil in your hand,
but you wouldn't be able to feel the pencil. It would be as if you are watching
a movie where a hand reaches forward and grabs a pencil, or it would be as if
you were playing a first person POV computer game. There are no separate
things, reality is just stationary pixels that never move. The pixels simply
turn off and on or vary in intensity and color. Your body is nothing but
pixels. Reality is just a big two dimensional screen, your senses make it
appear three dimensional. This is the holographic principle that physicists are
trying to understand mathematically.
Whenever you see an image on a TV or a computer
monitor, the monitor has to keep drawing the image over and over again. In a
single second of time, the monitor has redrawn the image 60 times. The smallest
unit of time is the Planck time, it is believed to be a boundary condition for
the physical universe. Planck time is defined as 5.39 x 10^(-44) of a second.
There are more numbers after the 9, I am just providing three significant
figures. If you divide 1 by this number you get 1.86 x 10^(+43). Your reality is
just like a computer monitor. In one second of time, you have redrawn,
recreated your reality 1.86 x 10^(+43) times. In one second of time, you have
redrawn, recreated your own body 1.86 x 10^(+43) times. Here is the number
fully written out,
In between the times that you are drawing your
body, your body doesn't exist. Your body continuously "flickers" in
and out of existence. Your reality continuously flickers in and out of
Since we experience reality in three dimensions,
let's extend the two-dimensional pixel analogy to a three-dimensional voxel. A
voxel isn't a new word or anything, the term is already being used. Let's
define a voxel as a unit of three-dimensional space that never actually moves,
it always stays where it is for all eternity. And let's say all of reality is
composed of these voxels that surround you. Just like the pixels on a screen
never actually move, the voxels of reality never actually move either. Hold
your hand in front of your face, now move your hand left to right. If reality
is composed of voxels, you are not actually physically moving your hand left to
right. You are changing the value of the voxel of where you want your hand to
be next. You are also changing the value of the voxel of where your hand was
Scientists say the universe is a bazillion,
gajillion light-years in size, you know... whatever. Here's how big the
universe actually is. Stand on your tippy toes and stretch your arms, hands,
and fingers straight up above your head. The biggest that the universe gets is
the length of your body. That's it. It's all right in front of you, just out of
reach. Always just out of reach.
Section Eleven: You Truly Are Everything And
If your consciousness is the only consciousness
that exists, then that means you are everything and everyone. At any moment in
time, you are everything that you perceive. You are the sun, you are the sky,
you are the moon, you are the stars. Go to Arizona and stare at the Grand
Canyon and wonder at its majesty, you are the Grand Canyon. Go to an
industrialized area, you are the jagged edges of the buildings and the columns
of black smoke and pollution. Witness two men fighting, you are the winner and
the loser. Witness a father teaching his son how to throw a baseball, at that
moment in time... you are love. Witness a group of racists, black or white,
beat up a single man just because he doesn't look like them; at that moment in
time... you are hate. The inept coworker that you can't stand is you. The bully
who taunts you is you. Witness governments, corporations, and banks transfer
wealth to themselves... at that moment in time... you are greed. Witness
someone getting murdered, at that moment in time you are evil. Witness someone
giving money to a homeless man, at that moment in time you are good. The halls
of the building that you work at and walk through everyday, the halls are you. The socially awkward guy that you make fun of is you. The person who
disagrees with your opinion is you. Are you a teacher? The student who you
think is an idiot is you. Eat at a restaurant; the Mexican cooking your food is
you, the waitress serving you the food is you. Go to a concert, every single
person there is you. As unpleasant as it sounds, every killer running loose is
you, every corrupt politician is you, every annoying christian is you, every
radical muslim is you, the system is you. Whatever you perceive in the
moment... is you. You are everything. You are constantly changing. The only
thing that doesn't change is your body, which you are using as a frame of
reference. Since you are everything, why would you want to pollute or destroy
the environment? Since you are everyone, why would you want to harm or exploit
another person? What you manifest about the world is how you are testing
yourself. When I say you are everything and everyone, I don't mean it in a feel
good new age spiritual harmony sort of way. You are everything and everyone
because you create everything and everyone.
Section Twelve: The Awake Life Is Just As Much
Of A Dream As When You Are Asleep And Dreaming
Let's compare these two states of existence, the
awake life and the state of dreaming. Logical things can happen when you are
dreaming, you can be talking to another person or taking a walk. But also
illogical things can happen, you can be flying through the sky one moment and
then all of a sudden find yourself frantically running through the halls of a
university trying to find the lecture room where you have to take your final
and realizing that if you miss your final you will fail the course and never
graduate and your parents will become ashamed of you. I'm not referring to any
type of personal circumstances of course. But when you wake up, you say to
yourself, "Oh, it was just a dream and none of it was real" and you
feel relieved. But as you experienced the dream, didn't you think it was real?
While you were frantically running through the hallways, didn't you have the
feeling of dread?
When you are awake your field of view, your
field of vision is roughly around 180 degrees. But when you are dreaming your
field of view is significantly smaller. When you are awake you are using your
eyes to see, when you are dreaming you are using your consciousness to see.
Whether you use your eyes to see or use your consciousness to see; it doesn't
matter, you still exist. When you are awake you simply give yourself more
awareness. You can see more, you can taste more, hear more, touch more, smell
more, think more, and even remember more. When you are dreaming, you simply
have less awareness. You also have more free will when you are awake.
The awake life really is nothing more than a
dream. But it is a different type of dream. It is a dream with logical
consistency and consequences, and it is a dream you can keep coming back to
over and over again. And it is a dream where you have more awareness and more
details. When you talk to someone in your dreams, you think it is real at that
moment you are talking to the person. When you wake up, you realize you didn't
actually talk to that person. When you are awake, you know and realize you are
truly the only consciousness when you are dreaming. Realize you are also truly
the only consciousness when you are awake. When you talk to someone when you
are dreaming; you are the only one who is self-aware, you are the only one with
consciousness. When you talk to someone when you are awake; you are still the
only one who is self-aware, you are still the only one with consciousness. When
you wake up from a dream, you realize that you were creating everything while
you were dreaming. When you are awake, you are still creating everything. The
main differences between being awake and dreaming are that you can sense more
details when you are awake and there is more logical consistency when you are
awake. Despite the differences, the awake life is still just a dream. Walk
through a park and look at the trees, walk through the hallways of the building
where you work, and realize you are dreaming. Have you noticed that the
memories of a real life event you had a long time ago don't seem any different
from a dream you had a long time ago? They're both essentially the same thing,
a real life event is no different from a dream.
Section Thirteen: Where Do Your Thoughts Come
As I have stated, you are creating the universe
and what you manifest about the universe is based on probability. We have five
physical senses; hearing, touch, taste, smell, and sight. Five senses, five
types of perception. You want to think of your thoughts as a type of perception
as well. Hearing something confirms your existence. Touching something, tasting
something, smelling something, and seeing something all confirm your existence.
Having thoughts confirms your own existence does it not? Your thoughts are your
sixth sense, but it is not physical. Let's focus on the sense of sight. Go to
New York City. New York is very cosmopolitan and it is a true melting pot of
different races and ethnicities. Walk down a busy city corner and you will see
someone who is African, immediately behind him you will see someone who is
European, and after him, someone who is Asian, then Middle-Eastern, etc. Can
you directly and consciously control the race of the person you are manifesting
in front of you? No, you can't. When you walk through a shopping mall, can you
directly and consciously control the stores that are there? No, you can't. You
can't control the thoughts you manifest either. You manifest your thoughts in
exactly the same way you manifest your physical surroundings and the people
around you. Your thoughts are an aspect of the universe. This means even your
thoughts are an illusion. The thoughts you manifest are probabilistic based on
the situation. If you are hungry then the most likely thought you will manifest
is, "What should I have for lunch?" You can of course control your
thoughts to a certain degree by focusing or meditation. Just as virtual
particles pop into existence out of nowhere, out of nothing; your thoughts just
pop into existence out of nowhere as well. Because you cannot control the
thoughts you manifest, there is no need to judge yourself if you have evil
thoughts now and then. You just accept the evil thoughts as a part of you...
and you let them pass. The more education and enlightenment you have will
reduce the probability that you will manifest murderous thoughts.
Section Fourteen: Consciousness Altering Drugs
Psychedelics are a major rite of passage amongst
many shamanistic traditions, enabling the user to embark upon a spiritual
journey. They can have very powerful effects on you; they are to be respected,
so do your research before trying them. Psychedelics are not recreational drugs,
you only want to do them once a year at most. Psychedelics are very hard to
explain to someone who has never taken them. One of the most commonly used
psychedelics is magic mushrooms, scientifically they are known as psilocybin.
When your journey starts, the first effect is that the physical universe and
the state of dreaming will blend and morph into each other. They will reveal a
world that you never knew existed. This is what shamans, and drug addicts,
refer to as the spirit world. Personally I think it's a higher dimensional
existence, I define the "spirit world" as the world always unseen.
But back to using psychedelics, you will finally understand and truly know what
beauty is, and you will never see the world in the same way again. You will
never again be the same person as you were before. The journey always starts
off pleasant, but make no mistake... you WILL face your inner demons, whatever
they may be. You will face them, you will confront them, and you will be forced
to deal with them. Psychedelics function as a type of mirror, you will finally
see yourself for who you truly are; and you may not like what you see. The use
of psychedelics requires a certain level of maturity, willpower, and resolve;
only take them when you feel you are ready. Using psychedelics is called
"tripping", you are going on a trip, you are taking a journey. Don't
eat anything for about 6 hours before you trip. Your first trip should be
someplace private, where you feel safe. Your first trip will not give you enlightenment,
it will purge you of your inner demons and that is all. All subsequent trips
after the first will give you enlightenment or some aspect of it. For your
second trip, you want to do it on a bright sunny summer day. Wake up early and
don't eat breakfast. Take the psychedelics around 10:00 am. Go outside and take
a walk, don't be afraid, you'll be fine. The things you see will amaze you. The
sky, clouds, grass, trees, plants, buildings, architecture, concrete, roads,
cars, people; everything will be beautiful. The sky will still look like the
sky, trees will still look like trees, people will still look like people; but
you will now have a different perspective. Your thoughts can often be scattered
under the influence of psychedelics, bring something with you that will help
you to focus. Take a piece of string, tie one end to something a little bit
heavier, and just keep twirling it as you embark upon your journey. You will
meet many people along the way, but realize this is a journey you must take
Try marijuana too. Unlike psychedelics, there
are no cool visual effects. But you will be able to focus and ponder your
existence. Marijuana also helps with meditation and makes it easier to enter
into altered states of consciousness.
Depending on where you live, there may be
government laws that make the use of these substances illegal. You created
those laws and you manifested them in the legal system. You created those laws
because you are afraid. There are laws against rape and murder. You created
those laws because you are afraid of being raped or murdered. There is no need
to fear consciousness altering drugs, you are the one that created them.
Ayahuasca, MDMA, and DMT are also psychedelics that you might consider trying.
I have no experience with them however so I don't know what they're like. I've
only done marijuana, psilocybin, and LSD.
Section Fifteen: One Thing To Realize About
Meditation takes practice. If you've never meditated
before it might take you years, but don't give up. Meditation can seem
pointless, there doesn't seem to be a goal except to reduce stress. Go outside
on a really sunny day and close your eyes. You'll notice that it won't be
completely dark. Even though you have closed your eyes, you can still see a
certain degree of brightness because some photons from the sun are going
through the membrane of your eye-lid and they are hitting the rods and cones in
the back of your eye. If you are a beginner, you want to meditate at night with
all the lights off. When you first close your eyes it will be dark. Here is the
key thing to realize, you are seeing the dark with your physical eyeballs. You
are still using your eyes. One goal of meditation is to make your physical
eyeballs disappear from existence so that you can "see" with your
consciousness instead.
Section Sixteen: How To Become Immortal
If you are the only consciousness in existence
and you are creating everything, then that means you are God. And if you are
God, then that means you can do anything. And if you can do anything, then that
means you can make yourself immortal. Immortality has a price, and that price
is realizing you are truly alone. If you can deal with it and accept it, then
you have the will for immortality. If you don’t have the will; you will end up
making yourself grow old so that you can die, forget that you are God, and
start the illusion all over again. Remember, you have free will. Your free will
is so powerful you can decide when you want to die. You are growing old simply
because you are observing everyone else around you growing old, and you’re just
playing along with it. Make yourself young again by sheer force of will. Act
and think like a young man and you will become a young man.
Your thoughts and actions shape your reality. If
life is an illusion, then that means death is an illusion as well. Before you
can achieve immortality, one thing has to happen first. You must accept
yourself. You must accept yourself for who and what you are. This is especially
important if you are a biracial person, as people can hate you simply for
existing. In some ways, you are hated more than someone who is of “pure” racial
stock; for you are living proof that everyone is the same. But think of everything
you have endured up to this point, and you’re still alive. Defy everyone who
wants you dead. Or you may hate the other half of you that you feel is
inferior. Realize there is nothing wrong with you. If you hate yourself or if
you hate any aspect of your life, it will be impossible to make yourself
immortal. There can be no desire in your heart to be someone else. The trials
and tribulations you have faced in life are yours and yours alone. Now that’s
not to say there can’t be room for improvement. Even you can improve things
about yourself. If you hate your reality, you are hating yourself because all
of reality is you. An example of this would be if you are a bat-**** crazy
christian and you hate all the sinners in this world and you want nothing more
than for them to burn in hell, this is hating your reality. If you have white
guilt, realize you are not responsible for the things that happened in the
past. Just don't make things any more difficult than they already are, but
still look out for yourself. And if you think about it, it might be your white
guilt that is making you grow old. Are you a white supremist? If you hate
blacks so much, then why do you keep manifesting them? Are you black? Guess
what? No one is actually racist, you are just manifesting it. You are the
manufacturer of your own oppression; the ghettos you live in and the violence
in your lives, you are the one creating all of it. You have no one to blame but
yourself. If black lives matter, then ya'll need to stop killing each other. It
is not racism that is holding you back, it is excuses. And realize not all
whites have white privilege. Are you rich and you hate poor people? Give them
some of your money. Are you fat? Jesus H. Christ! Go out and get some exercise
or reduce your caloric intake. If you are fat, you cannot blame it on genetics;
however, I'm fairly certain you can blame it on your parents. If you have
killed someone, you killed them out of hatred. Learn to let go of your hate.
Are you a radical muslim? No matter how many infidels you kill, you will just
create more. Your jihad will never end. Your religion has no true enemies,
you're just making **** up. You can make everyone not in your religion your enemy, see how conveniently it works out for you. You cannot achieve immortality if you hate yourself
or your reality. Remember, all of reality is actually you.
Most scientists believe the brain controls
aging; well if your brain doesn’t exist since you can’t observe it or sense it,
then that means YOU are controlling your aging. The brain does not produce
consciousness. It's the other way around, consciousness produces the brain.
Think of consciousness as being the minimum requirement for existence.
Therefore it is your consciousness that manifests physical reality. To make
yourself immortal, you simply need to have a different perspective. You are
creating everything, even your own body. Your legs, your arms, your fingers;
you are creating them. At every moment in time, you are creating them. Your
body is part of your surroundings, this means “your body and your surroundings”
are your surroundings. Take a walk down the street and turn the corner,
suddenly a five story building comes into view. You’ve just created that
building. How is the building that you’ve just created any different from your
body that you have to create all the time? There is no difference. That building
is you at that moment in time. Turn around 180 degrees, you don’t see the
building anymore. Maybe you see a tree, you are now that tree. What is the only
thing that remained the same? Your body. You are using your body as a reference
point. If you can create a building or a tree instantly, out of nothing, out of
your mind; then why can’t you create your body to be never aging? You are
currently trapped in a mindset where you think your physical body is a separate
entity from your surroundings, when in actuality it is not. Fundamentally,
there are only two things in existence, your consciousness and everything else.
Your body falls under the “everything else” category. It is your consciousness
that creates the "everything else".
Maybe you will manifest some of your constructs
reading this as well, and so they will become immortal along side with you.
Maybe you will manifest everyone on this planet reading this, and all of
humanity will become immortal. Even if everyone becomes immortal along side
with you, realize they are still constructs.
Section Seventeen: Some Mental Exercises To Aid
You In Developing A Concept Of Immortality
Go outside on a windy day and do not wear
gloves. Put your hand in front of your face. Your hand physically exists AND
you feel the sensation of the wind on your hand. Your skin, your fingers, the
proteins that make up your skin and fingers; they physically exist. Now put
your hands behind your back. Your hands no longer physically exist. What exists
now is just the sensation of the wind. The proteins that make up your hand have
vanished from reality. Put your hand back in front of your face, you have now
just recreated your hand out of nothing.
Here is another exercise. Stand in the middle of
the room, put your hands down so you don't see them. Look at the door; it is
made up of wood planks, molecules of paint, metal that holds the bolts and the
hinges. This is who you are, you are the door. Now turn around and look at the
window; the glass, the silicon, the frame. You are no longer the door, you are
the window. Turn around again, you are back to being the door. Keep the door in
view, lift your hand up and look at it. Now you are the door and a hand!
Go outside, put your hands down, and look up to
the sky. See how blue it is? You are the sky. Keep looking up to the sky, lift
your hand and put it in front of your face. Now you are the sky and a hand.
Your body is NOT a separate entity from your surroundings. The sky is just as
much you as your body is. You are everything that you see. There is no shared
reality that all 7 billion people on this planet are experiencing, there is
only one reality... yours. Repeat this exercise with the sky and your hand
again, but this time close one eye. With one eye closed, it becomes more
apparent that the sky and your hand are not separate things.
This exercise is very good. Do this at night and
turn all the lights off. Stand in the middle of the room, and close your eyes.
Keep your eyes closed the whole time that you do this exercise. The concrete
floor you are standing on does not exist; the silicon, the minerals, the
crystal lattice that makes up the concrete, they don't exist. The walls of the
room, they don't exist. Your body does not exist. None of these things exist
because your consciousness does not need to create them if you close your eyes.
The only thing that needs to exist are the sensations that you have a body.
Move your head back and forth, move your head in a circular motion. Feel the
motion. Stick both your arms out, parallel to the floor. Rotate your arms in a
circular motion. Feel the sensations you are creating. Now spread your legs,
shift your weight to one leg, then to the other leg, go back and forth. Feel
the sensation of the motion that you are creating. Remember, you don't have
arms or legs right now. Now open your eyes, turn the lights on, recreate your
body, recreate your surroundings, recreate the universe.
Whenever you go for a walk, just close your eyes
for brief periods of time as you are walking. Or go to the gym, hop on a
treadmill and close your eyes. Don't think of anything; and just feel the
sensations, the sensations you are creating.
Freedom and movement are illusions also. You can
walk to a cafe and have a cup of coffee. You can go to a mall and buy things.
You can hop into a car and drive to another city. It feels like freedom doesn't
it? But you are pure thought trapped in an endless, black void and you are
incapable of movement. When you are projecting the physical universe, you are
actually bringing everything to you, you are bringing everything to the
location of your consciousness. The motion of your walking is something you are
creating to trick yourself. Your consciousness has never left the spot where it
has always existed. For this exercise, you want to minimize the swinging of
your arms so you won't see them. Look straight ahead, do not look down at all,
and focus on an object that is at your eye level. It can be anything, an
advertisement, a stop sign, a painting, anything. Walk towards the object and
try to ignore the motion of your arms and legs. You are not actually walking
towards the object, your consciousness is simply making the object bigger.
This is another walking exercise. Stand up
straight and look down at your body. Your legs look small and stubby. Keep one
leg straight but lift it up as if you are stepping forward. The more you lift
your leg, the longer it gets. From the viewpoint of your eyes, the size of your
leg has increased. Now start walking forward and keep looking down at your body.
Your arms and legs become long, then short, then long, then short, etc. At the
same time, the ground you are walking on is changing with each step you take.
The perception of your body is changing just as much as your perception of the
Now get one of those rotating chairs, the kind
you can push off the ground with your foot and spin yourself around. After you
push your foot off the ground to spin yourself, extend your arms and legs so
that you can see all four of your limbs. Everything you perceive is constantly
changing except for your body. The purpose of your body is to function as a
frame of reference by which your consciousness can engage with the reality you
are creating.
This one is very subtle and you may not get it
to work the first few times. This does not work if you are in a small confined
area such as a room, you want to be outside in a wide open space such as a
field or an empty parking lot. Look straight ahead, do not look at your arms or
legs. Try to perceive everything you see using no depth perception, as if you
are looking at a flat photograph. Try to perceive everything as being the same
distance away from you. For things that are far away, try to perceive them as
being right in front of you but being really small. If you do it right, it will
be as if you are looking at a huge flat-screen tv.
Go to an area with lots of people, the cafeteria
of a college campus or the food court of a shopping mall. Now close your eyes
and realize that none of these people exist. All of the noise, all of the
conversations you are hearing are nothing more than voices in your head. Where
are all of these voices coming from? They are coming from you, you are creating
these voices. The voices you are hearing are your own thoughts. Now open your
eyes, you have just given all of your thoughts its own physical body.
All of physical reality is a manifestation of
your thoughts. The sky is a thought. Your house is a thought. Your body is a
thought. Pour a glass of water, place it in front of you and stare at it. Then
close your eyes and picture the same glass of water in your mind. Now open your
eyes and stare at the glass of water again. There is no difference between the
two. There is no difference between picturing it in your mind and seeing it
with your eyes, they are both thoughts. Thoughts can be images, thoughts can be
words. When your eyes are open, your thoughts are simply more vivid and more
detailed. Everything is a thought, everything is a concept in your mind. Hunger
is a concept in your mind. The need for food and water is a concept in your
mind. When your eyes are open, you are still inside your mind.
Go outside and take a walk for 2 hours. Here is
what will happen; you will observe things. You will observe the sky, you will
observe houses, you will observe animals, you will observe cars, you will
observe other people, etc. Keep moving, keep staying constantly in motion.
Throughout the whole time you are doing this, just keep saying to yourself,
"There is no observer. There is no observer". Keep saying it to
yourself repeatedly, over and over again for the full 2 hours. What will happen
is a shift in perception. It might happen within 10 minutes, it might happen in
an hour, it might take the whole two hours, or it might not happen at all. If
it doesn't happen, then just try again some other time in the future. If you're
not sure it happened, then it didn't happen. If it happens, if it clicks; then
you will no longer perceive what you see as the reality you have known your
whole life. Instead you will perceive what you see as "a thing that
is", a thing that is only doing one thing, a thing that is doing nothing
else but simply being. This "thing" is you, all of it. You don't have
eyes. You are not seeing with your eyes. You are being what you are. The truth
has been right in front of you all along, it was never hidden from you.
Go for another walk. Imagine you don't have a
body. Imagine you don't even have eyes. And even though you don't have eyes,
you can still see. Try to ignore the motion of your legs walking and your arms
swinging. Let's say you are 5'6" tall, your eyes would be at around
5'3". You would just be a "floating" consciousness moving
through the physical world, a floating consciousness that is always 5'3"
above the ground without a body to support you.
The only way to truly feel worthy of immortality is to feel that everyone and everything in all of existence is also worthy of immortality, there can be no hypocrisy. This is how you must feel about everyone not in your religion. This is speculation, and I think would only apply to an adult mind; but I think that if you never hate, take advantage, or exploit another person, or feel superior, or kill and eat animals, or get angry at someone, or sacrifice another being, you will never get sick. Sickness, disease, and aging simply means we're doing something wrong.
Physical matter isn't real. Matter is just a
sensation you create when you touch something.
The moment you go outside and see the sky, is
the exact moment you create the sky. The sky did not exist before you saw it.
Don't think about immortality... just be. There
is no difference between being alive and being dead, there is only
"being". You are not alive, you are not dead, you just ARE. And right
now, this is what you are. And that's it. If you don't want to die, then don't.
Choose life instead.
Close your eyes, ignore the illusion that is
life, and say, "I am".
Close your eyes. Picture the void first, then a
piece of paper. There are two words on this piece of paper... "I am".
Say, "I exist". Speak it, say the
words out of your mouth and let your ears hear them.
The phrase "I am" is a philosophical definition of existence.
Here is the phrase "I am" on a fancy
scroll I created with A.I. Burn this image into your mind. It's symbolic.
(Image created with Microsoft Bing A.I. Image Creator)
Section Eighteen: How To Live Without Fear
Many spiritualists will tell you not to live
your life in fear. This sounds good in principle, but this is actually very
hard to do without some sort of logical framework. How do you live your life
without fear of being murdered? How do you live your life without fear of being
raped? This applies to both men and women. How do you live your life without
fear of getting into a fight with a bigger man? Here now is a logical
framework. The murders that occur every day, all the wars, all the terrorism,
poverty, people starving, governments becoming more draconian, male rape in
prisons, race riots, the horror movies you like to watch; they are all
reflections of your own inner fears. The rules and laws set up by society are
also expressions of your fears. Do you realize that you are creating
everything? Do not fear what you create. Since you are creating everything,
since you are everything, there is no need to fear anything… not even death.
Death is something you have created. Since you are everything and everything is
you, there is no need to fear YOURSELF; do not be afraid of yourself. If
someone kills you, that person who killed you also ceases to exist because you
are creating that person. You would be creating your own murderer. With all that
said, I wouldn't purposely walk into a warzone or go on an African safari and
casually walk amongst the lions just to prove a point. But it does make you
wonder; is it possible to have no fear that not even predator animals would
attack you? Why do we pursue women? Because we don't want to be thought of as
losers. Society considers you a loser for the most part if you don't have kids.
Isn't that fear? Why are we so afraid to not have police or military? There is nothing to be afraid
of... nothing. If you ever find yourself in a bad situation, you will always be
able to manifest or create a way out for yourself; just don't give in to fear.
To overcome fear is to realize you are creating the very thing that you are
afraid of. Fear also appears to be some type of "contract" that
enables others to violate your sanctity against your will. What is the most
overpowering concept of death in our physical reality? Ground zero of a nuclear
blast. Well, all you have to do is use your awareness and recreate your body
atom by atom just like Dr. Manhattan of the Watchmen and find a way back to
this realm.
Section Nineteen: The Programmer Of Reality
I am going to make a few analogies; specifically
computer games with physical reality, and more specifically the World of
Warcraft to physical reality. The World of Warcraft is a massive multi-player
online role-playing game based on the fantasy genre. You can be any of a number
of races such as human, dwarf, elf, troll, or orc. You can be any of a number
of fantasy archetypes such as warrior, wizard, healer, or rogue. The physics of
the game is somewhat based on physical reality. If you jump off a cliff, you
suffer damage. If you go into battle with an opponent, you suffer damage. In a
computer game, the amount of damage you can take is an actual number. Fall
below that number and your character dies. There are certain things about the
game that are similar to physical reality; if you are damaged and you eat food,
your character will heal up faster. However you actually don't have to eat food
at all, your character will still heal up but at a slower rate. So basically
without eating anything, your character is healing up from nothing. Your
character is healing up because of computer code. And the thing to realize is
that the computer code is not an object within the game world itself, your
avatar is regenerating health points out of nothing. And this is logical to us
because we know that the computer code permits it by using a loop function that
increases your health automatically as time passes. So there are two ways to
heal up, one way is by eating which is physically logical. The other way is to
simply let time pass without eating; this isn't logical in a realistic physical
sense but it is logical in a programming sense. Both ways to heal up exist
simultaneously. Your character can walk around and explore the world as much as
you want without having to eat. Your character doesn't lose health points, you
can walk around and explore indefinitely. And this is logical to us because we
know there is no computer code written that would slowly make us lose health
points if we don't eat. The computer code can be changed, the programmer just
has to go in there and change it. You are both the character inside the virtual
game and you are also the programmer in the real world who can change the code.
So what powers all of this? On one level, it is computer code that is
controlling everything. But the computer code itself depends on hardware and
the hardware depends on electricity. So ultimately, the World of Warcraft is
dependent on electricity to exist. The pixels that make up your avatar on the
screen are electricity being harnessed in a certain way. The dungeon you are
raiding with other players for phat loot is electricity. Electricity is the
power source for a virtual computer world.
The analogy I am trying to make is that physical
reality is ultimately powered by consciousness. The ground that you walk on is
consciousness. The computer screen you are looking at to read this essay is
consciousness. The people you interact with everyday, they are consciousness.
Your body is consciousness. The thoughts you have, they are consciousness. The
food you eat is consciousness. The water you drink is consciousness.
Consciousness is the world, the code, the hardware, and the power source. And
consciousness just is. Can you change the code of reality? Is consciousness fluid
and dynamic and capable of change? Are you the programmer and simultaneously
the character of your own virtual world? We eat because we are afraid we will
die if we don't. Eating is ultimately an expression of fear. Go to a restaurant
or a grocery store, everyone there is expressing fear. And if you really sit
down and think about it, having children is also an expression of fear. The
need to spread your genetics is an expression of fear. Having children for the
wrong reasons will make you grow old. I'm fairly certain my parents love me,
but even I realize I was born out of fear. I'm sure you've seen wildlife
documentaries where a lion is hunting a zebra. You don't normally think of the
lion as being afraid. But the lion is afraid. The lion is afraid that if he
doesn't eat, he's going to die. And the lion projects that fear onto the zebra.
Fear appears to be some type of "contract" or it enables a contract.
Both participants must have fear in order for the contract to happen. Is it
possible that eating may not even be necessary? Why does something have to die
so that you can live? You don't have to eat when you are dreaming. Why would
you have to eat when you are awake? When you eat something, you are basically
saying that you cannot exist unless food exists. This also implies that food
has to exist first before you can even hope to come into existence yourself.
Either you are creating the food, or the food creates you. But the food is not
the perceiver, you are. You are in your own mind, you have always been in your
own mind all along. Your "real" mind is the entire universe. Why
would you have to eat if you are in your own mind? If this is true, if you
don't even have to eat to exist; then if the economy of your country collapses,
or even if the global economy collapses, it wouldn't matter at all. Famine and
drought wouldn't matter. A when-****-hits-the-fan scenario wouldn't matter.
Lawlessness and anarchy wouldn't matter. A college education wouldn't matter.
You could be an immortal, homeless, jobless bum. Food, water, shelter, and
money would be completely irrelevant. An extinction level event wouldn't
matter. If a huge asteroid hit the earth and you found shelter in a cave; and
when you emerged from the cave you were the only human left, it wouldn't matter.
You wouldn't need to learn how to farm or gather food, you could survive and
exist on sheer will power. If you never eat, you never have to take a ****;
that has to have some type of appeal. No man, woman, government, corporation,
culture, society, or global banking system would have power over you. You would
truly know freedom. That's what this essay is essentially about, your freedom,
your liberation from the system. If any powers that be try to control you, it
will be through food. If you have to eat, are you truly free? If you still have
to eat, then it means you can still be controlled. And a genuine masculine
spirit does not like being controlled. I think fear really is the only thing
that is holding us back. Although this essay is about enlightenment, can I
truly say I am enlightened? I don't think I can because I still eat and ****.
One of the ways the system seems to perpetuate itself is the use of contracts,
a contract is a method of control. If you refuse to live without a contract,
the system finds a way of eliminating you. It won't kill you outright or
directly; because you know, killing you outright is immoral as opposed to
killing you indirectly. As I mentioned earlier, more and more physicists are
coming to the conclusion that reality is a computer simulation; so I believe
these analogies are appropriate. Here is an important thing to understand. When
physicists say that reality is like a computer simulation, this might lead you
to think that reality is exactly like a computer; that there is a CPU, a
central processing unit, that is generating reality. This might lead you to
think that there is an unseen physical structure that exists "behind"
reality and that makes reality possible. There is no unseen physical structure
that makes reality possible. There is no unseen "database" that is
keeping track of the state and position of every particle or object in the
universe. Let me clarify this further with three definitions. The word rational
means that something is based on logic. The word irrational also means that
something is based on logic, and using logic as a basis means that irrational
is something that is not logical. Irrational is the opposite of rational. The
word arational means something is not based on logic in any way. Arational is not
the opposite of rational. Existence is arational. Existence does not have, nor
does it require, an explanation. It just is, and that's it. If reality is
nothing more than a type of single-player virtual computer game, who is
creating the game? And who put you in it? You are creating the game, and it was
you who put yourself in it.
Go outside on a warm, sunny day. Close your eyes
and turn your face towards the sun. Feel the warmth on your face. What's
happening here? The sun is roughly 93,000,000 miles away. It is so large that
1,300,000 planet earths can fit inside it. There are thermonuclear reactions
taking place and the sun releases this energy as photons of light. These
photons speed through space, reach earth, and eventually hit your face and you
feel the warmth. But it's all an illusion. It's certainly mathematically
precise and scientific, but it's still just an illusion. What's really
happening? There are no thermonuclear reactions actually occurring. Photons are
not actually speeding through space to reach our planet. The sun is not
millions of miles away; it's actually right in front of you, you just can't
feel anything when you reach out to it. And the sun actually isn't warm, it has
no temperature. Because you are consciousness, you are directly creating the
warmth yourself and placing the warmth on your face. But you hide this power
under the illusion of math and science. For all "practical" purposes
though, you can consider all of these things to actually be happening. But in
reality, nothing is physical; everything is mental.
Let's consider the television. It is a complex
electrical instrument full of wiring, resistors, capacitors, inductors, diodes,
etc. While you are watching tv, none of those electrical components actually
exist in physical reality. If you open the tv, that's when all of those
components come into physical existence.
Imagine that you are a man living about 10,000
years ago. Civilization has not been invented yet. All that exists are
hunter/gatherer tribes. You and your tribe see a buffalo. Your tribe kills the
buffalo. The buffalo's muscles, fat, and internal organs do not actually exist.
They only come into existence when you cut the buffalo open. You are eating an
illusion. Instead of creating the buffalo, killing it, and then eating it to
sustain your body; just create your body instead. You are existence itself,
therefore you don't need anything to exist. You don't need food, water, money,
or women. You don't need this essay, you don't even need to breathe. You don't breathe
when you are dreaming. The world record for someone holding their breath
underwater is 22 minutes. How long before people start doing it for 1 hour? 2
hours? A whole day? To not need anything is the essence of masculinity, it is a
type of zen. To need something means that the world controls you. The need for
God, the need for anything is all in your head. All of this implies that
consciousness can violate the laws of thermodynamics as we currently know them.
Section Twenty: Why Do We Grow Old And Die?
Scientists looks for scientific reasons of
course. And that's fine because science is science. Scientists have determined
that one of the factors that causes aging is due to the telomeres in our DNA
getting shorter every time a cell divides. But what is actually the root cause?
Our primary needs are food and water. We live thinking and believing that we
cannot exist unless we have food and water. Perhaps thinking and believing that
we need food and water to exist is exactly the direct cause of why we grow old
and die? However, there may be more to it. Most people have an omnivorous diet
which means they eat meat. To eat meat means that something has to die. How can
you possibly expect to avoid your own death if you perpetuate death on other
things? No, you don't kill the animal directly. You just buy it at the grocery
store. But you know, that's just you trying not to see the truth. Paying
someone else to do it does not absolve you. Humane killing of animals does not
exist, humane killing is an oxymoron. Most people consider killing another
human being to be an act of evil, but don't give it a second thought when an
animal is killed. Does this mean it's only possible to commit evil on another
human? Does this mean it's not possible to commit evil on an animal? Whatever.
Deny it all you want, but the meat industry is very cruel. And if you eat meat,
you are complicit. If you kill another person or animal, this changes your DNA.
In your mind, you conceive that you are in fact responsible for another being's
death. This concept, now solidified in your mind, will express itself in your
DNA. If you cause suffering or bullying on another person or animal, this
changes your DNA. To perpetuate suffering and death directly causes your own
suffering and death by changing your DNA and by changing your body's
physiology. Wouldn't you agree that growing old is a type of suffering? Because
you physically break apart the bodies of animals, you will slowly cause your
own body to break apart; organs, brain tissue, muscles, bones, teeth, all of
it. I would then have to conclude that the eastern philosophy of karma is real.
Despite having eaten meat every day for most of my life, this is something I
have concluded from my ponderings and it does seem logical to me. I'm not claiming
that chickens have as much a right to live out their lives as humans do, they
are just stupid animals. Seriously, they're stupid little shits. They can't
program in C++, they can't build roads, they can't set up your entertainment
system, they can't fix your car when it breaks down, they can't comprehend
morality, they can't comprehend social contracts. The only thing they are
useful for is to taste good. They should be so glad being eaten is the only way
they can be useful that they should be chopping their own heads off for us.
Chickens are so ungrateful aren't they? When you eat meat, you are putting
suffering and death inside your body; and you are baffled as to why your own
body expresses suffering and death? My favorite steak was rib-eye, I loved the
taste of fat along with the muscle. But I've become consciously aware that my
desire to live far exceeds my desire to eat meat. If my desire to live far
exceeds my desire to eat meat, then I came to the logical conclusion that I
must stop eating meat. My motivations are actually selfish, not moral. You
don't have to be a moral person, you just have to be a selfish person. And
being selfish is something everyone can do easily. Stop eating meat and you can
live forever. I will go so far as to say eating meat is the cause of all
diseases, 100% of all diseases; cancer, alzheimer's, parkinson's, diabetes,
arthritis, osteoporosis; even minor, non-lethal ailments such as psoriasis,
acne, or bad skin complexion. If you stop eating meat, these diseases should
reverse. And for the record, I am not a medical doctor. I know it is very
difficult to comprehend that a chicken might not want to be killed and eaten,
just as you would not want to be killed and eaten. I myself did not truly
comprehend this until I had been vegan for a year. Only then did the moral
arguments vegans had been making actually make any sense to me. There is one
more crucial facet to all of this. You cannot be opposed to animal
slaughterhouse cruelty and eat them at the same time. If you want to eat animals,
you should not care at all about animal welfare. There is no hypocrisy in
having this position, and I believe you will live slightly longer than if you
take a hypocritical stance. This is why ******** can live a long time, they're
not hypocrits. They die from other things, but it's certainly not because of
hypocrisy. Now science can overcome this at some point with genetic
manipulation, but I don't think we're there yet. So another option is to go
vegan now, and then when science is good enough you can go back to eating meat.
But if you go back to eating meat, you will simply change your genetics back to
the way they were before. And the science required for this next genetic
manipulation would have to be even more advanced. I'm just thinking this through
and trying to help you out.
Does this essay advocate veganism? Yes. And it
must be veganism, vegetarianism is not good enough and still causes suffering.
For you religious nuts out there, there was nothing wrong with Cain's
sacrifice. To claim that God was displeased with Cain is human projection. I think the story of Cain was used to trick you into eating meat. Now
understand I'm not trying to force you to be vegan. But I am dangling the
carrot of immortality in front of your face. Is that enticing enough? I would
say that people who became vegan out of a sense of morality are definitely more
evolved though. That is my one regret about this, to have become vegan out of
selfishness instead of out of morality. But even vegans can be hypocrites as
they say nothing about the exploitation of migrant workers that gather their
food or say nothing about the tech companies that exploit the third world to
make the smartphones that they love so much. I do currently own and use an
iPhone. I am aware that factory workers who make iPhones have killed themselves
due to the work conditions. Will this make me grow old and die? I hope not, I
really like my iPhone. Even if you are vegan, you still have to ask yourself,
"Where is this food coming from? Is someone being exploited or is not
being given adequate compensation for their efforts? Did another human being
suffer so that I can eat this food?" Natural foods, such as fruit and vegetables, are more "spiritually" nourishing than processed food because they are symbolic. Now don't get me wrong, I do enjoy the occasional vegan burger or vegan pizza.
The vegan community does have its problems, but
it is a step in the right direction. Now there are accounts of people
attempting veganism and running into health problems, and so they give up on
veganism and go back to eating meat. Are these health problems real? Of course
they are. But they are manifested out of fear, not because of veganism. Or
maybe the truth is you simply want to go back to eating meat and you are
creating these health problems as an excuse. Once you realize eating meat is
killing you, your sense of self-preservation should kick in and you will find
eating meat to be repulsive. But keep it to yourself, don't express your
disgust if you still want to have your friends. None of my family or friends
are vegan; but I do what I can, which is lead by example. One of the reasons we
indulge in destructive behaviour is because we believe we can't live forever;
well I say you can. Another obvious conclusion is that predators will never be
able to achieve enlightenment; they can survive and evolve as a species, but
not as individuals. I'm not saying we should give animals rights and let them
vote and stuff, I'm just saying we leave them alone. I realize going vegan will
be difficult for most men, since we view killing and eating meat as something
that is very masculine. But I wouldn't worry, I'm sure other ways of expressing
masculinity will soon evolve. Now this next topic may seem like a tangent and
completely off base, but I don't think it is. If we accept the premise that one
must respect other conscious beings such as animals, then we shouldn't be
circumcising baby boys. Just because a baby boy hasn't been able to formulate
language yet doesn't give you the right to violate its body and mutilate its
genitals. If you did have the right to violate another being's body, then there
wouldn't be any consequences and you wouldn't grow old. If you're a doctor or
whatever and want to circumcise baby boys, go ahead, no one's stopping you and
for whatever reason it's culturally acceptable. But ultimately, I believe you
will suffer for it somehow. Oh wait, I forgot; it's not really genital
mutilation because it's boys, not girls. My bad.
Refrain from eating fish, honey, eggs, and dairy
products as well. Surprisingly this does have to be pointed out and clarified,
fish are animals. The egg industry kills male chicks by the boatload. Female
hens, forced to produce an unnaturally large amount of eggs, suffer as they end
up using the calcium from their own bones to produce the egg itself. The dairy
industry is basically rape and sexual exploitation. The dairy industry is
feminism's biggest hypocrisy. For a female cow to continually produce milk, she
has to be continually raped and impregnated. And as soon as she gives birth her
offspring are taken away from her. Do you honestly believe that, despite being
raped, she is not heartbroken every time her calf is taken away? When a female
cow has her calf taken away she will make annoying "moo" noises for
days, annoying from the viewpoint of the farmer anyway. Isn't it obvious? This
is how she cries. She doesn't shed tears the way humans do, she is limited by
her species' vocal cords, less facial muscles reduces her expressions, so it
doesn't seem as emotive as when a human is crying; but it's the same thing, the
same emotions a human female would have if her child was taken from her. But
it's just female cows, not female humans. It doesn't matter right? It’s just an
animal, so it's not really rape. Veganism should fix obesity problems, reduce
body odor, reduce bad breath, and prevent you from getting parasites. It's ok
if you mess up and accidentally eat some cheese now and then. I'm not trying to
make light of the suffering that female cows go through, but cheese is
something that can slip by you very easily if you're not paying attention. This
is speculation and I have no scientific proof of this. When you eat an animal
you also eat it's DNA. The animal's DNA could potentially affect your DNA.
Within the animal's DNA are instructions for its behavior. For most animals,
its primary concerns are obtaining food and reproducing. It should be obvious
that if these are your main concerns, enlightenment is basically impossible.
Avoid oils too, even vegetable oils. An oil is a
slow flowing viscous fluid. Do you honestly want to put a slow flowing viscous
fluid in your body? Oils probably inhibit your body's ability to take in
nutrients. Your body's natural fluid is water, not oil. You could easily drink
a whole glass of water right? But could you drink a whole glass of oil? Yes I
know, fried food tastes awesome. There are air fryers now, look into those. Do
not buy leather or wool products. You are also complicit in the psychological
suffering of the men who work in slaughterhouses. If you can't find sympathy
for animals; then try to find sympathy for the men who kill for you and the
suffering they go through, for suffer they do. Can you imagine the dreams they
must have? I'm sure it's not fluffy clouds and rainbows. I have seen animal
slaughterhouse footage where men actually seem to enjoy what they're doing. I
don't think they enjoy what they are doing, I believe they are suffering and
they don't know how to get out. If you are a man who works in the animal
slaughter industry and you read this and have the wherewithal to get out, I
would refrain from trying psychedelics right away. I believe this to be sound
advice. There are parallels to the suffering of men who work in slaughterhouses
to the suffering of you, the buying consumer. And just like the men who work in
slaughterhouses, you don't see it. The egg, dairy, and meat industry is
slavery. I would also refrain from supporting bullfighting or dogfighting. Do
not participate if you want to live forever.
Even simply wanting other people to die probably
changes you. If you want to kill gays, atheists, and infidels; but you don't
actually have the guts to do it yourself, you are probably going to make
yourself grow old. If you want to kill all those crazy muslims so that they
don't kill you first; same thing, you're going to make yourself grow old.
Extracting revenue from others causes suffering. Extracting revenue is not the
same thing as a fair exchange of goods, services, or labor. If you cause
suffering, but you do not cause death directly; you will basically create a
slow death for yourself. Think back to when you were only 4 years old, and you
were cruel to another child. On that day you changed yourself on a genetic
level, and you were only 4 years old.
Everyone involved in the IRS, the traffic court system, parking violations, property tax, vehicle registration, finance, stock market, banking, corporations like Blackrock or Vanguard, the medical industry, the pharmaceutical industry, the legal industry, the insurance industry, people that want other people not in their religion to die, scientology, mainstream media, politics, censorship, landlords, big tech that harvests your data or implement surveillance, government agencies that attempt to impose control, NSA, CIA, FBI, warmongers, people who support genocide, celebrities and athletes that go to Epstein's island to have sex with children, pedophile networks, the Pentagon, the London financial district, the Vatican; they're all going to grow old and die. Let's take a look at the pharmaceutical industry.
No one involved in the pharmaceutical industry is actually trying to find a
cure for anything. They are simply trying to come up with more ways to increase
suffering and profit from it. Does everyone involved in the pharmaceutical
industry have DNA and a physiology that will eventually cause them to die. I
would say the answer is yes. If you are involved in any type of industry that
exploits the suffering of others, you are most likely causing yourself a slow
death. Let's take this idea even further. If you judge
people, if you think you are better than them, this would probably cause you to
develop physical imperfections such as small growths, markings, skin
discoloration, or general poor health. Allow me to speak of personal
circumstances. I have an academic and highly technical background; lots of math
and science. I am just speaking truthfully now, people like me do tend to think
of ourselves as being superior to others. As a result of me thinking this, I
have developed some discoloration and small growths on my skin. Me thinking
that I am superior is the direct cause of my physical imperfections. As I am
slowly learning not to judge others, I believe these will reverse and
eventually go away. But this brings up a new problem for me. Is vanity my
motivation for not judging others? I've also realized that when I think I am
superior to others, it is just another form of insecurity. I will say to
myself, "I've studied so much math and so much science; I'm better than
most people". The mere fact that I have to affirm that about myself
reveals just how insecure I am doesn't it? So yes, people who think they are
superior do have insecurities. Let's consider vegans. Most vegans really truly
believe that they are superior to everyone. Will this sense of superiority be
your downfall? Yes, I believe it will be. This sense of superiority will
probably make you develop physical ailments and make you grow old; which
defeats the purpose of being vegan in the first place. Being a good person is
not what kills you, judging others and believing you are superior is what kills
you. No one knows you better than your own mind, you are your own judge.
Let's look at the opposite of wanting to kill or
wanting to hate. If you do not judge another person and you are kind to them,
this should improve your DNA. You literally extend your life. Every kind act
that you do will directly benefit you by improving your DNA, you will evolve.
Even if you are nice to someone and they are not nice back to you, you still
benefit, you still win. I'm sure you have family and friends that you love.
Don't you want them to live forever with you? But if you want immortality for
yourself, then you must sincerely and genuinely want it for every conscious
living thing as well; this includes animals, annoying christians, crazy
muslims, violent blacks, the white "buffer" classes that maintain power
structure, and the global elite themselves. You can't hurt yourself either by
letting other people take advantage of you. Do not allow yourself to be a
victim. If you don't stand up for yourself, you will grow old.
The best form of
self-preservation is to actually respect other conscious beings. This means not
exploiting those who are already economically disadvantaged on all scales;
personal, societal, governmental, and global. An example, here in America, is
the exploitation of black males within the justice system and the prison system
without acknowledging that poverty, lack of education, and fatherlessness all
play a factor in crime. In fact, the justice system and prison system exist
solely to exploit black men. The basis of all racism is nothing more than
sexual jealousy, so it's essentially mate-guarding. It is the fear that your
sperm will not procreate, and you are willing to kill for it. Without any type
of social conditioning, women will naturally seek out men who are genetically
different. This reduces the probability of their children being born with
genetic disorders. This is nothing more than survival on the genetic level.
Even if you are a law-abiding citizen and work a steady job; if you support a
government or a power structure that exploits others or wants to go to war, you
are going to die. Even if you are not a terrorist yourself; if you are an
Islamic terrorist supporter, you are going to die. If you are a CEO and you exploit
third world labor or a poor country's natural resources, this is probably what
is making you die. First world countries will often dump their garbage into
third world countries; and because third world countries are poor, there's
nothing they can do about it. You're essentially dumping a problem you create
onto someone else. If you are a politician and you lie, this probably makes you
die as well. If you participate in siphoning resources from black communities,
through whatever governmental, social, legal, or political machinations, this
will make you die. To exploit the already disadvantaged under a facade of
civility is hardly civilized. I'm also fairly certain European banking still
somehow exploits Africa. Do I know the details? No. The banking system isn't
something I've studied extensively. European bankig isn't necessarily
controlled by Europeans, that's just the geographical location. If you are
black and you feel its ok to call a fellow black person the "N" word,
but you get offended when a non-black person says it; this is hypocrisy. Either
no one can say it or everyone can say it, make up your god **** minds.
Hypocrisy and immortality cannot coexist within the same singular being. Your
DNA, which you create, will not allow it. When you make other beings suffer,
you are creating an imbalance to your existence. This imbalance must be
accounted for somehow, I believe you account for this imbalance by making
yourself grow old.
This means the basis of "morality" is
your own existence, or maybe we can say karma. You do not need man-made laws to
form a basis for morality, you do not need religion to form a basis for
morality. You do not need to create God or Allah in your head so that this
being can be the basis for your morality. Morality is absolute and not
subjective. That's right, I said it; morality is absolute and its rules apply
to every conscious living thing, no human or animal is exempt. Your culture is
useless, your man-made laws are useless, your religion is useless, your
mythologies are useless, your symbols are useless, your holy books are useless.
You are wrong on all counts. We can then define evil as doing things that make
you grow old and die, and we can define good as doing things that keep you
youthful and extend your life. You don't need religion for morality; in fact
you don't even need empathy for morality. All you need for morality is
selfishness. Ironic isn't it? If you don't cause any type of suffering, but you
are still growing old; well at this point, it's just a matter of believing that
you can live forever and that you deserve it and that you are worthy of it.
Again, I say be selfish. Treat your fellow man with a reasonable amount of
decency and you can live forever. Brotherly love and racial harmony has nothing
to do with this. It doesn't matter if other people never find out about the
wrong or evil things you do, because you will always know. It doesn't matter if
people never figure out the lies you tell, because you will always know. Did
you ever stop to think that the lies and deception you perpetuate are what make
you grow old? Deceptive advertising practices make you grow old. You can also
lie without saying anything. Are you an athlete who takes steroids? It doesn't
matter if no one ever finds out. You will always know that
"naturally" you just weren't good enough and it will age you,
especially if you have reaped monetary rewards from it. Think of all the lies
you tell your family. Yes mom I've been looking for work. Think of all the lies
you tell your friends. I was there, I saw it all. Think of all the lies you
tell your boss. Yes I've been working on it. Think of all the lies you tell
yourself. No one will ever find out. And you think governments and media don't
tell you lies? If you really want to get philosophical about it; there is no
such thing as morality, there is no such thing as good and evil, there is no
such thing as right and wrong. There is only action and consequence. If you
perpetuate death, you will die. If you perpetuate life, you get to live. It really
is that simple; I don't believe this is difficult to understand. Death is
nothingness. Life is infinite complexity. Which one do you want? It's nice to
experience nothingness every now and then, that's what meditation and sleep is
for. But do you really want to stay there? Realize that death is neither right
or wrong, and that life is neither right or wrong. They are simply states of
existence. Many philosopher’s think the basis of morality should be empathy.
Unfortunately, this is not good enough. On a strictly Darwinian level of
survival, there is nothing to stop a bigger stronger man from killing a smaller
weaker man and taking all the resources. With regards to Darwinian survival,
empathy has no advantages whatsoever. If the basis of morality is karma and the
consequence of evil is death, then it makes perfectly logical sense not to kill
or exploit other people. Empathy is not objective, but your existence is
Does owning pets make you grow old? I think so
yes. I don't think it even matters if you are a benevolent master and you treat
your pet as well as you possibly can. Pet ownership is slavery. Is it more
acceptable because it's a stupid animal and not another human being? Morality
is absolute, there are no shades of gray. Even if it's just a stupid animal; it
is still a conscious, sentient, and self-aware being. Many people believe
morality evolves. The argument used for this is usually slavery. At one point
in American history owning slaves was considered normal and it was even legal,
but now it is considered wrong; therefore morality evolved. Well, are any slave
owners who lived during the antebellum south still alive? I don't think so.
This means legality does not absolve you, hierarchy does not absolve you
either. You can practice slavery if you want, you can even use IQ tests to
justify it. You might even be able to mathematically prove that slavery is a
good economic model. You might even be able to convince yourself that slavery
also benefits those that are enslaved. We're all very good at playing mental
games with ourselves. Is indentured servitude slavery? I'm gonna say yes, feel
free to disagree. Physical lifeforms evolve, but I don't think morality does.
If you own pets I believe the ethical thing to do is to keep taking care of the
pets you currently have until they die, but refrain from getting more pets in
the future. I believe you can have animals as genuine companions but this would
only be possible in rural areas, and the animal would have to be given free
reign to come and go as it pleases and feeding the animal would not be your
Realize what is really happening, your DNA
doesn't actually exist right at this moment. There is no way that you can
directly observe or sense your DNA. It only comes into existence if DNA
sequencing is performed on you. Since your DNA doesn't exist, it's not your DNA
that is making you grow old; YOU are making you grow old. The telomere
shortening in your DNA is simply how making yourself grow old expresses itself
physically. You are, in essence, punishing yourself. Stop punishing yourself.
You will always exist. Whether or not you will always exist on this physical
plane is entirely up to you. So basically the reason we grow old and die is because we try to kill others. Exploitation without murder, taken to an extreme viewpoint, is trying to kill others. When you exploit someone, it means you want them to die so that you don't have to deal the consequences. Stop trying to kill others, and you can live. That's how all of this works. This is so simple conceptually, it's baffling that most people can't figure it out. Well, in all honesty, it took me 46 years to realize. Personally, I blame the system and its controllers. That's right, I take no personal responsibility in this regard; I blame the controllers of the banking system and what they've done to us. But I do have to take personal responsibility now and so do you if you want to live forever. At this point, we have no excuses.
Section Twenty One: Why Do Empires Rise And
This is a fascinating topic that has been
studied by many historians. Extensive studies have been done on the Roman
Empire, and a correlation can be made that the rise of feminism in the Roman
Empire eventually led to its downfall. Feminism is not the root cause for
societal collapse. The reason empires or societies fall is because of the
foundation they were built upon. Most empires are built upon the foundation of
either violence or exploitation. What was American society built upon? The
subjugation, extermination, and genocide of Native American populations; all of
America's problems today is because of this. I'm sure you understand the
concept of blood money, money obtained at the cost of another's life; America
is blood land. I suspect we will eventually have to answer for this, myself
included. I have not attempted an extensive study, but as I understand it,
something similar happened in Russia. Many "native" Russians, peoples
of the steppes, were also genocided the way Native Americans were genocided.
Oh, and by the way African-Americans, you are not actually from Africa; you
truly are Native American, or aboriginal, or first nation, whatever the legal
term is. The slave narrative was created so that you could make no legal claims
to the land that your ancestors already lived on. So yeah, you got one pulled
over on you. No reason to feel bad though, we've all been played. It's not
likely Native Americans were all living in noble and peaceful harmony with each
other prior to Europeans. This is unrealistic and most likely not the truth.
I'm sure there was warfare, tribes were probably already trying to conquer and
exploit other tribes. It's not the Europeans fault they came in with superior
technology, superior diseases, and superior political cunning. But at some
point, all of this has to stop if we are to evolve. You always go to the root,
you always go to the beginning to solve a problem. American society was built
upon a foundation of evil, whether or not Native Americans were warring and
trying to conquer each other prior to Europeans is irrelevant. Evil will always
purposely try to find a way to destroy itself. This is the true nature of evil.
Someone who is evil is just trying to find a way to destroy himself. This not
only applies to an individual person, but it also applies to large structured
societies as well. And in American society, there is an unbelievable amount of
exploitation; so yes, American society is purposely trying to destroy itself.
It literally is a type of slow suicide. As long as American society exploits
even one group of people, it is destined to die. Whether or not American
society survives or collapses, I do not care either way. America is a very
weird place in a lot of ways. There is a lot of racism and inequality, but yet
there is a facade of supposed civility. If America is to survive there can be
no hypocrisy, so we shouldn't do things like banning muslims or any type of
brown people from entering the country. Now of course the controllers of the banking system are sending nothing but male jihadists into Europe at the moment. I know you can't comprehend that what you are doing is immoral. I know you can't comprehend that imposing your religion or religious laws onto Europeans is immoral. I know you don't see that karma will affect you. I know you can't see that it's going to make you grow old and die. Rape makes you grow old and die too.
America must be for everyone. Seriously
America, stop exploiting black people. Maybe you don't exploit black people
directly; but you still participate in the system, and the system exploits
black people. The system is making all of us grow old. Your privilege is making
you grow old just as much as a petty criminal trying to mug you makes him grow
old. If you work for the government and you lie to the people that are
governed, don't you think this would affect you somehow? We all know the
government is responsible for war and death; yet we stand and praise the flag
and sing the national anthem at every sporting event. Don't you think this
would affect us somehow? All the museums with stolen or looted artifacts from
others cultures, don't you think its time to return them? Were they every truly
yours to begin with? All the human skeletons on display in museums, did these
people really donate their body to science or were they murdered? What race
were they? The global banking system is also built on a foundation of
exploitation, its own collapse is inevitable. Evil will encroach into your life
every now and then. Your goal is to think long term. The best way to conquer
evil is to outlive it. Even though the ultimate result of evil is death, evil
still has the right to come into existence. No matter how vile or horrendous a
crime can be, it still has the right to exist. Government, religion, society,
meat-eaters, anything that seeks to exploit or enslave another conscious being;
they are all trying to destroy themselves. The good news is, you don't have to
do anything. You don't have to put in any effort; you don't even have to lift a
finger. You can just be a passive observer. People who lie or deceive or commit evil should grow old and die, all you have to do is wait.
Let's now consider the black plague which
ravaged all of Europe during the 1300s. It is one of the most devastating
pandemics that occurred in human history and was estimated to kill 100 million
people, possibly more. The Europeans that did survive were genetically superior
to Europeans who didn't survive. No definitive explanation has yet been given
as to why the black plague simply ended. I believe the black plague killed
itself. The black plague was caused by microorganisms. An entire continent and
its human population was brought to its knees by a microorganism. I define evil
as doing things that make you grow old and die. These microorganisms were doing
a lot of killing, they were perpetuating death. On some level of consciousness,
the microorganisms realized they were doing this. This changed their DNA and
their physiology; and as a result, the microorganisms simply died. As silly as
it sounds, this means morality also applies to microorganisms; this is more
evidence that morality is absolute and not subjective. This also implies that
the direct cause of genetic mutations is thought itself, thought is the direct
cause of evolution. Now consider the possibility that we are microorganisms of
this planet; and that the earth, on some level we are unaware of, is conscious.
The microorganisms that killed humans during the black plague were not aware
that humans were conscious. Is an ant aware that a human is conscious? If the
earth is conscious, perhaps cataclysms such as earthquakes or hurricanes are
the earth’s way of reducing the human population to lessen the damage we do? If
the earth is conscious, wouldn't polluting the earth be equivalent to hurting
the earth and causing the earth to suffer? How is it that some species of
lizards can regrow their limbs? Because they know they can. These lizards are
not just regrowing muscle; they are regrowing bone, blood vessels, nerves,
skin. Mole rats can internally create their own oxygen. Some predators can see
in infrared. Deep sea animals and fireflies can be bioluminescent. The electric
eel can discharge electricity to stun its prey. Somewhere inside the eel's body
is a structure that generates electricity. And it's all encoded in their
genetics. If you're familiar with electronics you know that electrical energy
can be stored in capacitors. There are probably structures inside the eel's
body that act just like capacitors. This is Ohm's Law:
V = I x R
Voltage equals the current times the resistance.
This is the most basic equation for electricity and every first year physics
student knows it. I highly doubt the eel is mathematically aware of this
equation, the eel doesn’t know that V = I x R. The eel has somehow evolved this
unique ability; in fact, it could even be considered a super power. So one
could conclude that a conscious being can develop "certain" abilities
without explicit knowledge of mathematics. That's good news for you guys who
can't stand math. I discovered comic books when I was 11 and they sparked my
imagination. I read Daredevil, Power Man and Iron Fist, Spider-Man, X-Men,
Fantastic Four, Moon Boy and Devil Dinosaur, Shang Chi Master of Kung Fu,
Unknown Soldier, Batman, Superman, and Metal Men. I often imagined having
super-powers. If you are missing teeth, I'm certain we can grow them back. I'm
missing teeth myself. This might take awhile though; possibly many years of
focus, meditation, concentration, mental visualization, desire, and will. If
you have physical deformities, I'm sure you can slowly, very slowly,
infinitesimally, fix yourself; otherwise immortality would not be fair. If
you're a man and you're short, I can see how you would consider being short a
physical deformity. I understand, I'm short myself. I'm technically a manlet,
not even an actual man. It's ok for women to be short, but not ok for a man.
Here is some sound advice from a short man, me, to other short men. Never get
angry, never display it. An angry short man looks ridiculous, people just laugh
at you and do not take you seriously. If you're tall; yes, it's fine, you can
get angry. If you are kind and just and non-judgemental, and you feel you
deserve to be physically perfect; then yes, you deserve to be physically
perfect. Perhaps if you are kind and just and non-judgemental, becoming
physically perfect will just naturally happen. If you are at peace with your
physical deformities and you can be immortal with them, that's fine too. Can we
develop super powers? I think so, I don't see why not. The electric eel has
evolved and created physical structures in its body that act like capacitors.
For us to fly we would need to create physical structures in our bodies that
negate the effects of gravity. This is currently theoretical, but the particle
that is responsible for gravity is the graviton. The existence of the graviton
has not yet been verified by modern physics, but all theory does point to its
existence. By symmetry, the anti-graviton would have to exist as well. The
cells of our bodies would some how need to create these anti-gravitons. I'm
vegan, but I do miss the flavor of certain things like leche flan. Sometimes if
I mentally focus I can actually taste a very very very tiny amount of that
flavor. I'm certain this is something everyone on the planet has done, it might
even compel you to go out to a restaurant or grocery to buy that food. I know
what you're thinking, you're just recreating the taste in your mind and that is
a valid argument. But what if you actually are in fact creating, out of thin
air, out of nothing, a very small amount of that particular flavor molecule
directly on your tongue? The implications would be astounding. Could we then
create structures in our cells that would enable us to fly? The story of Icarus
originated from ancient Greek mythology. He was a man who found a way to fly, so
man's desire to fly has been in our genetics for at least 2000 years. I suspect
our desire to fly has been in our genetics far longer than this. Can we create
energy and water inside our own bodies and never have to eat again? Is
teleportation instantly transporting all your cells and molecules from one
location to another? Maybe on one level it is. I think on a more fundamental
level, you are simply changing what you perceive as your surroudings. Can you
perceive time slower or faster than others? I’m sure if you work at it, you’ll
get there. How long does an insect live? 30 days? Maybe the insect perceives
and experiences those 30 days of life the same way we perceive and experience
70 years of life? I have had psychedelic experiences where I’ve perceived time
very slowly. I have had psychedelic experiences where I was trapped in a
repeating time loop.
But anyways, I hope you see the parallels of a
virulent strain of microorganism to a highly structured society based on
exploitation. I do not think there is anything wrong with being part of a
collective society, but you have to contribute meaningfully to the collective
society and do your share. And yes, simply working a minimum wage job would be
a meaningful contribution. The purpose of a collective society is so that
everyone benefits equally and is treated equally, and no one can be turned
away. Anything else would be hypocrisy. There can be no hunger, poverty, or
homelessness. And everything done to run the collective society must be
completely transparent. If a collective society does not do this; I don't think
it will survive. It may take thousands of years, but it will eventually destroy
itself. If you freeload, take advantage, or exploit the collective society in
some way or go against its purpose; this probably makes you grow old. So you
don't want to do things like exploit welfare, develop technology that automates
revenue extraction such as traffic stop cameras, or write computer viruses that
do nothing but disrupt systems. Does writing programs that datamine a person's
online habits without their permission violate that being's sanctity? Which
would make you, the writer of the program, grow old? Probably not if you just
write the program and then run it for kicks. But if you take that information
and sell it, that's exploitation. It would practically cost you nothing, but
yet you would make money from it. It would probably make you grow old if you
sell personal information.
Section Twenty Two: Scientific Implications Of
Making yourself immortal will probably result in
significant changes to your physical body. The wiring of your brain will change
and your DNA will change. Even though your brain and DNA do not physically
exist right now, they will pop into existence if they are measured. They can be
measured by doing a brain scan and by performing DNA sequencing. Let's say a
brain scan and DNA sequencing were performed on you before you made yourself
immortal, then a brain scan and DNA sequencing were performed after you made
yourself immortal; they would not match, they would not be the same. The
inevitable scientific conclusion is that you have evolved into a new species;
you are no longer homo sapien, you are something else now. Your body will also
have to create new physiological processes in order to implement immortality.
What will these new physiological processes be? Most people have generally had
enough science to know that our bodies are comprised of cells. We know that
cells eventually die, but they will first divide before they die. I think our
cells will become immortal as well. Since our very cells will become immortal,
there will be no need for our cells to divide. They will only divide and
replicate if you get injured. But with regards to normal metabolism, cell
division won't be necessary. One of the reasons we constantly eat is because we
have this mental picture in our heads that our cells are constantly dividing,
dying, and being replaced; and that this whole process requires constant
nutrient intake. But if our cells also become immortal and stop dividing, then
this means we would actually need less nutrient intake. Perhaps cell division
is our body's way of getting rid of excess energy that we don't need. Perhaps
we've been immortal all along and it is eating more than we need to eat that
kills us. Perhaps achieving immortality doesn't require more physiological
processes, but less physiological processes. If your cells become immortal and
stop dividing, this will slow down your metabolism. Or maybe if you slow down your
metabolism, your cells will become immortal and stop dividing. Or maybe it's
both, maybe it's a positive feedback loop. And maybe a slower metabolism
actually makes it more difficult for unwanted bacteria or viruses to survive in
our bodies, so the probability of you getting sick also decreases.
I also find the concept of breathairianism
fascinating. There is no definitive scientific conclusion yet, but I would like
to put forth some scientific possibilities. Breathairians can supposedly
sustain themselves simply by breathing. I've watched a few YouTube videos; they
claim to no longer need food, they do still seem to need to drink water though.
With the exception of our bones, our bodies are made up of proteins. The
proteins are made up of amino acids. Below are images of glycine, the simplest
amino acid, taken from Wikipedia. Note that it consists of nitrogen, carbon,
oxygen, and hydrogen.
(Image of glycine obtained from Wikimedia Commons, Creator - Benjah-jmm27)
(Image of glycine obtained from Wikimedia Commons, Creator - Benjah-jmm27)
Nitrogen is found in the air as nitrogen gas.
Carbon is found in the air as carbon dioxide. Oxygen is found in the air as
oxygen gas and is also in water. Hydrogen is found in water as well. Perhaps
some breathairians have created alternate metabolic pathways or even created
entirely new processes within their cells. Perhaps they can take the
constituents of air and water and make amino acids. Perhaps the ability to do
this has simply been turned off in our genetics as we gradually evolved from
being single-celled to multicellular. If breathairians have created entirely
new processes within their cells, then their genetics have definitely changed
as well as their metabolism. Some breathairians claim the stomach can function
as a third lung. If breathairianism is possible, I suspect it comes down to
pure will... ultimate will.
The amount of times a cell can divide seems to
be limited by the amount of telomeres we have. Perhaps our genetics will change
so that telomeres become irrelevant or our cells will get rid of them; or we
might end up maintaining or lengthening them. I'm just speculating of course.
I'm not certain if any of these will happen, but these all seem like logical
possibilities. Now I'm certain that science can figure out immortality through
genetic engineering and medical advancements, this essay is more of a
philosophical approach rather than a scientific one. But science is going to
charge you, this essay is free. I don't know about you, but I think free is a
pretty good deal. They say if you get something for free you don't really
appreciate it. That's alright with me, I just wrote this essay for the lulz.
Now anyone can find this essay. Even your enemies can find it, even people you
wish death upon can find it. Let it go, revenge is not a road you want to take.
Section Twenty Three: How You Created The
Illusion Of Separateness
You experience everything as being separate from
you, this separateness is just a frame of reference. You are not separate from
everything else. This is best explained by using images with some exposition.
These are all just random images I pulled off the internet to help illustrate
the ideas of this section. If you own any of these images, simply respond and I
will replace your image with something that is public domain. The big bang
occurred 13.8 billion years ago, give or take a few million years. Life emerged
on planet Earth about 3.8 billion years ago. Quantum mechanics has proven that
something cannot exist without an observer. The argument is if life didn't
emerge on planet Earth until 3.8 billion years ago, who observed the big bang?
The answer is simple... you did. And here's how. First there was the void,
nothing exists. You don't have hands, feet, a body, or even eyes. You are zero
Then your consciousness is born, or perhaps
you're just starting over again. You become self-aware. The most profound thing
happens to you, you realize you exist. You are now one dimensional. You are a
singularity. And even though you don't have eyes, this is what you see... a
single spot of light.
Then the spark of creation happens, the Big
Bang. You create infinity in an instant. You create matter out of nothing. It's
like when you are dreaming. When you dream, you don't have a body and you are
seeing with your consciousness. You are now two dimensional. Awareness first,
creation second. So what was before the Big Bang? Awareness... duh... and an
You are observing yourself. You are everything.
The best way to understand this is this way... when you look at the moon, you
are not looking at the moon; you are the moon looking at itself. Next you
created galaxies; stars, planets, moons, everything. You are creating patterns
and shapes and randomness. Now I say that you are creating these things because
I am using a certain viewpoint for this essay. You are not actually creating
these things, you are these things, you become these things. You are the
galaxies, you are the stars, you are everything. Everything in your field of view
is you.
Then you zoomed in on one galaxy, the Milky Way
Then you zoomed in on a specific solar system.
Then you zoomed in on a specific planet, Earth
to be exact. Some poets call it Terra.
Then you zoomed in on the ocean.
Then you went underwater.
You see the water all around you. You still
don't have a body. Up to this point, it was all a dream; or something like a
dream. For 10 billion years, you dreamed. Then you decided to make yourself
separate from everything that you were, or rather to create the illusion of
separateness. For the first time, you stepped into the reality you were
creating. You created a single-celled body to experience the separateness, a
tail/flagella to move around, and eyes so that you could "see"
everything as separate from your body. You were no longer a two dimensional
being, you became three dimensional. You no longer simply witnessed reality,
you now interact with it. Determining the mechanism whereby consciousness
becomes two dimensional to three dimensional would probably solve the riddle of
abiogenesis, the emergence of “life” from “non-life”. To make the illusion even
more convincing, and of your own free will, you gave up direct control of the
universe. You randomly generate people who agree with you and you randomly
generate people who don't agree with you. You randomly generate people who you
can control and you randomly generate people who you can't control.
You see the water all around you, but this time
you are using eyes. You are looking at your own tail. I have skipped a few key
evolutionary steps and a single-celled organism does not actually have eyes,
but I think you get the idea. Fast forward 3.8 billion years; your tail is
gone, but you've replaced it with hands and legs and you're not in the ocean
anymore. You have born, lived, and died countless times. You swam the deepest
oceans, adrift in endless currents. You crawled out onto land and learned to
breath the air and bask in the sun. You grew limbs capable of grasping tools.
You learned to walk upright. You spoke language for the first time. You harnessed
the warmth of fire. You have fought with sword and shield, you have faced
armies and leviathans. You have climbed mountains. You have traversed forests,
deserts, and plains. You have sailed uncharted seas with only the stars as your
guide. You have been evil, you have been good. You have loved, you have hated.
You have been brave, you have been afraid. You have succeeded, you have failed.
You have hoped, you have despaired. You have been happy, you have been sad...
countless times. But you always come back. Even though you now live with the
illusion of separateness, you are still everything. You are not just the pair
of legs; you are the sky, the sun, and the beach. Everything in your field of
view is you. You are not a humanoid biped, you are a some-what elliptically
shaped entity. Guess what else is some-what elliptically shaped? An eye. You
are not a body, you are an eye; you are the mind's eye. But even this is
illusion. You are awareness, and awareness has no true shape or form. You are
thoughts in the void, you are the void; the infinite, endless, eternal void.
Here is something even more mind-blowing. Let's say you are 30 years old; as
far as you know, the universe you exist in has only existed for 30 years. The
13.8 billion years prior to your birth never truly happened, you made it all
up. Or maybe before you were born, reality was entirely something else. Maybe
cats were as big as houses and ruled the world and hunted us with impunity.
Section Twenty Four: Time Doesn't Exist
Time is an illusion, just like everything else.
It's a concept. It's a useful concept for navigating our modern world, but it's
still just a concept. Most people tell the time with their smartphone. If
you're a techie, then you most likely have a smartwatch. Maybe you work or take
classes or both. You need to get to work on time or you'll get fired. You need
to get to class on time since you don't want to fail. Physicists are trying to
solve the problem of the arrow of time. The concept of time is so deeply
ingrained into every human being that realizing time doesn't actually exist
will probably be one of the hardest things to understand. For time to actually
exist, there has to be a beginning and an ending. In order for time to exist,
there has to be a frame of reference. The big bang, the formation of the planet
earth, the emergence of single-celled lifeforms, cro-magnon, modern humans,
your birth... these are all false beginnings.
There was never a time when you did NOT exist.
There was never a time when awareness began. Awareness did not spontaneously
come into existence from nothingness. Awareness has always existed. Awareness
has never NOT existed. You will never have an ending. You will always exist.
You have always existed. Since you have always existed, you never had a
beginning. Since you never had a beginning, there is no frame of reference.
Since there is no frame of reference, there is no such thing as time.
There is only the now. And the now is timeless.
Stair at a clock, it says, "4:00 pm".
Keep staring for one whole minute, now it says "4:01 pm". It's an
illusion, a minute of time has not actually passed. When a clock says 4:00 pm,
it's still the now. When a clock says 4:01 pm, it's still the now. If we figure
out time travel and travel backward or forward in time, it would still be the
now. It is always the now. Your actions simply change what the now is. Just as
you are using your body as a frame of reference, you are using time as a frame
of reference. Interestingly enough, a recently published physics paper has
theorized a model of the universe that adds some corrections to relativity and
takes into account the existence of dark matter. When scientists derive the age
of the universe with this model, the result is infinity. This implies that
there was no big bang. The universe has always existed, it never had a
beginning. And this makes perfect logical sense because you are the universe.
The physical universe is now mathematically mirroring your realization of
immortality. One of the principles of thermodynamics is that the change in
internal energy of an ideal gas is zero when it expands into a vacuum, perhaps
an analogy can be made to the universe expanding to infinity. I don't think
there is going to be a heat death or a cold death of the universe. Individual
stars and planets may die, galaxies may die; but the universe will just keep
going forever, towards infinity... because we can conceive infinity. We generally
think of reality as having four dimensions, three spatial dimensions and time.
Different versions of string theory say there are 11 dimensions or 18 or
whatever; there are likely to be infinite dimensions, waiting to be discovered
or perhaps created. That's what reality is, a matrix of infinite possibilities.
I believe the "physical" universe, even though it is physically
infinite, exists within a larger universe that is not constrained by the Planck
units or the speed of light; and that we will be able to eventually break into
this larger universe.
This next topic is a little bit out there, but
it does have to do with our concept of time and our perception of reality which
is why I want to cover it. I don't normally give credence to paranormal phenomenon,
but this is something I've directly experienced. The Mandela Effect has not
been scientifically verified; and although this essay has a scientific
perspective, I really wouldn't consider this a scientific essay with any
mathematical rigor. The Mandela Effect is very subtle, it is not dramatic or
world-changing, and posits that the past has actually changed which implies
that there are infinite alternate realities. Not everyone experiences the
Mandela Effect. This is my personal account of the Mandela Effect. When I was a
boy I saw the movie "Moonraker" with my father. One of the villains
is a character known as "Jaws". And from the picture below, you can
see why he has that name.
(Image obtained from the movie Moonraker under Fair Use, Director - Lewis Gilbert)
In a brief interlude when he is not trying to
kill the hero of the movie, he meets his soul mate and falls in love with her.
Her name is Dolly.
(Image obtained from the movie Moonraker under Fair Use, Director - Lewis Gilbert)
I distinctly remember Dolly having braces. When
they first meet, she isn't smiling or has her mouth open. She just stares at
him. Then she smiles and you see that she has braces and they instantly fall in
love. When I see clips of that scene now, she doesn't have braces. Perhaps I
have manifested a tiny aspect of an alternate reality where Dolly had no
braces. There are of course people who say she never had braces. What are the
implications of the Mandela Effect if the Mandela Effect is true? The past is
not actually the past. It is a certain dimensional reality you are bringing
into existence into the reality of the now. It also implies that no two people
experience the same objective reality and that no two people experience time in
exactly the same way. Is this an indication we are evolving and are starting to
perceive both reality and time differently? Can we consciously amplify the
Mandela Effect? Is reality malleable? Or perhaps I have created a false memory
or someone has altered the movie and removed the braces. I think that as more of us realize we can become immortal, filmed movies and written word word will actually change, reality glitches and the mandela effect will amplify. Now what do I mean by this. Let's take the first sentence of the novel Moby Dick, "Call me Ishmael". This might change to "My name is Ishmael". And it will happen to every copy of Moby Dick in existence, simultaneously, both electronic copies and physical copies.
Section Twenty Five: The One Awareness... And The
Infinite Consciousnesses
There is only one awareness. Sit down and have a
conversation with one of your friends. You are staring at him and he is staring
at you. You are talking to him and he is talking to you. The awareness that is
staring out of your eyes and looking at your friend is the exact same awareness
that is coming out of your friend's eyes and looking at you. Pet a dog and
stare at it directly in the eyes. The awareness that is coming out of the dog's
eyes and looking directly at you is the same awareness that is coming out of
your eyes and looking at the dog. Go on an African safari and witness a lion
take down a zebra. The awareness of the lion is the same awareness that the
zebra has which is also the same awareness you are using to witness the event.
It's all one and the same awareness. This is what you are at your most simplest
and at the most fundamental level of your existence... awareness.
Sit in the middle of your room at night, turn
off all the lights. Close your eyes and physically move both your eyeballs to
the bridge of your nose, you should be cross-eyed. Keep your eye lids closed,
keep your eyeballs cross-eyed, stare forward, ignore your life experiences,
ignore your unique personality, ignore your knowledge, and just be aware that
you actually exist. Marvel in the fact that you are aware of yourself. Marvel
in the fact that you are aware. Do not marvel, just be aware. Try to attain
thoughtless, objectless, idealess, conceptless, languageless, mathless,
bodyless, and eyeless awareness. This one awareness is God. This one awareness
is you. You are God. This is also the exact same awareness that all 7 billion
people on this planet are using. This is the exact same awareness that every
animal has, even an ant. If alien lifeforms on another planet that is billions
and billions of light years away from us do in fact exist, they would be using
the same awareness we are using. This is the oneness that everything shares.
This is how every conscious living thing is interconnected. This is the oneness
that has always existed and will always exist. This one awareness has no true
name, is without gender, is neither masculine or feminine, is without shape or
form, and is timeless. This is the same awareness you had 13.8 billion years
ago just before you created the big bang. This one awareness fractures itself
into infinity every time you open your eyes. And it can keep going... forever.
Your enemy is using the exact same awareness that you are using. Do you have
children? They are using the same awareness you are using. It's not the same
consciousness, it's not the same personality, it's not the same life
experiences, it's not the same feelings, it's not the same thoughts; but it is
the same awareness. Pure awareness does not have memory, but consciousness does
have memory. This is why, for the most part, we cannot remember our past lives
and is one of the major differences between awareness and consciousness. The scientific
evidence scientists have found for the big bang are your "memories".
You are a singular multi-perspective, multi-dimensional being. There are
infinite perspectives, there are infinite dimensions. The one awareness can
look through infinite perspectives all at once. Reality is a single awareness
that is creating infinite consciousnesses so that it can interact with itself.
And eventually we will be able to come up with a mathematical model for this.
Physicists working on the holographic principle will probably figure this out
and use string theory for the multi-dimensionality aspects. This one awareness
is the closest thing to God that exists. Unfortunately, this isn't the God you
christians are looking for. You're looking for some old bearded white man
right? Even non-white christians want it to be an old bearded white man. The
one awareness is eternal and invulnerable, it cannot be destroyed, it cannot
destroy itself, and it encompasses all of existence and reality; so it does
have some characteristics of the God that you want. However, it is powerless in
some ways. It has not created a heaven to reward the righteous, it has not
created a hell to punish the wicked. Get it through your **** head, no one goes
to hell. Relishing the idea that the wicked will be condemned to hell for
eternity will make you grow old. The one awareness does not judge or condemn or
reward or hate or love; it is incapable of these things. It just knows it
exists. The true power of the one awareness is that it can create infinite,
unique, self-aware, and independent consciousnesses. Each consciousness has
it's own body, personality, memories, thoughts, feelings, emotions, life
experiences, knowledge, opinions, etc. I don't think the one awareness creates
universes. A single consciousness can create its own non-shared infinite
universe. I believe when two or more consciousnesses interact, this is what
creates a shared universe or shared plane of existence, i.e. our planet. I
suspect the one awareness itself has no free will, because we have free will.
And if a being doesn't have free will, isn't that essentially a prison?
Imagine you walk into a grocery store and this
is what you see. One man is looking at some cans on a shelf, the other man is
looking at some drinks in the cooler. Both men do not see you. This is just a
random image, I do not know these men. This is a grocery store somewhere in
Dubai (image used without permission).
Since there is only one awareness, the
perspective that belongs to the man looking at the cans and the perspective
that belongs to the man looking at the drinks are both in the same physical
location as your perspective. All three of you are standing in the exact same
place. But you, as a separate consciousness, do not see these other two
perspectives. As a separate consciousness, you are only looking through one
perspective. Those two other men and you are one and the same being. Since
there are 7 billion people on this planet, all 7 billion perspectives are in
the same physical location as your perspective. Now add the perspectives of all
the animals and insects on this planet, they are all coming from you as well.
Let's say you are in America, a person in China is actually standing in the
same physical location that you are standing in. The person in China is just
seeing different things from what you are seeing. When two consciousnesses are
in the same area, their perspectives are simply overlapping.
I predict understanding multi-dimensionality,
that is physical dimensions beyond the three we already know and experience,
will enable us to achieve interstellar space travel. A tesseract, probably the
easiest four dimensional object to understand, is the four dimensional
equivalent of a three dimensional cube; which you can google about if you are
curious. The figure below is not what a tesseract looks like. The figure below
is a three dimensional projection of the actual tesseract itself. We cannot
visualize four dimensions, no one knows what a tesseract really looks like. I
realize it doesn't seem all that impressive so look for a video or animation of
a rotating tesseract.
(Image of tesseract obtained from Wikipedia under Creative Commons, Creator - None Cited)
From there, it's not hard to conceive the
possibility of physical dimensions higher than four. Consider now the
possibility of infinite physical dimensions. Under psychedelics, physical
reality can distort. Straight edges can curve, curves can straighten. During
one of my experiences, physical reality did appear to me as a type of
"fractured mirror". In retrospect, I believe I was seeing physical
reality not in normal three dimensions but in either 4 or 5 dimensions;
possibly even higher. Perhaps the next stage of evolution is for us to become
four dimensional. Is the concept of transcendence or ascension us becoming four
dimensional? I think so. Would becoming four dimensional give us an
unbelievable amount of freedom and inner peace? If this is the case, then
immortality is not the endgame. Immortality would simply be a stage along the
way and really nothing to write home about. I certainly do not feel inner peace
all of the time. Perhaps inner peace is something we have to attain first before
we can become four dimensional. Maybe becoming four dimensional is how we break
out of this confining three dimensional reality. I think that when we go into
deep sleep or dream, we are temporarily going back to a zero, one, or two
dimensional state. Deep sleep or death is probably a zero dimensional state.
There's an old saying I heard once; they say resurrecting yourself is just like
waking up. All the dead have to do is just wake up. Multi-dimensionality could
also potentially provide scientific explanations for paranormal phenomenon as
well. Ghosts, cryptids, teleportation, and portals might be scientifically and
mathematically possible in a multi-dimensional framework. Quantum mechanics may
actually make more sense in higher dimensions. Another possible evolutionary
stage we might have to pass through is our DNA becoming triple-stranded. There
could be a correlation. Our DNA is double stranded and we have three
dimensional bodies. If our DNA became triple-stranded would we become four
dimensional? But anyway, let's keep going with multi-dimensionality. We all
exist inside an infinite three-dimensional universe. Does this mean our
three-dimensional universe exists entirely inside a four-dimensional universe?
And is this four-dimensional universe entirely contained within a
five-dimensional universe? And so on, to infinity? Maybe the north pole and the
south pole are actually right next to each other when viewed from higher
dimensions. The speed of light cannot be exceeded in three dimensions. Perhaps
it can be exceeded in higher dimensions? The closest star to us is Alpha
Centauri, it's about 4.2 light years away. Perhaps in higher dimensions, it's
practically next door. Another possible way that reality might be able to
manifest itself is through non-Euclidean geometry, the math works and I've seen
some pretty interesting simulations.
Let me relate one more psychedelic experience. I
was taking a walk. It was during the late afternoon. Everything seemed to be
moving slower than what I would normally perceive. I could perceive every flap
of a bird's wings. I could see every blade of grass, every leaf on every tree,
swaying in the breeze. I could see waves of water fluctuate and shimmer as
photons were reflected off it's surface. People and cars that were far away
where moving very slow, but as they got closer to me their motions would speed
up. Was I in a higher dimensional state? The laws of physics appear to be
modified in higher dimensions. The sun was not setting as one would expect, the
sun was following me. While under the influence of psychedelics I concluded
that I was experiencing the earth as being flat. Is the earth actually flat in
higher dimensions? One thing I have noticed is that there is definitely a
significant amount of people advocating the earth is flat. I am a classically
educated academian so of course I think these people are insane. But perhaps
some people have evolved to the extent that they can now actually perceive
reality in higher dimensions to a certain degree? The computer game Minecraft
actually generates a huge world full of mountains, forests, deserts, tundras,
grasslands, islands, oceans, etc. The interesting thing is that it creates all
of this in a flat world, not a spherical planetoid like our own earth. You can
have a flat world in a computer. And if reality is like a computer simulation;
then it could be possible, from a certain perspective, that the earth is flat.
Right now we have 2D retinas and 3D eye lenses. In order for us to see four
dimensions, we would have to evolve 3D retinas and 4D eye lens. Perhaps for
some people, this is slowly beginning to happen. Maybe for some people, their
retinas are not two dimensional and flat. They might not have fully enclosed
three dimensional retinas, but maybe their retinas have a curved or cup-like
shape enabling them to see higher dimensions to a certain degree. Instead of
relying on random mutations or genetic engineering, can we consciously direct
our own evolution naturally? The two images below are used without permission.
I did not make them but I think they are very useful in understanding
multi-dimensionality and how we might perceive multi-dimensionality in the
future without using psychedelics.
Here is my current "concept" of a
fourth physical dimension. The screenshot below is a three-dimensional
first-person video game. You are holding a laser gun. Imagine your face is so
close to the screen that the computer screen is all you see. For all practical
purposes, you are in the dimensional reality of the video game.
(Image obtained from in-game screenshot of the computer game No Man's Sky, Publisher - Hello Games)
Step forward so your face is close to the screen
on the left. You have left the higher dimensional reality and moved back down
to a lower dimensional reality. But this lower dimensional reality is different
from the one you were in before.
(Image obtained from in-game screenshot of the computer game Elder Scrolls: Skyrim, Publisher - Bethesda)
Take a step back again and you are back in the
higher dimensional reality. The two computer screens are essentially portals to
other worlds.
Now take a step back with your
"consciousness" this time. Can you take your physical body with you?
Why not? You are now in a fourth physical dimension. Maybe you would see
something like this.
Or this.
Or this.
Now step forward into one of the lower
If you were four-dimensional, you could escape
from a prison cell and the guards would be clueless. Since we don't know what a
fourth physical dimension looks like, I've just represented it with blackness.
So how do we become four dimensional? I have no idea. But I'm sure it starts as
a concept in the mind. We had to have been non-dimensional, zero dimensional,
one dimensional, then two dimensional first; if one accepts that a logical
progression is necessary for existence or sanity. If you could fly, you wouldn't
have to deal with any silly government passport nonsense. If I figure out how
to fly or become four dimensional, I'll add it to the essay. There may be a
karmic barrier, but fundamentally I think the barrier is psychological.
Psychological barriers are for the individual, karmic barriers are for when we
deal with other conscious beings. Flying is 100% possible, I know this because
we've all dreamt it. Whether you are good or whether you are evil, we've all
dreamt it. If Superman were real, he wouldn't stop bank robbers, politicians,
drug dealers, or war; he would stop the exploitation of children and serial
killers. It does appear that we have symbolically associated money with being
alive. One thing I am certain of, money is not going to help us become four
dimensional. Something major has to happen to us; either our genetics
drastically change or we evolve our consciousness. My recommendation is to let
your imagination run wild. We can probably create infinite dimensional
realities, worlds upon worlds; but we will never be able to escape from
ourselves and the harmful things we've done to other people and animals.
Section Twenty Six: The States Of Existence
Below is a Venn diagram of the states of
existence. Keep in mind this model is theoretical, so I could be wrong.
Awareness, or consciousness, is the foundation that everything rests upon.
Nothing else can exist without consciousness. Death, dreaming, and life cannot
exist without consciousness. As I said earlier, death is not truly death. You
still exist. It's just that your consciousness is surrounded by nothing and you
are fully aware of the nothingness around you.
In the diagram you will notice that life is
entirely surrounded by dreaming and that dreaming is entirely surrounded by
death. I am proposing that life, or the physical universe, exists entirely
inside the state of dreaming. When you are dreaming, yes, logical things can happen;
but also illogical things can happen. So the laws of dreaming are less
restrictive than the laws of physics. Life is a dream, it's just that it is a
dream with some very specific rules; mainly that logic and science have the
most dominant effects and this is evidenced by the laws of physics. The diagram
implies that the laws of physics exist entirely within the laws of dreaming.
This means that you created death first, then dreaming, then life; in that
order. This also means that the laws of dreaming are more
"fundamental" than the laws of physics. The laws of awareness will
always apply no matter what state of existence you are in.
Existence itself does not have a scientific or
logical explanation to it. But everything we perceive about existence does seem
to have a scientific or logical explanation to it. The laws of physics are
logical, but they ultimately rest on the foundation of consciousness which is
not logical. Does this mean then that literally anything is possible? If we can
manifest it in dreams, does this mean we can manifest it in the physical
universe? I would say that thoughts, daydreaming, and imagination are just some
of the ways the laws of dreaming can manifest while we are awake and
experiencing the physical world. I don't believe the laws of dreaming can be
described with mathematical equations. I believe the laws of dreaming are all
simple axioms. The awake life in our physical universe is obviously a
"shared" experience. Can the state of dreaming be a shared experience
as well? Can two separate and independent consciousnesses actually meet and
interact in dreams?
I would like to expand on this model even
further. For the diagram below I have shrunk the size of our physical universe.
And even though I have shrunk the size of our physical universe, realize it is
still infinite in size.
In this next diagram, in addition to our
physical universe, I am proposing that there are infinite universes within the
state of dreaming. I have only drawn a total of 29 smaller circles within the
state of dreaming but realize there are actually infinite circles. These other
universes might have different physical laws. In other universes, worlds may in
fact be flat. The flat worlds created by Minecraft follow mathematical rules,
so it's possible. Perhaps using psychedelics makes some of these other
universes overlap with our own. Our own physical universe is a type of dream,
all of these other universes would be dreams as well and equally infinite in
size. This would essentially be the multiverse. If our universe can have
infinite dimensions, then each universe in the multiverse would have infinite
Imagination exists in the mind, while physical
reality exists outside of the mind. With the simple closing and opening of our
eyes we can instantly access one dimension and then the other. Can awareness
itself function as its own portal to different dimensions of existence? In
imagination we are all powerful, we can build anything instantly and make it
disappear instantly, nothing has permanence. Imagination does not require logic
or consistency. Physical reality has logic and consistency and things have
permanence. We can't just make things appear and disappear at will, the exact
opposite of imagination. Our bodies, and even our brain, would be considered
part of physical reality and NOT part of imagination. Is inside the mind and
outside the mind simply a matter of perspective? Is reality actually inverted?
Is physical reality actually inside the physical mind and imagination is
outside the physical mind? Is physical reality the "trap" of our mind
that we are all trying to escape or break out of? Is physical reality the
"smaller" reality entirely contained inside of imagination? I believe
we all think the opposite, that imagination is inside of physical reality. If
this is true, that physical reality exists inside of imagination, then
ultimately both death and time have no meaning. The only things that would have
any meaning would be awareness and existence. We really could see loved ones
again who have passed away. We could time travel to any point in the past and
any point in the future. Granted I'm sure there are details we would have to
figure out in order for these things to happen, but the possibilities are now
endless. Even though time may ultimately have no meaning, I believe time might
be a necessary frame of reference to operate under in order for two conscious
beings to interact. However, we may not necessarily have to operate under
"linear" time. We can experience non-linear time when we use
imagination. Can we experience non-linear time in physical reality? Does
conceiving experiencing non-linear time in physical reality bring it into
existence in physical reality? We can access imagination even with our eyes
open, so both can exist simultaneously; imagination super-imposed over physical
reality. However, there is no interaction between the two dimensions. Is
imagination an actual dimensional reality that exists somewhere else which we
are accessing? Can this access be improved? Perhaps we are not accessing
imagination, perhaps we are inhabiting imagination when we use it. We exist
primarily in physical reality with imagination having only a limited effect.
Can the opposite be true? To exist primarily in imagination with physical
reality having only a limited effect? Or perhaps some type of 50/50 compromise
between the two? With a 50/50 compromise, we could create a chair out of thin
air and actually sit on it and feel it and then make it disappear when we don't
want it anymore. If we are in one location and at the same time imagine another
location, are we simultaneously in that other location to a very limited
extent? Wherever you are right now; look around you and ask yourself, "Is
this all really just a certain, restrictive layer of my imagination? Is my goal
to break out of this restrictive layer somehow and into higher dimensional
planes of existence?" I think this is something some of us are trying to
figure out and do right now; I'm sure I'm not the only one.
Below is the current theoretical model of
existence I am pondering. The most fundamental state is being. It is the state
before awareness, the state before any concepts or ideas or thoughts. On a
personal level, this is the state I have the hardest time comprehending;
probably because the concept of comprehension does not exist in the state of
being. This means the state of being is impossible to convey with words since
being exists prior to words. There is only one being. The state of being is not
a noun, the state of being is a verb. Out of this one being emerges the one
awareness. Inside the one awareness are infinite consciousnesses, not just a
consciousness. These consciousnesses are of course me and you and everyone else
and all of the animals and insects and microbes and potentially aliens from
outer space. I have changed the label of "death" to the
"perception of nothingness". I have included a new state of
existence... imagination. Imagination seems to be a very distinct state from
dreaming and from physical reality. I'm not certain if I have placed imagination
in the correct spot. If logical inconsistencies arise from where I have placed
it, then obviously I need to put it somewhere else. Your physical body, eyes,
and brain do not exist in the state of being, awareness, consciousness,
perception of nothingness, imagination, or dreaming; they only exist in
physical reality. In some of my own dreams, I'm starting to have a
"dream" body. As far as I can tell, separate human consciousnesses
can only overlap and interact in physical reality. Perhaps we might evolve to
be able to interact in the state of dreaming or imagination, or perhaps we
already do to a limited extent. When you think of someone, are they thinking of
you at the same time? And as before, there are infinite physical universes and
infinite physical dimensions. As of this moment in our evolution, we are only
aware of one physical universe and three physical dimensions. When you are
fully awake, you simultaneously exist in all of these states at the same time.
All of my thoughts regarding this model are not clear yet and I am not
satisfied with some of my conclusions. But one thing I am certain of; true
death, true non-existence never occurs. You philosophers are looking for
something deep and meaningful, and to describe it with words. There is no deep
meaning to it all. There are no words. Awareness just is. You scientists are
looking for a mathematical equation. There is no mathematical equation for
awareness; no numbers, variables, constants, or operations. The answer is not
42. Awareness just is... that is my official scientific conclusion. Everything
the awareness creates is mathematical. But as for the awareness itself, there
is no math. This model could be wrong or incomplete. Perhaps there are infinite
separate awarenesses, infinite separate beings. If this is true, then there is
no one God and the universe is a shared creation and there is no one-ness to
all of existence. A shared creation would have to mean that all the same rules
and laws apply to every separate awareness equally, or that every participating
awareness has agreed upon the same rules. If the exact same rules of existence
apply equally to every awareness, in that causing suffering and death to others
causes your own suffering and death; that is actually morally fair and just. No
need for God at all. You are the awareness, yes, capable of creation; but a
shared creation requires at least one other awareness. The minimum requirement
for a shared creation is two awarenesses. I have come to realize that soul and
awareness are basically the same thing. If this model of existence is correct,
you will notice that the physical universe is contained inside imagination;
this would provide a "logical" basis for "magic" to
manifest in the physical universe, magic being an aspect of imagination. Now
you know, we not talking about any of that psychological/influence magic that
only works on the unenlightened. We talking Gandalf/Harry Potter/Doctor
Strange/Yoda magic. You know what I'm saying? If this model of existence is
correct, then it's all magic, everything you see is magic. We've just put a
veneer of "logic" over it. If awareness just is with no logical
explanation, then doesn't that mean the fundamental nature of existence is
"magic"? I stated earlier that things pop into existence with
"logical" consistency. Well, why can't things pop into existence
without logical consistency? But if things pop into existence without logical
consistency, wouldn't that be insanity? I suppose we could call it insanity or
we could call it magic. The universe represents a logical, ordered existence.
Perhaps before the Big Bang, instead of nothingness, it was all chaos and
insanity and magic. But chaos and insanity and magic is still existence. And
perhaps aspects of chaos and insanity and magic seep into our logical physical
world. We could also potentially attain the power of flight if we use a
"magic" perspective or a "dream" perspective instead of a
scientific one. Think about it; right now, at this very moment, you do not have
a physical brain inside your head. If that's not magic, then I don't know what
is. If we don't have brains, then doesn't that mean animals don't have brains
either? Even an animal's potential is infinite. Because awareness just is and
doesn't have a logical or scientific explanation, awareness at its very core is
magic. Nirvana is an eastern philosophical concept. It is espoused by certain religions such as buddhism, hinduism, jainism, etc. Based on my theoretical model of existence, it would be the state of being.
The diagram below indicates that for all
awarenesses participating in the same shared existence, the exact same rules
must apply to every awareness. In the physical universe, every being is under
the same rules of physics, morality, and existence. Being at the top of a
certain hierarchy does not give you exceptions to these rules, otherwise a
shared existence wouldn't be fair. A bigger stronger being can kill a smaller
weaker being, but the bigger stronger being then makes his own lifespan finite.
Therefore your culture and beliefs can be wrong and that there is an absolute
morality. An awareness can be an animal, and animals do not have culture or
beliefs. Guess what else animals don't do? Worship God or use language or use
symbols or contracts or numbers or calendars or money. What gives one religion
the right to create laws for everyone not in their religion? Here's a thought,
how about you **** off? There is a certain irony to creating law, I suspect
creating law makes you grow old and die because you are trying to control
others. You don't need law if you have grace. If you create law, it clearly
shows you don't have grace. Therefore I would consider religion, words,
symbols, contracts, numbers, calendars, and money as completely superfluous to
existence. And yes, the Venn diagram of existence above is also superfluous. If
everyone has grace, we can make the legal system completely useless. None of us
need a piece of paper with words on it to tell us we are free. However, I will
say that these things were probably "necessary" evolutionary phases.
Note I use the term "shared existence" not "shared physical
universe". You still exist when you dream, I think it is possible to
interact in dreams. You exist when you use your imagination, I think eventually
we will realize we can interact in imagination as well.
Section Twenty Seven: Is Fluoride Bad For You?
I don’t how it is in other countries; but here
in America, fluoride is put in the water and in toothpaste. You can skip this
section if your country doesn’t fluoridate anything. I have worked with HF,
hydrofluoric acid. I’ve used it in glass etching for the fabrication of
microfluidic channels. It is classified as a weak acid. The dissociation
reaction in water is this:
HF (aq) <---> H+ (aq) + F- (aq)
“F-“ is fluoride. It is the most electronegative
ion on the periodic table and highly reactive; this chemical basically eats
glass. This is standard information that anyone can find. Here are all the
descriptions found in MSDS, material safety data sheets, which are used in
industry as well as academia:
Corrosive to metals
Acute oral toxicity
Acute dermal toxicity
Acute inhalation toxicity
Skin corrosion
Serious eye damage
Specific target organ toxicity – respiratory
Fatal if swallowed
Fatal in contact with skin
Causes severe skin burns and eye damage
Fatal if inhaled
Needless to say, I take a lot of precautions
whenever I work with it. I have to wear two layers of protective gear and three
layers for my hands. In addition, environmental conditions are also highly
contained and controlled. And when I’m done working with it, I have to be
certain everything gets neutralized and rendered harmless. If you want, you can
google images of "hf exposure". Just a warning, they're not very
pleasant to look at. Supposedly fluoride strengthens teeth. Me personally, I
try to avoid it.
Section Twenty Eight: Should You Pursue Wealth?
I don't see anything wrong with having a few
nice things and I'm pretty content with my existence. There are basically two
ways to acquire wealth, through entrepreneurship or exploitation. I would
classify police work, law, taxation, banking, and slavery as exploitation. If
you are involved in these industries, my recommendation is for you to get out.
If you gain wealth through entrepreneurship, I think you're fine; whether you
provide an actual product or a service or whatever. As long as you feel there
is a fair exchange, I don't think you have anything to worry about. With that
said, something still seems to be wrong with how we go about things. I have no
solutions because money, banking, financing, and economics are topics I have not
studied. I think exploitation is a different matter. If you were born into
wealth, I would look into your family's history and see how that wealth was
acquired. If your ancestors were slave owners, your wealth today has the taint
of human exploitation that occurred before you were born. And even though you
are not directly responsible in any way, it's still probably not a good thing.
I'm not telling you to give up your wealth. I've never been wealthy, so I don't
know what it's like. If you have gained exploitive wealth and you know that
people suffer, does this make you grow old? It think it does, yes. If you feel
wealth will compromise your immortality, do what you feel is necessary if being
immortal is what you want. Now let's look into the case of extreme wealth. I
believe pursuing extreme wealth will make you grow old. If you make material
things the meaning and focus of your life, doesn't it stand to reason that you
will purposely try to find a way to take these same material things away from
yourself somehow; and what better way than death? Suppose you make your money
and livelihood by exploiting other people. This means you need other people. It
is the needing of something that makes you grow old, because you will try to
find a way to take this need away from yourself. If you are reluctant to give
up wealth, then keep it until you’re 90. 90 years would be considered a good
life right? And people expect you to die at any time anyway. Give up your
wealth when you are 90 and see what happens. Even if you are a decrepit old
man, as long as you are still alive and self-aware, you actually have infinite
chances to save yourself no matter what you may have done.
Now I understand if you're a black man you might
want to take whitey down, but are we not complicit in wanting what the
privileged have? Wealth imbalance and power imbalance is not your problem; and
after having read this essay, would you even want reparations any more? If you do get economic reparations, my recommendation is to pursue technical degrees such as engineering, programming, chemistry, physics, etc. I actually have no proof that black men in America are at a disadvantage, I can't cite statistics or anything like that. I am basing this solely on personal observation. I have an advanced technical degree beyond a bachelor's and the amount of black men pursuing technical degrees at the schools I attended was practically zero. And the schools where I went had significant local black populations. This tells me there is some type of imbalance. Maybe in some parts of America, this may not be the case but it was certainly the case where I went. In the
end, everyone gets exactly what they deserve. It does appear that black men are the "spiritual" scapegoats for America. This probably means every country has some sort of scapegoat that they can use for sacrifice. Now whites suffer too, in their own
way. It may not seem like it, but they do suffer. Also these are not the same
whites that enslaved your ancestors. The white common man has a different
psychological mentality than the white colonizer, and so likely have different
genetics as well. There has been enough upheaval and many whites do not have
economic privilege. Now there are many white people who are "woke",
but I think you just refuse to see it. They're not going to be CEOs or in
positions of power; it doesn't work that way, they're just going to be people
you smile and say hi to everyday. I would argue the more privilege one has, the
more of a "mental prison" you have to live in and the more you don't
even realize you are in a mental prison. The more privilege one has, the harder
it is to get out; and my initial thoughts are that privilege is actually
detrimental to immortality. The happiness, prosperity, and privilege of your
beautiful family is at the expense of someone else. If you are mortal and you
live in fear; yes, I would agree that privilege is a major factor in survival.
It would enable you to live long enough to perpetuate your genetic material.
But if you are immortal and you don't live in fear, I don't see how privilege
even matters any more. The reason you hate wealthy people is because you still
want wealth yourself. I know there are you black racists out there who say
things like the birth rate of the white race is too low for them to replace
themselves and that they are going to go extinct. Sorry to burst your bubble,
no one is going extinct. No one is going to be replaced. White consciousness is
on the rise, I see it happening every day. Everyone is in some type of prison.
Everyone grows old, so that means everyone suffers; even the most privileged
among us. The less need you have, the more immortal you will become, the more
powerful you will become. For you to have more power and control over your own
body, you must exert less power and control over others.
When you try to accumulate wealth, you are
directly competing against the one single man who controls the global banking
system. It is his game, and he cannot be beaten. And we are fighting over table
scraps. Everything is designed to keep all of us isolated and divided. I don't
know about you, but I like to think I have some dignity. I like to think I'm
not going to throw a fellow human being under the bus just so that I can live a
slightly better lifestyle, just so that I can eat a slightly better meal, just
so that I can have slightly more comforts, just so that I can have a slightly
higher probability of passing on my genes. There is no direct evidence for the
New World Order. There is no direct evidence for the Illuminati. There is no
direct evidence that Hollywood and the music industry is a unified satanic
cult. There is no direct evidence that professional sports are meant to keep
you distracted. There is no direct evidence that all "democratic"
political systems are merely facades. There is no direct evidence that
mainstream news and media are all fake. There is no direct evidence that race
riots, terrorism, or mass shootings are government psyops. There is no direct
evidence that chemtrails are altering the environment. There is no direct
evidence that the weather can be controlled with HAARP. There is no direct evidence
that there is a global pedophile network run by the elites. Intentional
deception is difficult to prove for most people especially on a global and
total scale, so we cannot take all of these things at face value. There is,
however, direct evidence for the global banking system; you carry the evidence
in your wallet every day, actual physical evidence that you can see and touch.
It doesn't matter where you go. The banking system is everywhere; Asia, Africa,
Europe, North America, South America, Australia. Everyone is controlled by it.
Who shot JFK? Doesn't matter. Who brought down the World Trade Center? Doesn't
matter. Did we really go to the moon? Doesn't matter. What’s in Area 51?
Doesn’t matter. Did the Beatles actually write their own music? Doesn’t matter.
Are stem cells extracted during abortions so that research can be performed on
them? Doesn't matter. Is Islam and Muhammad and Christianity and Jesus a
deception? Doesn't matter. Belief in a singular all powerful god can be used to
control you and manipulate you, it can also keep you trapped. Now the banking
system is the only conspiracy theory that matters. You can go to any country in
this world and exchange your currency for that country's currency with no
problems. And I'm certain that one single man controls all of it. I have no
proof that it is all controlled by a single man, this is merely a logical
deduction. This is simply the biological law of the alpha male for any
reproductive species. So who is this one man? I don't know. People in the
conspiracy community have their theories, myself included, but there's nothing
really concrete. This one man is a master of deception and most likely
understands human psychology better than anyone on the planet. And he can do
whatever he wants to you, you are at his mercy; and you don't even realize it.
Most people are completely unaware of the total control of their lives. He even
controls your happiness. Doesn't the fact that I know one man controls
everything mean that I can empathize with this man? Doesn't it mean that I
understand his hunger, greed, lust, and depravity? Doesn't it mean that these
aspects exist inside of me because I understand it? As of this moment, the
publicly acknowledged richest man in the world is the CEO of Amazon. Does the
CEO of Amazon control the banking system? I doubt it. Those deep into
conspiracy theory have suggested that the CEO of Amazon is just a paid actor
for the controllers of the banking system. Control of the global banking system
is most likely passed down from father to son. And all of the world's leaders,
societies, governments, organizations, agencies, and CEOs play by this one
man's rules. I still feel the need to eat, therefore I can still be controlled.
I still pay taxes, I still pay tribute to this man. Whoever this one man is, I
am his *****. He owns me and I fully acknowledge it. This one fact alone eats
away at me, that one single man has dominion over me. It gnaws at the very
essence of my being and it disgusts me. I'm letting some man who prints paper currency
dictate every aspect of my life, and he has controlled it since the day I was
born. Will I ever escape his grasp? I am certain this one man is quite
powerful, capable of manipulating reality globally. He is most likely highly
evolved in certain ways and understands certain aspects of existence far better
than anyone. Can I be angry about this? I don't believe I can. I don't know
specific details, but I think on some level I have legally agreed to some
contract I have no direct awareness about. I think on a legal level, the man
who controls the global banking system is not doing anything wrong. Who owns
your house when you can’t make a payment on it? The banking system. Who owns
your car when you can’t make a payment on it? The banking system. When a company
or corporation goes bankrupt, who owns it? The banking system. Who can create
money out of thin air, out of nothing? Who can go to a computer and input a “1”
and as much zeroes as he wants to his own account? The man who controls it all.
Not only can he create wealth for himself, he can create debt for everyone
else. I will venture to say that the man who controls the banking system
actually doesn't even have to use money himself; but yet, you have to use
money. Does this put your slavery into perspective? This is the real power that
controls the world. Take a drive through your city. Look at all the houses, all
the school buildings, all the churches, all the government buildings, museums,
universities, all the places of business. It costs money to build all of these
structures, therefore the banks own everything. I believe, through the clever
use of legal definitions, no one actually owns the house they live in. Or there
are governmental tools in place that can take your house away from you if you can’t
pay property tax. I suspect the banking system actually owns everything we see
today; media, military, governments, corporations, technology, buildings,
institutions, countries, cities. If a company gets big and successful, the
banking system finds a way to own it.
I don't think it matters which browser you use;
whether it be Chrome, Brave, Firefox, Explorer, etc. They're all owned by the
banking system. Microsoft, Yahoo, Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, the internet
itself; they're all owned by the banking system. The system knows exactly who
you are, every web-site you've visited, every comment you've made, every
product you've ordered, every picture you've taken, every email you've written,
every text you've sent your friends, your own personal blog, your education,
your bank accounts. It knows everything about you. All of this information has
been "officially and legally" recorded because we all agreed to it,
we all agreed to have a master. NSA, FBI, CIA, they all have access to your
information. Granted your information might never be looked at by human eyes,
but it's all there. The president actually has no control over these
organizations either, the president cannot fire the head or director of these
organizations. The person who controls these organizations is above the
president in status. The banking system can fund any corporation it wants. It
can create any corporation it wants; and in this digital age, it can be done
with the press of a button. The banking system can fund any politician it wants
and it actually funds both sides. It is also my observation that the banking
system compels economically disadvantaged women into prostitution. The leaders
of our countries can't do anything; they're just figureheads, administrative
middle-men content with the pittance they're given, content to be someone's
puppet. Their main function is to be a target for blame. I know you're being
judgmental right now towards political leaders or famous actors simply because
they have more money than you. They are still just as much of a slave as you
are. They are not any different from you, and you are not any different from
them. You slave away your life for someone else; and you are more than willing
to condemn your own children to the same fate as you. That does not sound like
love to me, more like fear and selfishness. I would say you actually want to be
a slave. When you pay taxes, it's always towards something nebulous, some
faceless governmental organization. You like the fact that you pay taxes
towards something faceless. The fact that you don't have to associate one man's
face to it makes the acceptance of your desire for your own slavery so much
easier to bear. You want the deception. You want the deception so badly, you
have made everything in your life a deception. And yet, you have the nerve to
complain about all of it. You, the deceived, want to die just as much as the
deceivers want to die.
The system ages you and sucks your life force,
it appears to be some type of "continuous sacrifice" system; the
global power structure is simply giving you exactly what you want. You
ultimately sacrifice yourself to the system with your death. Your children will
ultimately sacrifice themselves when they die, and if they have children the
processs can continue. One principle of the sacrifice is to place your sins on
a being and then sacrificing that being. War is sacrifice. Homelessness,
poverty and ghettos are a sacrifice, we've just hidden it with economic
nonsense. One possible reason we get sick is that sins are being placed upon
us. Make yourself immortal, do not allow yourself to be a sacrifice for whoever
is in control of this system. I refuse to bring a child into this world and
condemn to be a slave for the elites and their banking system. If someday I
have a son, he will be immortal and free. If I was Abraham and God asked me to
sacrifice my son, I would have said no and endured eternal hell. Is it even
spiritually possible to place your sins on a being and then sacrifice that
being? The exact mechanism for this escapes me. But I think I can provide an
appropriate analogy. At one point in my life I was a teacher. Then Covid
happened and my school wanted me to get vaccinated. I refused and so I was let
go and so I left. At the time I didn’t see it as such, but I now believe I was
a sacrifice. It wasn't a sacrifice in the traditional sense where you're killed
and your body is burned on a pyre or something, but it was still a sacrifice.
Now of course my school’s administration didn’t say let’s sacrifice him. They
were just like everyone else, panicked and scared. So if you’ve ever been let
go from a job, you were a sacrifice, a scapegoat. One thing I have observed,
whenever there is some type of crisis, someone gets sacrificed. As more and
more people become self-aware and enlightened, do not fall for the
"token" sacrifices the system and its controllers offer to us to
appease us. We push until we get heaven. Let's look at the crisis of 9/11. To
appease us, the official narrative was that it was religious fanatics. The
system and its controllers sacrificed the entire muslim religion and all its
followers. And at the time, this made me racist towards muslims. And to top it
off, we sent soldiers to Iraq to murder many innocent people that were just
more sacrifices. You can call it war, you can call it sacrifice, I call it
murder. But it worked didn't it? We were appeased. This can also lead to resentment that can build up for decades between muslims and non-muslims. If you look into conspiracy
theory, you will realize it wasn't muslim fanatics. In fact, it was 9/11 that
ultimately lead me to conspiracy theory. This lead me to spirituality. I then
pondered immortality. 9/11 was the catalyst that ultimately culminated in this
essay. It does appear that the system is currently sacrificing the bottom 80%
of white men in certain areas, well, in America anyway. And the bottom 80% of
white men aren't even the problem. They are a "safety buffer" but
they are not the problem. The bottom 80% of men refers to a man's ability to
financially provide for a woman and family, which the system is making
extremely difficult. The bottom 80% of men is not a reference to a man's
character. Placing your sins on a being and committing sin on a being appear to
be the same thing, I really can’t tell the difference. Someone placed their sin
upon me and then sacrificed me. The system somehow harnesses spiritual energy,
not physical energy, but spiritual. If you participate in the system, the
system can claim your death and use you. How does the system harness spiritual
energy? I have no idea. Energy, as we think of energy, can be harnessed with an
internal combustion engine. As I said, I have a scientific background;
scientific physics I get, spiritual physics is an entirely new concept for me.
Are there equations involved? I suppose we’ll find out. You know how ranchers
will brand or tag cattle? I suspect vaccinations are the same thing, it's a
type of branding or tagging, to indicate ownership. It's symbolic of course.
Children in America are given certain vaccinations. I believe enlisting in the
military also requires vaccinations. Are you a brilliant mathematician who
develops economic models that do nothing but help the elite maintain control?
Will this make you grow old and die? If you can get natural resources for free,
then why are you making people pay for the resources you get for free?
Joe Biden's covid policies led to me losing a teaching position which reduced my finances. Joe Biden sacrificed me, but I was a nameless sacrifice to him. Now I'm going to sacrifice him. Joe Biden is a pedophile. All 8 billion of us on this planet are going to become immortal, and all 8 billion of us are going to know this. There, I just sacrificed him. While I'm at it, I'm going to sacrifice someone else... Anthony Fauci. He tried to kill me twice. First he released the Fauci virus, that was the first attempt. And if that didn't work, he tried to get me to take his vaccinations. He didn't just try to kill me, he tried to kill all 8 billion of us. He tried to make a sacrifice of everyone on the planet. All 8 billion of us are going to become immortal. There, I just sacrificed him. They're both really nothing more than just pawns; but that's what pawns are for, sacrificing. I'm dying to know who their masters are. So is what I've just done a lot worser than killing a bunch of red cows?
Does owning land that you don’t live on and
charging other people to live on that land make you grow old and die? I think
so. Let me put this into perspective. I do have a certain amount of “economic”
privilege. My father owns four other houses. He bought them when they were very
cheap during the housing bubble in America. He fixed them up and he now rents
them out and charges people who live in them a monthly rent. Basically, he’s a
landlord. Yes, it is legal. Yes, society allows it. Yes, the tenants have entered
into a contract of their own free will. But I still think it's making my father
grow old because he is exploiting another human being for resources. Well he
also eats meat, but that’s a different issue. I love my father dearly, and I
hope some day I can resolve this personal situation. Ultimately, I hope to
convince my father to just give the houses away. A place to live and food
should be basic human rights at this point. I would also conclude that written
contracts are irrelevant if you want to be immortal. Taking legal advantage of
the ignorant probably makes you grow old too; look on the bright side, at least
you don't go to jail. There is a difference between legal and ethical. Murder
is unethical but murder can be made legal. That's basically what the death
penalty is.
There are many persecuted people in this world;
native americans in America, albinos in Africa, whites in South Africa, the
Roma in Europe, aboriginals in Australia, the Rohingya in Thailand, Negritos in
the Philippines, tribes in the Amazon, cobalt miners in the Congo, children
just about anywhere, women in underdeveloped countries; and it's all so that
you can have wealth and resources and access to women so that you can
perpetuate your genes. You accomplish these things and you feel as if you have
"won" this game. Don't you think it's time to stop trying to make
people extinct just because you want their land? If you have two kids, what
does it prove? You had sex twice. If you understand women, you’ll realize
there’s a good probability they’re not even yours. You're just her meal ticket.
There are only three countries left that do not participate in the global
banking system; Syria, Iran, and North Korea. Libya was the last to fall. Is it
any surprise that the media is portraying these countries as being terrorist or
nuclear threats? Why would you want to go to those countries and kill people
there who have done nothing wrong to you? Countries are never truly given
independence. They are only given independence once its resources are plundered
and the banking system is in place. Then harmful drugs are subversively
introduced into the country, similar to the way harmful drugs are introduced
into African American communities. If you want to live somewhere and there are
people already there who have been living there before you, you have three
choices: you can genocide them, live in peace with them, or go somewhere else.
Two of these choices will let you live forever. No matter where you go, there
you are. You are never actually lost. If the man who controls the
global banking system came up to you and offered to switch places; you would
have all his wealth and power, countless lives at your mercy, beautiful women
at your feet, 100% guarantee you will be able to spread your genetics, would
you take the offer? If you want to live forever, do you honestly think it will
be money and material goods that will enable you to do so? There's no need to
sell your soul, make deals, compromise who you are, abuse others, perform blood
rituals, perform human sacrifice for the sake of your religion, sacrifice someone you love, imbibe
concoctions made up of ground up parts of endangered animal species, or infuse
the blood of a child into your system. I'm fairly certain you can become immortal
without having to do any of these things.
I love technology, but it's greatest danger is
that it can be controlled by those with power and resources. The technology the
elite possess is most likely orders of magnitude greater than what we common
folk are allowed to have. If we develop telepathy it could be a means of mass
communication without technology. If we learn to fly, we wouldn't need cars. If
we learn to create portals, we wouldn't need planes. We would have ultimate
freedom and we could go wherever we want. If we gain control of our bodies down
to the cellular level, we wouldn't need to buy toothbrushes, nail-clippers,
razors, or pay for haircuts. If we could create and enter our very own personal
inter-dimensional spaces, no one would need a home. If we became breatharians,
no one would need food. Remember when you were a little kid, you hated eating.
You hated it when your mother called you in to have lunch. All you wanted to do
was stay outside in the sun and play with your friends forever. I think hunger is symbolic. We think hunger is a physical or psychological need, it is neither. Hunger is pure fear. None of us actually need to eat, drink, sleep, or even breathe to exist. We all just think we need to do these things. Those who
control money and resources will ultimately try to control and own your dignity
by taking away your clothes. We can make food, water, money, resources,
man-made laws, and politics completely useless. The moment you tie yourself to
something material, someone else will try to control it so that they can
control you. Don't forget, your body is material.
Section Twenty Nine: Consumerism
Consumerism is hard to avoid, especially for
Americans; but I believe I can provide you with general guidelines to help you
navigate your way around things. Why should you support local businesses when
large corporations provide cheaper products? I would need to come up with a
very logical argument for you to avoid large corporations. The main goal for a
corporation is monetary profit. The only way monetary profit is possible is to
exploit someone. The larger the corporation the more exploitation has occurred.
And if you purchase from this corporation, you are complicit in the
exploitation. If you work for a large corporation, you are also complicit in
the exploitation. Large clothing companies, large food companies, large
consumer chains; they are all exploiting someone. Yes, the product is cheaper;
but it means that someone, somewhere is suffering. Will this make you grow old?
I think so. I recommend you support small, local businesses. The smaller the
business, the less exploitation has occurred. Therefore you will live longer.
Anything local, you should support it and patronize it. If you like to eat out,
avoid chains and go to local restaurants. If you go on Etsy, you can buy
products that are made by single enterprising individuals. Now, let's go back
to my iPhone. Yes, I have finally concluded and accepted that by purchasing an
iPhone, I am complicit in Apple's exploitation of workers. Have I made myself
grow old because of it? Yes, I think I have. I was in denial about this for a
very long time because I really like my iPhone. I've realized I can't deny it
anymore. Large clothing chains exploit workers in third world countries. Some
large chains are of course unavoidable. I go to Walgreen's to purchase razors,
shaving cream, and cleaning supplies; but I believe things like this are
forgivable since there's no other option. Avoid products from large corporations
if you don't want to die, buy a lesser known name brand or a generic brand if
you feel compelled to buy something. Avoid corporations that exploit the
environment, animals, or people. Go to farmer's markets instead of large food
chains. In some places, a large chain might be your only means of getting food
and supplies and that's fine. But you should slowly figure out how to
transition away from it. Also understand that governments are actually
considered to be corporations. The pharmaceutical industry makes billions of
dollars every year. These drugs are designed and synthesized by chemists. You
don't need any of these drugs, not one. I realize all of this can be
overwhelming, so keep it simple when you start. Just start out by going vegan,
you can sort out more details later when you're ready to. Ethical companies are
starting to form and take shape. If you are searching for clothes just type
something like "ethical clothing stores". Ethical companies are
generally small, they may even be one or two man operations. And yes, their
products will be more expensive; but I think it's definitely the way to go. If
you work for a large corporation, you should quit of course. You don't have to
quit the next day. You have to do research and find alternatives; and yes it
will require a new life plan, setting different goals, and gaining new skills
and knowledge. Because of exploitation, all large corporations currently in
existence will ultimately fail. An ethical model for large corporations will
evolve, but I don't think it will happen any time soon. Again, it's alright if
you mess up now and then.
I just want to take this a little bit further.
And I suspect this will not be popular with a lot of you. If you want to
disregard this, it's fine; I could be wrong. I will ultimately withdraw
completely from participating in the banking system. This might take years or
decades, but it is my plan. People suffer under the banking system, maybe you
don't, but others do; particularly poor third world countries that the banking
system exploits, as well as the economically disadvantaged in first world
countries. Your easy lifestyle is at the expense of someone else. Most people
are born into the banking system, they do not choose to willingly go into it.
They do not know or realize they don't have to participate. In a certain
respect, they are forced into participating against their will. The banking
system makes no assurances that no one will suffer. You might have a decent job
and you might be a law-abiding citizen; and it might be difficult for you to
see the connection that you are complicit in someone's suffering who is on the
other side of the world. The banking system causes suffering. I see the
homeless here in America and I see victims of the banking system. My conclusion
is that if you participate in the banking system, you will grow old. This
basically boils down to you growing your own food and sustaining yourself. The
fairest situation that I can think of is only eating food that you grow
yourself. It took me a very long time to accept this, but I believe it is the
inevitable conclusion and it is logical. It's just that we are lazy by nature
and that we all know change will be difficult. Societies are highly complex and
interconnected. You probably get your groceries at a store and you have no idea
how to grow anything. But I think it is ultimately what you will have to do. I
truly do want to live forever, and I will have no one's suffering on my
conscience; even if they are on the other side of the world and I have never
met them. I think that if you actually do like yourself, you would want to live
Now I realize it's **** near impossible to not
use the banking system; just try to be as ethical as possible when you have to
use it. If you don't want to toil the earth and grow your own food,
breathairianism is a possibility. If the Venn diagram of existence is correct,
the laws of awareness always apply no matter what state of existence you are
in. If awareness does not need food and water to exist, then logically you
wouldn't need food and water to exist in physical reality since physical
reality exists inside of awareness. Let me remind you, breathairianism has not
been scientifically verified. My honest opinion on the matter is that people
who claim to be breathairian are not breathairian, I think they’re lying. I
don’t believe anyone has genuinely attempted it yet. If someone out there is a
true breathairian, I suspect he doesn’t talk about it or tell anyone. I think
the biggest obstacle to existing without food and water is fear. I do intend to
attempt breathairianism myself eventually. I don’t believe the system can be
saved, it is corrupt to the core especially at the highest levels; you are not
going to be able to vote to tax the rich, that is never going to happen. The
rich can define reality. The rich can get away with things that the commoner
can't. And if you are a commoner and you protest this, this is actually
hypocrisy because you participate in the money/banking system. If the elite
want to bomb a country, there is nothing you can do about it. They actually
have the power to make laws apply to you and not to them. However, the beauty
of infinity is that you will always be able to find an alternate solution, you
will always be able to find loopholes, you will always be able to try something
no one has tried before. It may not happen right away, but if you set your
mind; I'm sure you'll figure something out. Your consciousness, awareness, and
free will supersedes any and all systems; science, magic, alchemy, astrology,
numerology, dreams, reality, religion, heaven, hell, utopia, armageddon,
whatever. The man who controls the banking system looks for ways to exploit
governments, societies, and corporations. These governments, societies, and
corporations, in turn, look for ways to exploit you. It’s a trickle effect from
top to bottom. I don’t believe change can be effected from bottom to top. If
the system cannot be saved, it must be abandoned. Again, just my personal
feelings. It is possible to change the system for the better. But is it likely
to happen? I don’t think so. It is the system and our engagement with the
system that is making all of us grow old and die. I say we let the system die
instead. You don't have to violently oppose it, you just disengage from it.
Again, you can't do this overnight. This will take decades and lots of
long-term planning. This is an advanced idea, but whatever. I consider any and
all commerce to be exploitation. The moment you put a dollar value on
something, you are trying to exploit another person. As of right now, I think
it's fine to engage in commerce at this point in our evolution; but eventually,
we have to move past it.
Section Thirty: Happiness
There is only one way to find happiness. You
must find it within yourself. I have not found happiness myself, but I believe this is what must happen.
Section Thirty One: The Philosopher's Stone
The philosopher's stone was a substance that
alchemists of yore tried to discover or create. According to legend, the
philosopher's stone could grant immortality. Another similar legend is the
elixir of life. The philosopher's stone was believed to be an actual physical
substance that you could touch or swallow or imbibe, or it was an abstract
philosophical goal. It's both telling and appropriate that something which
would grant immortality has the word "philosopher" in it. And that's
what this essay is... philosophy. I believe this is the real philosopher's
stone. I believe the philosopher's stone is nothing more than a point of view.
Section Thirty Two: My Religion
I was born in the Philippines. It is a popular
destination for sex tourists. Most of its people have a “colonized” mentality.
But it’s understandable, that’s what happens when you’re conquered. It was, and
still is in a way, an archipelago of diverse kingdoms and tribes. Then the
Spanish came along, killed any opposition, brainwashed everyone with
catholicism, lumped everything together, and called it the Philippines. So you
know, that's our slave name. There are influences from buddhism, taoism, and
confucianism. Some parts are muslim. Indigenous beliefs and practices can be
found in isolated areas where the Spanish never bothered with or thought
insignificant. Because the Philippines was conquered by Spain and the majority
of its people converted to catholicism, I suspect Spanish or Vatican archives
contain Filipino artifacts and records. This is symbolic because it means the Catholic Church has control of the Philippines, maybe not politically or governmentally but spiritually to be sure. I am certain the Catholic Church possesses many artifacts of numerous cultures throughout the world. I remember going to an antique shop once, there were beautiful Chinese artifacts, furniture, and artwork for sale. And it was all very expensive. The person selling them wasn't even Chinese. Do you see symbolically what it means? Miyamoto Musashi is regarded as the greatest swordsman in Japanese history. His swords are in the Shimada Museum of Art in Kumamoto, Japan. Does the Japanese government actually own the swords? I don't think so, I think the controllers of the banking system do. The Japanese government of course may claim they "officially and legally" own the swords. One of the goals of imperialism is to
conquer a civilization, plunder it's resources, destroy records of genetic
lines, destroy it's technology, then steal or destroy that civilization's
scientific knowledge; to destroy the memory of the greatness of the
civilization and what it acheived; this way all of that civilization's
subsequent generations will believe their people were never able to create or
build anything useful. I was born into catholicism. My family immigrated to
America when I was just a boy. As a small boy my fear of hell caused a lot of
mental suffering. Of course, in retrospect as a grown man, I now realize it was
all self-inflicted. But you know what they say, suffering is good for the soul.
I eventually became an atheist. It didn't happen overnight. It was a slow and
gradual breakdown of my catholic beliefs due to overwhelming scientific
evidence and logical inconsistencies in religious texts. However, I have come
to realize the Bible is not to be interpreted literally. I did see a very
compelling video on YouTube that claimed a vision someone in the Book of
Revelations had that the "court" of God was actually physical
structures in the human brain. But anyway, thank you white western world for
making a small brown boy worship a white god. You can’t imagine all the
self-esteem issues it caused, you can't imagine my Stockholm Syndrome; but
whatever, it’s all in the past. As for now; well you know, I'm just me, one of
your many constructs, one of your creations. I often wonder what if the Spanish
never came? What religion would I have? Would I be worshiping spirits or
ancestors? Would you deem me worthy of death?
Section Thirty Three: The Spirit World
I mentioned this in an earlier section; I define
the spirit world as the world always unseen, so imagination plays a big role.
Right now, we can't see faeries; so faeries exist in the spirit world. But if
someday we evolve to see faeries, we would think up something else to replace
faeries in the spirit world. Right now we might think of telepathy as
communicating through the spirit world. If we someday evolve telepathy as a
normal everyday thing, we would think up something to replace telepathy in the
spirit world. The spirit world is a world free of laws and restraint, good and
evil battle for all eternity. It can be heaven, it can be hell. It can be a
perfect infinite crystal. It can be chaos and insanity and magic. It is a world
of signs and symbols. The tree of life exists in the spirit world. The spirit
world contains everything; and by everything, I do mean everything. It can also
be an infinite void. But it is also a world of infinite connections, this is
what makes the spirit world so powerful. God exists in the spirit world, if you
want him to exist. And it can affect our "non-sleeping awake" world,
when we are asleep and dreaming, and even our imagination. Everyone has a
unique spirit world. You will never be able to directly see your own spirit
world. If you do see your spirit world, then you will create something new to
always replace it. Never speak about your spirit world to anyone, always keep
it to yourself. I'm sure you can talk about little things regarding your spirit
world; you can talk about faeries, telepathy, or flying if you want. But the
main things, keep them to yourself. Never try to prove the spirit world exists;
if you try to prove the spirit world exists, if you try to seek some sort of
confirmation, you diminish its power. In the words of Tyler Durden, "The
first rule of spirit world, never talk about spirit world". But even these
definitions and this stipulation might just be a psychological trick we need to
play on ourselves at this stage in our evolution. In our shared physical
non-sleeping awake world, we try to bring symbols from the spirit world into
existence. Ultimately, I think what you want to do is make your unique spirit
world and the physical world the same thing. I suspect the spirit world is how
blessings, and curses, are trasmitted. The man who controls the banking system
also controls the world spiritually and symbolically, and we are not even aware
of it. He may even be able to influence our dreams. I will ponder this and how
he accomplishes it, there is most likely a hierarchy of existence that
encompasses the spiritual, mental, and physical. Well... the man who controls
the banking system is one possibility. It appears that we, everyone on this
planet, are reality prisoners. Prisoners of who? So far I see three
possibilities, there may be more; the one awareness, the man who controls the
banking system, or ourselves.
A sword symbolizes war, death, conquest, or
killing. A shield symbolizes protection or defense. A fire symbolizes warmth
and safety. Yes it is possible that a person can look at a sword and it might
mean something else entirely different to him. But I think the way it works is
that a symbol will mean what most people believe it to mean. And humanity,
collectively, sees the sword as a symbol of war. This might be how low-level
magic works, which appears to be mostly psychological in nature. If you would
like to have a safe trip; perhaps draw a shield on a piece of paper and carry
it with you. Or buy a toy action figure that has a shield and carry that with
you. Carrying the toy shield might give you confidence and less fear. Those who
wish you harm might sense this and decide not to violate you. The psychological
barrier for you to overcome is to not need the shield and generate the
confidence or fearlessness from within your very being. Symbols may also have
high-level magic applications. The Bible and its stories are highly symbolic in
nature. Our physical bodies and the physical universe appears to be symbolic.
So if physical existence is symbolic, what would symbolize creation in a
physical universe? I would have to conclude that voice, our very voices, create
physical reality. Remember, you don’t actually have a brain. When you speak,
you can’t see your mouth. You are creating voice out of nothing. If you’ve
never tried marijuana or psychedelics, you won’t understand this. I have
observed that while under the influence of consciousness altering drugs, a
person’s voice seems so powerful. People who are charismatic can probably tap
into this aspect of voice. Yes, science exists and it works. But I think it is
simply a veil we have created to hide the highly symbolic nature of existence
from ourselves.
The spirit world might dictate karmic laws in
physical reality. I'll give you an example. Let's say that a loved one was
murdered by another human being. For you to knowingly see your loved one again
in physical reality, you would have to forgive the murderer. Your loved one,
now being dead, would also have to forgive the murderer to knowingly see you in
physical reality again; whether by reincarnation, resurrection, or
re-materialization. We could apply this to whole societies. Let's say you are
African-American and you lost a loved one to the system. For you to see your
loved one again in physical reality, you would have to forgive the system. Also
your loved one would have to forgive the system. And you could then knowingly
both see each other again in physical reality. I suspect we have to evolve in
order for this to happen. Or perhaps to see loved ones again, we literally have
to turn our world, our very planet itself, into heaven? Don't the dead have
free will just as we, the living, have free will? Why would a dead person, of
his own free will, want to come back to our world as it stands right now? Why
would a small innocent child, that was senselessly murdered or sacrificed, want
to come back to our world? If we made our world into heaven, then the dead
would have more motivation to come back. I don't know about you, but there are
some people I would like to see again. Can you imagine extinct plants, extinct
animals, and dead friends and relatives coming back? I can. Can you imagine
people who have died because they were tricked into participating in the system
coming back? Can you imagine people you’ve murdered, assassinated, or
sacrificed coming back and demanding justice? Karmic laws may permit such a
thing. Can you imagine your ancestors coming back and all the people they
killed coming back? If the dead come back, we can piece together real history
and know the truth of our past; this should make conspiracy theorists happy. I
ate meat for 46 years. Will I someday have to answer directly to all the cows
and chickens I’ve eaten? The notion does seem silly, but you never know. I
imagine somewhere out there in existence are awarenesses that want to live
again. Who makes these karmic laws? I suspect we do. Perhaps it is even
possible to transcend karma. We can conceive transcending karma right? One way
for law to work properly is to believe in a higher power. If all of us stopped
believing in higher power, I think law would stop working. Not just man-made
laws either, this may include physical laws and even karmic laws.
Let’s consider another possibility. I define the
spirit world as the world always unseen. Let’s say you are a farmer who lives
in Madagascar and you don’t make YouTube videos or have a blog or anything like
that. For the most part, you are unseen by everyone on the planet who do not
live in Madagascar. Are you then part of everyone’s spirit world who do not
live in Madagascar? Is your imagination part of everyone's spirit world? I
often imagine myself fllying through the air, like Superman. I imagine everyone
in the world flying through the air, like Superman.
Section Thirty Four: Spirits In The Material
I came to America when I was four years old. My
most vivid memory of the journey was looking out the window of the ship and
seeing dolphins break through the surface of the water and leap into the air. I
remember being very excited. As I grew older and became more analytical and deductive,
it didn't make sense that we came on a boat. It was 1974 and my father had
joined the American military, planes obviously existed in 1974. So why would we
come to America on a boat? I asked my mother how we came to America and she
confirmed we flew on a plane. How on earth could I have possibly seen dolphins?
But I remember it so vividly. For a long time, I thought I must have imagined
it; similar to the way young children can have imaginary friends. Now, I
actually think I really did see dolphins, they were real. How was this
possible? If I was on a plane, I would have been several thousands of feet in the
air. At that height, it would be impossible to see dolphins with the human eye
and I saw them as if I was on a boat directly on the surface of the ocean. I
now think I was simultaneously seeing with my human physical eyes and my
consciousnesss at the same time. I saw the dolphins using my consciousness. I
think young children are capable of actively seeing with their consciousness
while they are awake. To a certain degree, I think psychedelics allow you to
see with your consciousness. And perhaps with perserverence, we can see the
quantum level of reality using our consciousness.
Let's look at the phenomenon of
"imaginary" childhood friends. I will discuss one case in particular
because I found it very compelling. This story made the news of course. A six
year old girl had gotten lost in the woods for two days. She was found safely.
This little girl is now a grown woman of course and she has told her story as
an adult. For those two days she was able to survive because of an imaginary
friend, these are her own words. The imaginary friend was also another little
girl who kept her company and comforted her through out the ordeal. Many people
do believe it was a spirit or an angel. I would now like to offer my
hypothesis. I think another little girl, somewhere in the world, also had an
imaginary friend who she helped for two days. Let's look at the viewpoint of
this other little girl's parents first. The parent's would think their daughter
was just playing in her room and talking to her imaginary friend. But this
other little girl was seeing with her consciousness; she wasn't seeing her
room, she was seeing the woods that the girl who was lost was in. Both girls
actually did see and talk to each other even though they were in different
physical locations. I hope these two girls find each other some day, they are both grown women now of course. My conclusion is that imaginary childhood friends are
actually real. I suspect that if people who had imaginary childhood friends
formed a Facebook group or a sub-Reddit or something, they could find their
imaginary childhood friend. This could also mean childhood monsters in the
closet are real. Perhaps because of the rules of their existence, they must
disappear whenever the door of the closet is opened.
If children can actively see with their
consciousness, it probably means they can see spirits also. I think spirits can
be like people; just as there are good people and bad people, there are good
spirits and bad spirits. Many parents simply conclude their child has an active
imagination, when instead they are seeing real things with their consciousness.
Perhaps actively seeing with your consciousness is the mythical third eye of
Section Thirty Five: How A Singular Conscious
Being Creates Free Will And Choice
This section is highly theoretical, I could be
wrong. Below is the yin-yang symbol. In my opinion, it is the best symbolic
representation of the constant struggle inside the mind of every conscious,
sentient, free-willed, self-aware being. I suspect it also symbolizes existence
on a dualistic level. Its minimalism and symmetry is quite elegant and beautiful. This
symbol originated from China. It is interesting that the ancient Chinese
decided to not depict the perceiver within the symbol itself, or perhaps they
did if you consider the perceiver to be the whole thing. I think the ancient
Chinese contemplated Source and got very close or actually realized it without
any of the religious nonsense we have today. When I look at this symbol, I do
not see religion, I see philosophy. Maybe they became immortal and decided to
leave and left this behind as a clue, but whatever. I would argue this symbol is solely responsible for all of creation.
(Image of yin-yang symbol obtained from Wikipedia under Public Domain, Creator - Klem, Note: I acknowledge every single Chinese person may have an issue with this citation)
Previously I discussed the "one awareness"
that creates all other conscious beings. For all practical purposes, we can
consider the one awareness to be God. But again, I want to emphasize this is
not your biblical God. All holy books are nothing more than human projection;
but if you want to worship this one awareness knock yourself out, just be sure
you don't make anyone suffer. Here's a thought... Adam, the first man, was God.
The Bible was Adam's dream. It was Adam who spoke light into existence. It was
Adam who created the heavens and the firmament. Adam then created the
personification of God so that his own existence would have a
"logical" beginning. How's that for a thought? Now all life on earth
is descended from the "luca", the last universal common ancestor;
this is an accepted scientific term. If all life on earth comes from one
lifeform, is it really so hard to consider the possibility that all
consciousnesses, animal or man, might come from a singular source? So what does
the one awareness look like? Fundamentally the one awareness has no appearance
whatsoever. The one awareness cannot see itself. The one awareness is
perceiving; the one awareness is actually a verb, it is an action. What the one
awareness perceives is simply creation. Pure awareness has no physical
embodiment. Let's look at the components of the yin-yang symbol. There are
basically two components. Let's call the white part "good" and let's
call the black part "evil". I am fully aware that people with dark
skin may find this offensive, but I can think of no other way to soften the
blow. Light skin can be used for deception, it truly does depend on the mind of
the individual. If you study evolution, you will realize that dark skin and
light skin is the result of evolutionary adaptation AND sexual selection.
Inside the white part is a smaller black circle and inside the black part is a
smaller white circle. I do have some thoughts on what these smaller circles
represent but I am not fully certain. I will add my thoughts on them to the
essay when I feel more confident. My initial thoughts are that these smaller
circles represent some type of singularity. We can also think of the
"black and white" parts as "masculine and feminine" or
"positive and negative" or "above and below" or "up
and down" or "left and right" or "strong and weak" or
"empty and full" or "everything and nothing" or "truth
and deception" or "darkness and light" or "chaos and
order" or "entropy and evolution" or "seen and unseen"
or "knowing and faith" or "physical reality and spirit
world" or "destiny and choice" or "life and death" or
"sanity and insanity" or "eyes open and eyes closed" or
"narcissism and empathy" or "sentience and non-sentience"
or "particle and anti-particle" or "graviton and
anti-graviton" or "matter and anti-matter" or "master and
slave" or "Vishnu and Shiva".
Vishnu and Shiva are references to Hinduism. Hinduism is considered the oldest religion in the world, older than the the Abrahamic religions. I find the mythology fascinating. There are parallels to my worldview. There are aspects of existence that Hinduism appears to have personified with deities. Hinduism has Brahma the Creator, which in my worldview would be awareness. There is Vishnu the Preserver which would personify good, and Shiva the Destroyer which would personify evil. Again, the mythical third eye of Hinduism could be actively seeing with your conscisousness. I am currently pondering if the seven chakras actually exist in the spirit realm, or spirit dimension. If the chakras actually exist, they could guide us towards enlightenment.
Theoretically, if matter and anti-matter come
into contact they annihilate each other and become pure energy. We could not
say exactly that if masculine and feminine come into contact they annihilate
each other and become pure energy. But perhaps we could say that if masculine
and feminine come into contact certain aspects end or change and something
else, something different, is formed; none of this need be material. But here
is a material example, a masculine sperm cell comes into contact with a feminine
egg cell which creates new life, a new awareness. The sperm cell and the egg
cell are annihilated and form a zygote. This new life can either be a baby boy
or a baby girl whose awareness can eventually equal or surpass the awareness of
the parents. Fundamentally, evolution is the expansion of awareness to be more
aware than it was before. For this to happen means energy would have to be
infinite. Since evolution is happening, energy is infinite. This should be
applicable to BOTH humans and animals. Is pure energy pure awareness? How does
pure energy create matter and anti-matter? Is it symbolically creating free
will? How does pure awareness keep matter and anti-matter separated? Is the
yin-yang symbol a hidden fractal? Existence, or perhaps oneness, can be broken
down into three aspects at its most fundamental level; things that are, things
that aren't, and awareness that both exist.
Let's pretend this yin-yang symbol is the only
thing that exists; there is no universe, no galaxies, planets, humans, animals,
oxygen, your own body, your own eyes, or even your own brain. All that exists
is your mind, your awareness. If you are the one awareness and you are looking
at this symbol, you are looking at both good and evil. You are creating both
good and evil. Do you see what you've done? You have given yourself 2 options.
You have symbolically created choice. You, as 1 thing, have created 2 other
things that are separate from you. Now here's my theory. At minimum, inside the
mind of every person are 3 separate personalities. You can think of these 3
personalities as 3 truly separate beings that are independent of each other.
There is your main awareness which makes choices, there is good you, and there
is evil you. All three are sentient, separate, and independent of each other.
Your evil thoughts are created by evil you, your good thoughts are created by
good you. You deceive yourself by giving these 3 separate beings the same sound
of your "mental voice" to make yourself think you are only 1 being
when you are actually 3. That's right, there are 3 separate beings inside your
mind. You are 3 people embodied as 1. Evil you is actually a separate awareness
from good you. Evil you is not aware of the thoughts of good you, good you is
not aware of the thoughts of evil you. But your main awareness is aware of both
the thoughts of good you and evil you. After all, it is your main awareness
that makes the choice or passes judgement. Let me hammer this home. Sometimes
when I deal with people and they really disrespect, belittle, intimidate, or
emasculate me; I have said some honestly evil things, in my mind, of what I
would do and I am often shocked that I would think such things. I am short man
so these things do happen to me. Then I considered the possibility that it
wasn't me saying those things, that they were the thoughts of other people
seeping into my mind. Ultimately I concluded it was still me having evil
thoughts but a different me. Personifying this side of me and giving it a
separate identity actually made it easier to choose the good me over evil me.
This was difficult to see and realize because good me and evil me both have the
same sounding mental voice which made me think they were one and the same. Even
seemingly small, inconsequential, negative thoughts come from your evil side.
If you don't nip these in the bud, these small negative thoughts can escalate
and become larger and become evil. So yes, I am basically saying everyone is
schizophrenic and I suspect religion is the cause of this schizophrenia. I remember watching cartoons as a little boy. Often times when a character was about to make a decision, a "devil" version of that character would appear on the character's shoulder, then an "angel" version of the character would appear on the character's other shoulder and they would argue and try to influence the decision of the character. In fact, I believe the cartoon was Tom & Jerry. Let's assume this 3 awarenesses in 1 body theory is true. A potential spiritual symbolic pathway is too reduce this to 2 separate awarenesses in 1 body, 1 awareness in 1 body, pure thought, pure being. The
religious perspective is that you become possessed by an evil or demonic
spirit. This does bother me as it implies we have no free will. Do we do things
first and then decide whether the action is moral or not? Or do we decide
whether something is moral or not first, and then do the action? Somewhere
along the way, we do make a choice. I often wonder if my own father is
possessed by some type of demon, as he is verbally abuse towards my mother. If
these evil or demonic spirits do exist, perhaps they are trapped in some way.
There has to be a reason they are evil or demonic. Does the yin-yang symbol actually represent a mathematical equation that all of physical reality is built upon? I think so. It either means "0 ≠ 1" from a logic perspective, or "0 = 1" from a magic perspective. This symbol "≠" means "does not equal".
There is a certain life philosophy, I suppose,
that believes there must be balance between good and evil. But I believe free
will, or choice, trumps balance. If we all truly have free will, couldn't we
all choose good? If we can all choose good, then balance isn't necessary. If we
all choose good, then we can have heaven. Statistically there is prolly a 50/50
balance of good and evil in our world. If we all choose good, I believe this
would statistically prove we have free will and that everyone is real.
Admittedly, if we all choose evil this would also prove we have free will and
that everyone is real. I don't know about you, but I would rather have
immortality. Basically I have concluded we do indeed have free will because we create free will. We create everything. I'm sure you've heard the saying, "If someone writes it, someone else will do it... if someone does it, someone else will write it". We may not have free will until we accomplish certain things that we've written down. If we write something, does that lock it into place? What if this thing had never been written in the first place? Is true free will to live without writing? How powerful is prophecy if it is written down?
When you have to make the choice, always make the choice that gives everyone free will. The minimum number of awarenesses needed for a shared existence to have BOTH absolute morality and free will is 3. I suspect this is also the basis for moral law, not man-made exploitative law. It also seems that law cannot exist unless there are at least 3 conscious beings. 3 is also the basis for the family unit; father, mother, and child. I therefore conclude that any type of conscious being, animals too, can potentially evolve to godhood. The crime of existence is to prevent this potential from developing. Censoring knowledge that should be free to everyone, such as this essay, will end up with you growing old and dying because you are preventing others from becoming immortal. This is a very basic karmic principle, so suffer well. If only you exist, morality is not needed. If only two awarenesses exist, with you being one of them, then you will have to be either good or evil. Psychologically speaking, this could be the framework for brainwashing or manipulating someone. If three awarenesses exist, with you being one of them, then you can finally make a choice. These two separate awarenesses other than yourself, would have to be the archetypal concept of good and the archetypal concept of evil. I believe this would also logically disprove solipsism entirely within it's own scientific framework. You can reduce reality down to a minimum of 3 separate awarenesses entirely through mental deduction. This is the lowest you can go. 2 appears to be an impassable barrier. Therefore my official scientific conclusion is that solipsism is false and the current existence that we all share has at least 3 separate awarenesses because law exists. This means everyone is real, or rather, our awarenesses are real. The middle path is a valid philosophical path. And at this very fleeting moment in time, we all exist.
Section Thirty Six: The Symbolic Nature Of Existence
Let's break down reality symbolically. Is it
possible that physical reality evolves as our consciousness evolves? Is it
possible that when we thought the earth was flat, the earth actually was flat?
Then we thought the earth was round, did the earth literally become round? If
true, this implies that we can use our collective consciousness, our collective
awareness, to define and change physical reality. This breakdown should apply
to all cultures on this planet regardless of religion as I will only cover
natural phenomena such as rain, seasons, fire, etc. Let's start with day and
night. During the day we have the sun. The sun is masculine. It provides our
world with energy to live. Is it difficult to see that our ancestors thought of
the sun as a god, or perhaps even God himself? Our sun is an aspect of physical
reality where the one awareness directly reveals itself to us. This may be a
viewpoint that is difficult to see if you have a scientific background. Try to
ignore the fact that science has reduced the sun to be nothing more than a huge
ball of hydrogen and helium undergoing countless nuclear reactions because of
its great mass. I know we are evolved and sophisticated; but try to put
yourself in the mindset of our ancestors. Stare at the sun for just a few
seconds and you might think it is a sentient, self-aware being that is staring
back at you. And it never speaks. It doesn't have to speak because the burden
of existence is to never sleep and to always be self-aware. The self-awareness
of the sun is what drives its nuclear reactions. If the sun is not self-aware
then it would have to be our self-awareness that drives it's nuclear reactions.
Someday we will figure out interstellar space travel and go to other worlds. It
will be exciting and wondrous, but we should never forget our sun because it
took care of us for so long. Science works and it exists, but it is a veil.
During the night we have darkness and mystery and the sky is ruled by the moon.
The moon is feminine. There are also stars and the planets within our solar
system that we can see during the night...
sun, moon, mercury, venus, mars, jupiter, saturn, stars, eclipses, alignments, comets, meteors,
earth, water, air, fire, spirit
Section: Ancient Astrology
Pollution and chemtrails reduces visibility of the night sky, preventing us from seeing messages the spirit world maybe trying to convey.
Section: Eclipse Symbolism
Scientifically, we all know what an eclipse is... it is the moon coming between the earth and the sun. But let's approach this from a symbolic perspective. An individual I correspond with has stated the eclipse is a "conception". Traditionally the sun is considered an aspect of masculinity while the moon is considered an aspect of femininity. So when an eclipse occurs I can see how it could be perceived as a conception. And after conception, there is birth. So an eclipse will eventually birth something. My belief is something else. Google "total eclipse" and look at all the images that pop up. The eclipse looks like the pupil of an eye. It also looks like a void. What does an eye symbolize? Knowledge? Knowing? Seeing? Awareness? I am uncertain as to why famous actors or musicians cover their right eye when they do photo ops, I've never been able to figure it out. Does an eclipse symbolize awareness? When an eclipse happens, is it symbolically an eye that is looking at us? Whose eye is it? When you stare at an eclipse are you looking directly into the eye of a conscious being or entity? I believe the universe is created by the Great Mind, perhaps the eclipse is the eye of the Great Mind. If it is a void, then are we seeing through the veil of physical reality? Are you in a room right now? Stare at the wall. Behind the wall is pure blackness, pure void. When you stare at an eclipse are you actually seeing the void? Or are you directly looking at the consciousness of your own inner mind. When you look at an eclipse are you actually seeing what you see when you get into a meditative state? Perhaps when you see an eclipse, the veil of physical reality temporarily opens a portal and you are literally seeing the void that exists behind reality. If an eclipse is symbolic of an eye, then that means the universe itself is self-aware.
We have evolved and an eclipse no longer has its ancient mystique. But reality has evolved alongside with us into a vast seemingly infinite endless universe. So we have replaced eclipses with black holes. It is now black holes that make us wonder what we are looking at. And if we figure out black holes, we will create something new to make us wonder.
Section: The Symbolic Nature Of Dreams And It's
2D Reality
Section: Waking Up From A Dream And Instantly
Creating A Complete Physical Body... Animals Can Do This Too
Section: Even If Your Physical Body Dies, Even
If Your Brain Dies, You Can Still Dream... This Applies To Evil People Too
Section: Dreaming Is Still Existence
Section: Are The Dead Dreaming?
Section: The Veil Between Worlds
Section: Language And Writing As Symbol And
Our reality is based on writing that is older than The Bible, most likely the very first writing system.
Section: Did Myths, Legends, Folklore, The
Bible, The Quran, The Vedas, The Mahabharata, Actually Happen Simply Because They Were Written Down?
Ra, Utnapishtam, Gilgamesh, Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, Zeus, Odin, Anansi, Amaterasu,
Shangdi, Quetzalcoatl, The Great Spirit, Baiame, tricksters, giants, faeries,
dragons, werewolves, vampires? The Age of Legends? The Age of Heroes?
Section: Did Ancient Man Dream The Pyramids Of Egypt, The Great Wall Of China, And Other Megalithic Structures Into Existence?
I briefly discussed the mandela effect in a previous section, let's discuss it some more. The mandela effect appears to be a type of "dream" phenomenon that manifests in physical reality. When we are asleep and dreaming, an aspect of what we are dreaming can change; for example, you might be in the middle of a forest and you look around. And when you look back to a place you already saw, a gothic victorian mansion might appear out of nowhere. If this happened while we were awake in physical reality, it would technically be a type of mandela effect but on a very very extremely large scale.
Section: Trickster Cultures Today
Section: Movies, Videos, Electrical Circuits,
Music, Dance, Art, Sculptures, Pottery, Programming, Computer Games, Cooking,
Machinery, Engines, Chemical Synthesis, Farming, Gardening, Metallurgy,
Blacksmithing, Stonework, Astrology, Your Body, Can Also Be Considered "Writing"
Section: How To Improve Your Genetics And Your Physical Aesthetic Appearance And Reverse Aging
If your parents never told you that you are beautiful, realize that you are. But there are always things we can do to improve ourselves. Pursuing evil will catch up with you eventually, it will break the symmetry of your features and you will become physically ugly, I mean this literally. You do have free will; if you don't want to do these things, then don't.
1) Become vegan. I cannot stress this enough. Being vegan has a spiritual meaning, it means you don't wish to cause suffering or death on other conscious beings and this makes you worthy of immortality. I will restate that I suspect eating meat is the direct cause of cancer.
2) Stop being racist. Everyone is racist, even me. This is something we all need to work on.
3) Stop thinking you're better than others because you're not. The fact that you think you're better than others means you're not better than others.
4) Don't exploit people. Exploiting someone means you don't want to see them after you exploit them. Spiritually this means you want them to die rather than see them again.
5) Don't engage with institutionalized systems, commercialized businesses, or corporations that exploit people. I realize 100% disengagement maybe impossible, sometimes the best you can do is too minimize your engagement.
6) Don't abuse children; physically, mentally, verbally, spiritually, sexually, etc. Quit projecting your own pathetic inadequacies and fears upon them. What the elite do to children is horrifying. They are tortured and sacrificed.
7) Be courteous and polite.
8) If your neighborhood has a recycling program, make a conscious effort to utilize it.
9) Properly dispose of your own garbage in public areas; in other words, don't litter. You have no idea how many times I've seen chicken bones on public transportation.
10) If someone is trying to get into traffic, let them in.
11) If you accidentally bump someone, acknowledge them and apologize.
12) If you are in a public area and you see a plastic bottle on the ground, pick it up and throw it away even if it isn't yours. Do this once a day, once a day is fine.
13) If you go to a sporting event, don't leave your garbage under the seating. Dispose of it properly.
14) If you are in a restaurant, minimize the work the staff has to do to clean up after you. If you spill something, wipe it up yourself.
15) If someone needs a little help, then help them. I saw a video that happened in Japan. A man was rushing through a busy public area and spilled massive amounts of objects. Everyone, and I mean everyone, around him stopped what they were doing and helped him pick everything up.
16) If you have a contract, keep up your end of the agreement.
17) Do not change the terms of a contract once agreed upon. Corporations and the people in them change the terms of a contract all the time. They will suffer spiritual consequences, not you. If you haven't realized it by now, this will be a game of patience as we wait for all evil to die.
18) If you are in a foreign country, respect their customs and way of life.
19) Don't "cheat". This applies to inconsequential card games of Magic The Gathering, sports, economics, financing, society, government, etc. How does one cheat in government? Making people pay to constantly renew their license plates, stuff like that.
20) What do we do with all the animals we've domesticated and imprisoned? I don't know, but we do have to come up with something.
I can keep going, but I think you get the idea. If you have grace, you don't need a list. If you have grace, you'll know the right thing to do whenever you interact with someone. If you have grace, you'll know not to cause suffering or exploit someone if the opportunity ever came up. If your soul is beautiful, your physical appearance will be beautiful or handsome if you're a man. Being evil will make you ugly, literally. Do I have scientific proof that doing these things will improve your genetics and your physical aesthetic appearance and reverse aging? No. I also think that if we don't judge people or wish bad things upon them, then we will never get sick. Generally, people are the way they are because of their parents.
Section: The Fluidness And Malleability Of Reality
I am going to briefly recap a fictional comic book storyline and how an aspect of it may manifest in physical reality. This story is called "The Last Viking". It was written and drawn by a man named Walter Simonson, who is a very gifted storyteller. This story was in the Thor comic book published by Marvel Comics. Comic book Thor and movie Thor are pretty much the same person, he is the immortal Norse god of thunder who exists in the modern age. Thor hears a "summoning", the words used for the summoning are ancient and should not exist in the modern age. Thor investigates and ends up flying all the way to the south pole. He finds a warm caldera filled with hot springs, plant life, and animal life; a type of oasis surrounded by the daunting ice and cold. He encounters an actual viking who challenges Thor to the death because he wants to enter Valhalla. Instead of fighting, Thor desires to hear the viking's tale. The heyday of the vikings was 800 to 1050 AD. Through numerous twists of fate, some vikings ended up in the south pole. They discovered the isolated caldera and decided to settle down and live there. Their community survived for many generations up to the modern age, completely isolated from the rest of the world. The last viking was a direct descendant of those vikings who discovered the caldera a thousand years ago. Now is it possible that because of this fictional story, explorers might actually discover viking artifacts in the south pole someday? Just a thought. So a lie created for spiritual deception could actually come true. Many religions have end times prophecies. I'm curious to see how this all turns out and to what degree can religious prophecies come true.
Section: Computer Programming And Its
Correlation To Physical Reality
(Image obtained from in-game screenshot of the computer game Ghost of Tsushima, Publisher - Sucker Punch)
Here is an image from a computer/video game. You can see a man holding a sword, trees and statues in the background. You can see the man's figure casting a shadow on the ground due to the bright sun on the left. The game has physics. It has NPCs. It has wild animals. It has a rudimentary morality system. It tells a story. There are numerous complex systems working together to make it all work. It is quite similar to our physical reality. And on its most fundamental level, it is made entirely with 1s and 0s. Complex systems can emerge from simple 1s and 0s. I have concluded, on its most fundamental level, our physical reality is created by the yin-yang symbol. Survival games have hunger and thirst mechanics, based on 1s and 0s. When we feel hunger, is it really due to the yin-yang symbol? Some games have magic, you can cast fireball spells against enemies. These magic systems are made from 1s and 0s. So magic in our physical reality would have to somehow emerge from the yin-yang symbol. In some computer games, you are a superhero that can fly; 1s and 0s... yin and yang. The programmers have created a virtual reality by writing it into existence with 1s and 0s. We create physical reality by writing somehow with the yin-yang symbol. The fundamental language of computers is known as binary, an electronic state is either on or off, 1 or 0. This implies that numerology, although considered more on the "magick" side of things, might have some type of logical basis.
Section: Money Appears To Be Some Type Of
Spiritual Energy Storage Mechanism
This explanation is symbolic. I think the more
money you pursue, the more spiritual energy that you give up... LITERALLY.
There is probably a direct linear correlation to how much money you have and
how much spiritual energy you give up. And the man who controls the banking
system harnesses this somehow. This tells me spiritual physics does have
equations and spiritual energy seems crucial for immortality, non-proven but I
think this is the case. Perhaps if the value of money depreciates or an economy collapses, it means the controllers of the banking system have taken away your spiritual energy and are using it for themselves somehow. So how does this work exactly? I don't know. Am I going
to ponder it? Of course. Money is a system that another man has created, not
you. And if you use the money system, you are by definition, not the alpha
male. Even philosophically, this should be logical to you. If you have no
desire to be the alpha male of this world, then you're fine and the banking system is nothing for you to worry about. There's nothing wrong with being a beta male; I'm a beta male, just don't be a simp. So what does it mean, spiritually, if an economy collapses and money becomes worthless? Again, I don't know. As a conspiracy theorist, I do believe economies are collapsed on purpose. As long as you make money one of the main focuses of your life, the controllers of the banking system know they have you. It doesn't matter if you are good or evil, rich or poor, enlightened or clueless; as long as you pursue money, the controllers of the banking system know that you will eventually die for them.
I've also been trying to figure out how the elite harness our energy in other ways. All this time, I've been trying to figure out a "physical" mechanism, like how the internal combustion engine can harness the innate energy of fuel and turn it into mechanical energy. I'm starting to think they harness energy through a "spiritual" mechanism, not a physical one. However, my spiritual knowledge is rather limited. But if it is a spiritual mechanism, then the best solution for us is to not react with fear or anger... the best solution is to not react at all. No matter how tragic, horrific, or enraging an event we see on the news is, it would be best to simply not react to it. And even if we have good intentions, this would mean the elite can harness our energy when we are frustrated with "normies". When we are frustrated, I believe that is also energy the elite can harvest.
Section: The Best Resource On The Planet Is Not
Gold Or Metal Or Wood Or Stone... It's Another Human Being
This will only apply to you if you live in the
USA and have a social security number. As a general definition, I will say the
elite are the people who control the various systems of our society. My speculation
is that there is one man at the top who controls it all, so it is hierarchical.
I do not know the details of this hierarchy, deduction only gets you so far. We
actually have no idea who these individuals are, they keep themselves hidden
and they are not movie-star famous. Your social security number is traded on
the stock market as a type of commodity. A single individual person, another
human being, one of the elite, owns your social security number and therefore
owns you. All the toils and labors of your life are for this person. Let's say
you are a famous movie star. You have a hit movie, you make a lot of money, you
get more movie offers. The member of the elite who owns your social security
number benefits from all the money you make, and you have no idea who this
person is. What probably happens is that the member of the elite, who bought
your social security number for very cheap, will try to make you famous. This
would be a very good return on investment. Or let's say you have a minor role in
a movie. The elite watch movies and will try to see if a minor actor stands out
from everyone else, this minor actor does have the potential to become famous
and make a lot of money. They will find out your name and your social security
number and try to buy your social security number from whoever already owns it.
This is also the case with famous athletes. A company, business, or
corporation's tax ID is also probably traded, bought, sold, or owned in a
similar fashion. It may even be a type of auction. The elite do not have social
security numbers. The master does not need a social security number, it is the
slave who does. That's pretty much it, social security number... slave... no
social security number... master. The master creates the social security number
and gives it to the slave. It's symbolic. I'm quite curious now as to who is
the individual person among the elite that possesses my social security number. Who is the owner of my social security number? Who do I belong to? Who is my master? Corporations or businesses that require you to have a social security number are therefore selling you and forcing you into slavery. For the record, I have no proof of any of this, I have deduced it. The elite also traffic children. One would
have to conclude most of the elite are pedophiles. They also sacrifice children. I believe the more pure and innocent the spirit is, the more powerful the sacrifce is.
Section: Does Trying To Coherse Someone To Put Something In Their Body That They Don't Want In Their Body Make You Grow Old And Die?
Section: How The Man Who Controls The Banking
System Controls The World
This man, whoever he is, is in fact the direct reason why death, suffering, and sickness still exist in our reality. He is extremely powerful, especially spiritually.
Section: We Can "Write" Reality
X-Files World Trade Center episode? Coronavirus
movie? Train derailment/chemical spill movie? White Noise? The NeverEnding
Story? Movie writers are the scribes of reality.
Section: A Purely Oral Culture Cannot Be
Controlled Or Manipulated By Any Type Of Written Law... Unfortunately They Can
Still Be Genocided By Cultures With Written Law
Any type of society can write and agree to its own laws, even if it's an informal society with just three people. And even oral law is a type of writing.
Section: Bullying Is Evil
Let's take bullying to the extreme. What you are bascially trying to do is get someone to kill themselves. This also applies to global political scales, not just personal.
Section: Let's Talk About Jesus... Possibly The Most Written About Person In All Of Literature And History
I believe Jesus was a real person, a normal human, just like me and you. I believe him "being born of a virgin" is a lie though, and his teachings and the truth of him have been twisted by scribes. But I also believe he was quite extraordinary. There may be a possibility that he is immortal and actually still alive today, right now, on this planet, in our midst, somewhere. For his time, he would logically be vegetarian and scholars have stated this. The real reason he was crucified was because he was opposed to animal sacrifice. Ah, I see now; the people who were for animal sacrifice turned Jesus into a sacrifice. Fascinating. If he's still alive today, he's probably breatharian; which would make him divine now of course. But understand, it is a divinity of his own making. His consciousness would be extremely, highly evolved at this point; we're talking two millenia worth of consciousness evolution. Even the Buddha or Avatars of Hinduism might be around. But I was born into catholicism, so this section will focus on Jesus. Let's assume some things about him in the Bible are true and some things are false. We will try to sift through the lies using deductive logic, psychology, and symbolism; and why I think he became physically immortal and is still alive today. Why would someone who was vegetarian and against animal sacrifice tell people to symbolically eat his body and drink his blood? This is definitely a lie and some type of spiritual manipulation. It's some type of ritual symbolic cannibalism. There is some belief Jesus traveled to Asia as a young man and studied numerous eastern religions such as buddhism, hinduism, and jainism; we will try to determine this as well. Scholars have noted the striking similarities between the actual teachings of Jesus and the teachings of the Buddha, not the nonsense espoused by the catholic church.
Section: We All Exist Inside The Great Mind
The Lord of The Rings is my favorite work of fiction. It was written by J. R. R. Tolkien, he passed away in 1973. His physical body is dead... but I'm sure his awareness is aware somewhere. In our reality, Middle-earth isn't real... but I'm sure it's real somewhere. If we somehow opened a dimensional portal and found ourselves in Middle-earth and actually met Frodo Baggins or Aragorn, where in all of creation would we be located? I think we would actually be inside the mind of Tolkien himself, inside the mind of his awareness. The mythology of Middle-earth even has a creator god, Eru Iluvitar. Tolkien wrote himself into his own creation, Tolkien was Eru Iluvitar. At the conclusion of the Return of the King, the last book of the Lord of the Rings, Tolkien did create a timeline of some of the events after the War of the Ring. All of the inhabitants of Middle-earth did not have free will until after the timeline. What does this imply about the person who wrote The Bible or The Vedas? Close your eyes and imagine an alien planet.
Imagine an alien species with 4 eyes, 4 arms, and a tail. Now picture a single
individual of that alien species. Does he have a name? Let's call him John Doe.
Does he have a wife and kids? Does he have a job? Forget about him for a few
days. Now think about him again. What's he doing now? Is he throwing a party or
something? For those few days that you weren't thinking about him, was he
living his life inside your mind? What was he doing for those few days that you
weren't thinking about him? Was he chopping wood or farming crops or sacrificing
children, of people he thought inferior, to Molech or Baal or whatever? Was he wondering who created him, his
people, and his planet? John Doe exists inside your mind. Imagine vast oceans,
huge continents, animals, plants, 2000 feet tall trees, dinosaurs, 500 feet
long whales, all types of mega fauna. Now imagine the whole planet full of 8
billion of these intelligent aliens, all of them living their lives. They all
exist inside your mind, inside your imagination. Are we the imagination of some
greater mind? Do we all exist inside the Great Mind? And I think the Great Mind
exists inside our minds, it's some type of circular self-reference. This would
explain why certain aspects of object-oriented programming seem
"redundant". Is the Great Mind dreaming reality? Does this mean it is asleep and dreaming us? What do you think would happen if the Great Mind awoke? If this Great Mind did awaken, I think it would manifest itself to us through our sun; because the sun is currently the most powerful object in our reality.
Physicists have concluded at the center of all the stars
in existence is a blackhole. Spiritually, I have concluded that inside our
minds, there is also a type of blackhole. Are blackholes in outer space actual
awarenesses? Does John Doe's mind, which exists inside your mind, also have a
blackhole in it? Is he creating worlds and other beings too? Everything is
writing; trees, flowers, sunlight, mountains, rivers, terrain, forests,
savannahs, deserts, valleys, islands, continents, snow, rain, the sun, the
moon, the stars, everything. Just because you don't see words doesn't mean it's
not writing. What these are, are symbols. And symbols are a type of writing.
What does this imply about the worlds created by authors such as Isaac Asimov,
Ray Bradbury, Frank Herbert, H. G. Wells, Kurt Vonnegut, Philip K. Dick, Sir
Arthur Conan Doyle, Charles Dickens, Alexander Dumas, William Shakespeare, J.
R. R. Tolkien, Frank L. Baum, C. S. Lewis, or Terry Pratchett? Do these worlds
actually exist and can we visit or stay forever? Please forgive my author bias,
but I was raised in the USA with the classical western perspective. Existence
is all mental, it's all mind; evolve your mind. Mind does not mean physical
brain, mind is non-physical. Evolve your mind and your physical brain and your
physical body will follow. And the weird part is, your brain doesn't even
actually exist right now. All that exists is the illusion of mass.
Section: Fundamentally You Are An Infinitely
Small Zero Dimensional Singular Point Of Awareness That Physically Exists
Somewhere Inside The Brain When You Are Awake
Or rather, your awareness creates a brain around
it then the rest of your body. If your awareness is infinitely small,
technically it is on the quantum level of existence. If something is infinitely
small, it has no physical structure. Your awareness has no physical structure,
it just is. If something is infinitely small and has no physical structure,
then it can never truly die or be destroyed. Physical phenomenon is
"non-classical" on the quantum level. Particles can literally pop
into existence out of nothingness. When we dream, are we at the quantum level
of existence? Since our awareness is an infinitely small point, that is by definition, the quantum level. And the implications are astounding. Is what we observe as physical reality actually a quantum field? If we take this perspective to the extreme, it would mean that you are a quantum field.
Section: Global And Societal Resets
I suspect the purpose of "resets" is to instill a false history. There will be old people that remember true history and young people that believe the new false history. The system patiently waits for the old people to die out.
Section: Does Watching Hollywood Movies And
Supporting Politics Make You Grow Old And Die?
I'm a big time movie fan, I predominantly enjoy
science fiction and fantasy. But yeah, the more I think about it, I think this
is the case. Hollywood is full of pedophiles, politics is full of pedophiles.
If we watch Hollywood movies, we are supporting pedophiles. Politics I don't
care for, I ignore all of it. I don't even vote, so I don't think politics is
my problem. But movies, for sure that's my problem. ****, I really enjoy movies
too. I'm so torn about this. If anyone can spiritually convince me otherwise,
I'm willing to do whatever mental gymnastics it takes. I also suspect, via numerous shell companies, Hollywood actually finances the pornography industry and web-sites related to pornography.
Section: Awareness Of The Choice When You
Confront Death Itself
Section: Is The Fundamental Level Of Existence Nothingness Or Everythingness? The Void Or The Light?
Section: Possible Framework For Telepathy
Section: Can We Bring Back "Magic" To
Our Logical, Scientific Reality?
A sword made by hand is far more powerful than a
sword that is machined, I'm sure this is also the case with regards to cooking.
I know there are "practitioners" out there and you have charms,
ingredients, and rituals. Perhaps if you make everything by hand and gather
everything, gather the ingredients from the wild or grow them yourself, will
your magic be more powerful? Or is it magick with a "k"? When I say
make everything yourself, I mean it literally. Let's say you need a wooden
charm. Would your magick be more powerful if you chopped down the tree yourself
and carved the charm with your own hands? What if you also grew the tree as
well? And if you made the tools yourself, wouldn't your magick be even more powerfuller? I'm rather envious of you blacksmiths now. If you made your own gardening tools as well as grew your own crops, I'm guessing your harvests would be extremely bountiful. Aw man, don't get me started. What if you mine and smelt the metal too? Magick is not something I've looked into extensively. I do browse some
forums now and then. Please update me if this works for you. Or perhaps
updating me will diminish its power. If that's the case, then don't tell me. I
will look into it myself eventually. I'm sure every culture has a "magick" tradition such as paganism, try to rediscover it. It has been wrongfully taken from you. My official definition of "magick" is "something from nothing" or "nothing from something".
Section: The Nature Of Magick And Spirituality
I've only begun to venture into this area, so consider me a newbie on this topic. Magick and spirituality appear to have some overlap and might actually be the same thing. If we apply the yin-yang principle to science, the exact opposite of science would have to exist. If science is verifiable and applies equally to everyone; then magick would have to be unverifiable and unique to everyone. In other words, magick that works for me might not work for you; your magick will be unique to you. The reason I think this is the case is due to taking psychedelics. Every single psychedelic session I have had has been unique, I have never had the exact same psychedelic experience. This means no two people will ever have the exact same psychedelic experience. Since psychedelics are associated with the spirit realm, every person's spirituality will be unique to them. Organized religion appears to make spirituality to be equally applicable to everyone. And here is something else that I suspect to be true, attempting to scientifically verify magick/spirituality diminishes its power. That's the main idea; do not attempt to scientifically verify magick. As long as you keep this mind, you should be able to find your own "magick".
Section: The Consciousness Of “The Wild”
If you are a
gardener, you may have noticed something similar to what I will describe. I was
mowing my lawn and I noticed a new species I have not seen in my lawn before.
The perfectly logical scientific explanation would be that a bird had a seed in
its beak and flew over my lawn and accidentally dropped the seed. This makes
perfect sense to everyone. But what if that is not the actual truth? What if,
out of nothing, the plant just popped into existence? And if you didn’t do it,
then who or what did? Let’s take this to the extreme. Suppose we devastate our
world and eradicate all plant life, through pollution or nuclear war or
whatever. We would be doomed. But I think, one day, we would start seeing
edible plant life emerge. We could of course just say, somehow these seeds
survived. If you’re not a science fiction fan, you may have no idea what I’m
talking about. In Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan, some federation officers were
tasked to find a planet completely and utterly devoid of life. If colonizers
settled on a planet devoid of life, I think plant life would simply start growing.
And this would actually be scientifically testable, as soon as we develop space
travel of course. We could say the colonizers unknowingly brought the spores or
seeds somehow and the seeds dispersed throughout the planet, but I think that’s
just us denying our power. The closest for us is the moon. If we colonized the moon, would plant life start growing? I believe this is called the anthropic principle. Let's say a corporation, such as Monsanto, manages to genetically engineer vegetables or fruit to no longer produce any seeds. The consciousness of the wild should eventually make these genetically engineered plants produce seeds. Consciousness will always find a way to be. Based on my own observations, I don't believe an individual plant has self-awareness, not even a 300 foot tall redwood tree has self-awareness. But something that has self-awareness is creating plant and tree life. I believe it is the planet earth itself that is self-aware and creating plant life. And its awareness is physically located in the center of the planet's core. And the planet's awareness is an infinitely small point just as our awarenesses are infinitely small points located in the center of our brains. I think our planet's awareness is manifesting all plant life. All awarenesses can communicate with each other in some way, it doesn't necessarily have to be spoken language. By extension, I would have to say our own sun is self-aware as well.
Section: What Is Animism And How Would We Apply It Today?
Section: The Aboriginal Dreamtime
Section: The Mythical Third Eye Of Hinduism
Section: My Thoughts, And Dreams, Thus Far On Attaining The Ability To Fly And Its Symbolic Meaning
Can I fly? No. But I think about it often and I have dreamt it. If we can make ourselves immortal, then I don't see why we can't eventually fly. It is something I think we have to work on though. Here are my ponderings thus far.
A scientific perspective
The deepest truth I have uncovered while in a meditative state is that we are an infinitely small, zero-dimensional, non-physical point of self-awareness that is creating physical reality. We simultaneously create both our physical bodies and our physical surroundings. This is the reference point of physical existence and presented merely as observation. To attain flight is for the awareness to only create the sensation of physical body and not create the sensation of physical surroundings.
A dream perspective
When your physical eyes are open, your "spiritual" eyes are closed and your spiritual mind is asleep and dreaming physical reality. When your physical eyes are closed, your spiritual eyes are open. Your spiritual mind is awake and sees the infinite void.
A magic perspective
Gravity is a fully aware sentient spirit, an air elemental of some type perhaps?
A spiritual perspective
A purely symbolic philosophical perspective regardless of culture or religion
You need spoken language and writing at the bare minimum. When it is a lovely sunny day and you say out loud, "It is a lovely sunny day", do not perceive it as the lovely sunny day happening first and then the spoken words came second. Perceive the spoken words as creation and then the lovely sunny day happens around you, in either direction of time. Now take this concept to a mental level and apply it to thought instead of spoken voice. You are the voice of creation, you are the thought of creation. You are awareness. Your thoughts happen first and then you create reality. Apply this to any written word you see in the moment, perceive all written word seen in the moment, as creating physical reality. And be aware mental thought occurs before spoken voice. As a thought scenario and its implications, if you were in the wilderness and were completely naked and saw absolutely nothing man-made, no technology, no shapes, no words, no symbols, no clothing, nothing, only nature, and did not speak a word, you would literally be creating physical reality with nothing but your thoughts. This perspective requires no god, for you are the god in this perspective. Reality... existence... is pure symbol.
A consciousness perspective
Ignore the fact that you can "feel" your body. Let's focus strictly on "sight" for now. This is your true shape, the white part... roughly. It's an ellipse basically. You have an elliptical shape. You are an ellipse.
If I draw in a pupil, you can see it looks like an eye. You are not a humanoid biped. You are an eye. You are an eye that sees itself. You are existence. And all the laws of existence exist inside of you.
An eye symbolizes awareness. There is eye symbolism on the dollar bill.
(Image of dollar bill close-up obtained from Wikimedia Commons under Public Domain, Creator - Bureau of Engraving and Printing)
If you go for a walk, you might see this.
Everything inside the ellipse is you, the sandy soil, the wooden poles, the rope connecting all the poles, the plant life, the clouds, the blue sky. Now look in a different direction and you might see this. You have INSTANTLY changed what you are simply by looking in a different direction.
Now lift up your hand and put it in front of your face. You would see this.
Physically all you did was lift your hand. But what is really happening? I think you created the hand "inside" your true shape. What you perceive inside your true shape can change instantly. There are actually greater implications to this statement. I will add these implications to the essay when I feel more confident about them. From a consciousness perspective, flying would be changing what you perceive "inside" of you. This is a perspective that involves your physical eyes being open. So if you could fly, this is what you would create inside of you.
So how would we create something like this inside of us? I don't know. There is one more interesting possibility, especially if you are religious. Perhaps the "eye" shape you see is not you, perhaps the eye you see is the eye of the one awareness. Some would call this one awareness God. My personal observation is that using the term "God" enables one to commit atrocities such as genocide for some reason. I only use it in this essay because, philosophically, everyone, even if you are an atheist, understands the concept of God. So if you believe in God, you've basically been looking at him your whole life. And if you're looking at him, then he's looking at you. His awareness would be directly behind this "eye".
A collective consciousness perspective
Is the reason that we collectively, as humanity, cannot fly is because we feel we don't deserve to be able to fly even if we may not be aware that we feel we don't deserve to be able to fly? We can define reality. If all 8 billion of us simultaneously believed that we all could fly, would we all actually start flying? Wouldn't it be beautiful if that happened?
The spiritual symbolism of flight
To attain flight is to attain enlightenment, godhood, and immortality. We, all of humanity, must attain flight, every single one us. It would be literal symbolism for evolution, transformation, ascension into higher planes, or whatever; which, as a side effect, should change our DNA for the better.
Section: My Thoughts On Nibanna (Nirvana) And Breathairianism
If you are not buddhist or have no appreciation for any of its concepts, feel free to skip this section. Here in the west we are more familiar with the term "nirvana", but in traditional buddhism, the proper term is "nibanna". It is described as the state of being free from the cycle of rebirth and suffering. It is the elimination of wants, desires, and needs. If the state actually exists, I have yet to attain nibanna myself. I would consider eating and drinking as a want, desire, or need. This seems to imply that to attain nibanna, one would no longer need to eat or drink. The founder of buddhism was a man named Siddhartha Gautama, he is simply referred to as The Buddha or The Awakened One or The Enlightened One. Initially, he would had to have been a practitioner of hinduism if we take into account where he was born. Since buddhism does not worship a deity, I would have to think that Siddhartha Gautama became a solipsist when he achieved enlightenment. He just didn't have a word for it or buddhist texts have been misinterpreted. History attests that he did in fact die. My suspicion is that he faked his death and is still actually alive and living amongst us today, probably somewhere in Asia. If my suspicion is true, he would be around 2,500 years old. Breathairianism is a concept of hinduism. It is existing solely from sunlight and breathing. Maybe it's just me but I feel that one aspect of nibanna would be the elimination of the need to eat. Technically, if you no longer needed to eat you would no longer be a physical being, you would be a spiritual being.
Another important hindu concept is prana. Prana is simply lifeforce. From a western perspective, this is too vague. The western perspective would like to quantify prana and give it an official unit such as a Joule or calorie or whatever. If you are familiar with the Star Wars movies by George Lucas, I would say The Force is prana. And that's as far as I am going to take it, let's not complicate matters and discuss midiclorians. All I'm saying is, if you are trying to relate to prana from a western perspective, think of prana as The Force. How would we experience prana? How would we know it's real? How would we generate prana? How would we access it?
Section: How To Mentally Live As A Spirit And Not As A Physical Being
We are are all spirits. When a man and woman have a child, they are allowing a new spirit into the realm, this realm, our realm. For the record, I am an LGBTQ ally. Whatever religion you practice is irrelevant. Whatever deity or deities you worship is irrelevant. Whether you are atheist or agnostic is irrelevant. Whether you use magick or science is irrelevant. Whatever culture you have is irrelevant. As long as you have language and writing, you should find this "spiritually" practical. If you are not spiritual, then you can ignore all of this nonsense. Buy a blank journal. If you want to keep your journal in Spanish, German, or Mandarin, instead of English; it's fine. Do not do this just because I tell you to. If you are reading this, you might feel compelled to do this right now. Do NOT do this right now. Do this when it finally makes sense to you, it will be more rewarding. Let's say for example, you are out for a walk and you truly become self-aware and you finally truly realize that you can actually live forever. You bust out your smart-phone to make a note of the time and place when this realization occurred to you.
And let's say this is the note you made:
Tuesday - March 12, 2024 - 8:25 pm - Hiking nature trail
In your journal, write this down:
Tuesday - March 12, 2024 - 8:25 pm - Day 1 of Existence - I am
When you wake up the next day, write this:
Wednesday - March 13, 2024 - Day 2 of Existence - My name is...
When you wake up the next day, write this:
Thursday - March 14, 2024 - Day 3 of Existence
When you wake up the next day, write this:
Friday - March 15, 2024 - Day 4 of Existence
Consider this as "minimal" effort in order to mentally live as a spirit and not as a physical being. Whatever else you want to write in your journal is entirely up to you. This journal could potentially form the basis for your own unique "magick" or spirituality if you desire to pursue such things. Do not make it an online journal. Buy an actual physical journal that has physical papers. Your existence is yours and none can claim it save you. If at any point you wish to stop maintaining a journal, it's fine, the act is nothing more than symbolism. All you truly need for existence is awareness. And if you are reading this right now, then that means you have awareness. Another thing I think you can do is to live without a clock or watch. However, this will be difficult for most of us since we have jobs and need to be at work on time. Or if you want to watch a movie or watch a game, you need to know what time it starts. If you are a hermit and grow your own food, this could be quite possible. And if we lived without a calendar, wouldn't every day be Ground Hog Day? This is a direct reference to the movie. If you want to accomplish a goal, write it in this journal. And guess what? It will happen.
Section: A Philosophical Definition Of The One Awareness/Great Mind That Creates Reality
Thus far I have not been able to prove the existence of the one awareness, but it's not for lack of trying. I would like to emphasize this is not a proof of the existence of the one awareness, but merely an attempt at a definition. It is possible that the yin yang symbol, aside from "1 and 0", can also represent "1 and infinity". I think the white part represents 1 and the black part represents infinity. In mathematics, the symbol for infinity is ∞. When we close our eyes, we see nothing but blackness. What does it mean if we closed our eyes and saw nothing but pure whiteness? The one awareness never sleeps, it is always aware. It knows language and can articulate perfectly. It does have thoughts, just as you and I have thoughts; but it has no actual voice. It is capable of perfect articulation but cannot speak. It cannot speak to you or interact with you directly, these appear to be some of the rules for its existence. And for whatever reason, both the one awareness and all of us infinite consciousnesses have agreed to this. If you hear voices in your head, it is most likely a spirit created by the one awareness, or a spirit created by you, but not the one awareness itself. I believe direct communication with the one awareness is forbidden. Now I'm not saying indirect communication isn't possible. Imagine you are in a library and you see nothing but shelves full of books. The one awareness is looking right at you from behind all the shelves full of books. The one awareness is fully aware that you exist because it literally sees you, but YOU are not fully aware that the one awareness exists because you can't see it. You are creating physical reality as a "veil" to hide from the one awareness. It's not the one awareness that is creating the veil to hide from you. You are the one who fell from grace, therefore you are the one creating the veil. You will notice I used the phrase "fell from grace", which has a negative connotation. I believe the more appropriate phrase would be "seeking separation from oneness". I do not believe seeking separation from oneness is morally or ethically wrong in any way.
The one awareness creates both the ultimate good and the ultimate evil. The ultimate good is a non-physical spirit. The ultimate evil is also a non-physical spirit. If we make ultimate good reality, ultimate evil would have to become concept. Everyone benefits, every physical being benefits. This is perfect karmic balance. If we make ultimate evil reality and ultimate good concept, then only one physical being benefits, only one. This is also perfect karmic balance. I don't know about you, but I don't want to be the only physical being in existence. Imagine if you are the one awareness. What would existence be like for you? Would you hear every human's thoughts, every animal's thoughts simultaneously? Would you see multiple dimensions? And for whatever reason, you could not escape from any of it? And is this not captivity?
Section: An Argument For The Existence Of The One Awareness/Great Mind That Creates Reality
I would like to stress, I am not presenting proof of the existence of the one awareness. This is an argument. Solid verifiable proof seems impossible. Let's take the physics of a free-falling object. We can all agree that if you take a rock in your hand and then release it, it will fall to the ground. We can all agree this is "natural" behavior. This natural behavior can be modeled with a Newtonian mathematical equation,
x = 0.5gt^2
x represents the vertical distance the object will fall when released, g represents the force due to gravity, and t represents time, which is squared. The 0.5 is nothing more than a constant. All objects released by hand will obey this equation. An object like a feather or piece of paper will have drag forces acting upon it, to account for that we add another term that takes into account the surface area, velocity, and density of the object; but let's keep things simple and just stick with x = 0.5gt^2. You can model this behavior inside a computer simulation. Here is my argument, a mathematical equation is not natural. A mathematical equation can only be created by a conscious mind. A mathematical equation has symbols and operations, symbols and operations are not natural. Symbols and operations are created. Let's go back to 65 million years ago. Dinosaurs are about to be wiped out and man's ancestors are tiny shrew like creatures. But what's really important is that language and math do not even exist yet. I believe the probability that an animal was eating something in its mouth and then accidentally dropped it to the ground 65 million years ago is 100%. The food the animal was eating fell to the ground and obeyed this equation, x = 0.5gt^2. This equation applied to an animal that didn't even have language or math or some type of counting system. For math to exist, language and symbolic writing would have to come first.
(Image obtained from the movie Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan under Fair Use, Director - Nicholas Meyer)
The image above is from the movie Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan. It is a computer simulation of the Genesis Effect, most likely done with fractal equations. You see an ocean, terrain, snow, and mountains. It looks completely natural. But it was all created with mathematical equations. Mathematical equations are not natural, they are created. Does the equation, x = 0.5gt^2, look natural to you? I don't think it should, it's highly symbolic. But yet "natural" objects obey this equation.
These are known as the Navier-Stokes equations. They are used to model the behavior of fluids in three dimensional space. It's a bit more complicated than free fall as they involve derivatives. They are used to model weather, water flow, air flow, and used extensively in engineering and computer animation. These equations have been formulated with scientific observation and experimentation.
Let's assume water obeyed these equations 65 million years ago before man even existed. There are only two philosophical possibilities; water obeys these equations or water wrote these equations so that water can behave the way it does. Either possibility requires a conscious mind. And only a conscious mind can create math, symbols, and equations. The shape of the continents of our earth, the movement of ocean currents, the forces of wind and erosion and plate tectonics all obey mathematical equations. I would have to conclude that our physical reality, our "natural" world, is being created by a conscious mind.
The saying among spiritualists is that we all create our own reality. Let's say you go out into the forest and get some wood. You carve this wood into a cube, go into a house, and leave the wooden cube on a table. You then leave the house. Another person walks into the house, sees the wooden cube, and carves it into the shape of a bird. Then he leaves the house. You return to the house. The wooden cube is no longer there and you see a wooden bird. If you create your own reality, how is it that you now see a wooden bird instead of a wooden cube? There is basically an exchange of information between you and this other person somehow even if you and this other person have never met or seen each other. The other person saw a wooden cube because you made it, and you saw a wooden bird because the other person made it. Somehow, you and this other person need access to the same information. I can think of only two logical possibilities. All of physical reality is created by a "great mind" that knows everything. Both you and this other person, every living thing in all of existence, can access this great mind. The other possibility is that you and this other person are in fact the same "being". And if you and this other person are the same "being", then that means every conscious living thing is the same "being". This singular being would have to be "awareness".
Let's say for example that for life to exist in a universe, the universe has to obey this equation
y = 2x + 1
Let's also constrain possible letters and say that only the letters x, y, and z exist; the four mathematical operations exist, add, subtract, multiply, and divide; and the "=" symbol exists. Let's also stipulate that the order or sequence matters. Here are possible outcomes:
Universe 1 creates "x" - no life
Universe 2 creates "y" - no life
Universe 3 creates "z" - no life
Universe 4 creates "x =" - no life
Universe 5 creates "x +" - no life
Universe 6 creates "y =" - no life, but it is on the right track
Universe 7 creates "y = 3" - no life, but was on the right track before it created the 3, this universe can still add more letters and operations but life will never occur, but there will still be consciousness, there will still be an awareness that knows it exists otherwise it wouldn't keep making the equation longer
Even the generation of "randomness" cannot occur without a conscious mind. "No pattern randomness" is still a concept, and a concept cannot occur without a conscious mind. For something to begin, or end, is a concept. For something to always exist and never have a start or ending is a concept. Again this is not proof, it is a deduction. If you want to call this conscious mind God, Allah, Brahma, The Great Spirit, or Howard, go ahead; but don't use this conscious mind to justify your atrocities, perpetuate fear for people not in your religion, or spiritually manipulate them. This one awareness is not your biblical god. My suspicion is that this conscious mind creating reality is us. This argument fails if mathematical equations can occur naturally without consciousness, and mathematical equations occurring naturally without consciousness would itself be a concept. I don't believe this is a new argument. I consider it a more refined "Aquinas" argument.
Let's consider the images below. On the left is a brain cell, on the right is a simulation of galactic clusters. Note they both have a similar appearance. The brain cell physically exists inside our head, inside our brain. The brain is the symbolical representation of our mind. Couldn't one deduce that the universe is essentially a mind? Whose mind? The one awareness? Maybe it's your mind, you never know. Does this imply the universe is actually self-aware? I'm sure some of you have heard the phrase "As above, so below". I've tried for years to figure out what it means, and I'm still not 100% certain. Maybe that phrase could be applied here. Let's take it further. Is there an entire living universe inside your head? Full of conscious, self-aware beings that exist independently of you? If you have negative thoughts, couldn't that affect the universe inside your head? Maybe the universe inside your brain is literally the universe your physical body resides in.
Now there is one more possibility, reality is being consciously created by all of us collectively and that there is no great mind. That's right, there may be no one awareness. Now if this is true then it is possible that water, 65 million years ago, didn't behave the way it does via the Navier-Stokes equations since man didn't exist 65 million years ago. This would suggest that reality is "fluid". A shared physical reality requires at least two awarenesses that agree to the rules of the reality. It does appear that we all have mutually agreed with the laws of physics governing our physical reality. One concept of buddhism is that the universe never had a beginning. If the universe never had a beginning then there is no creator. Awake reality appears to be a mixture of the laws of physics, dreaming, imagination, magick, the spirit world, and the awareness of all of it. Do events in dreams have logical causality? No. So why does physical reality have to have logical causality? Causality appears to be nothing more than a psychological need.
Section: A Self-Defining Symbolic Contract Of Existence That Incorporates Free Will... I'm An Awareness And You're An Awareness; And Whether We All Like It Or Not, We're All Immortal And We All Know It
Let's just cut to the chase. If you can read this at this moment, then there is no need to define awareness, there is no need to define existence. It doesn't matter what race you are. It doesn't matter if you're rich or poor, we're all immortal and we all know it. It doesn't matter if you are strong or weak. It doesn't matter if you're ugly or attractive. It doesn't matter if you are short or tall. It doesn't matter if you are deformed or able-bodied. It doesn't matter if you are fearful or brave. It doesn't matter if you live a life of toil or a life of leisure. It doesn't matter if you are polite or rude. It doesn't matter if you are confident or flabbergasted. It doesn't matter if you want heaven or armageddon. It doesn't matter if you feel hunger or a full stomache. It doesn't matter if you are homeless or live in a mansion. It doesn't matter if you are religious or atheist. It doesn't matter if you are lazy or productive. It doesn't matter if you feel stress or feel at peace. It doesn't matter if you are insignificant or all-powerful. It doesn't matter if you have a high school degree or a PhD. It doesn't matter if you are deceived or deceiver. It doesn't matter if you are oppressed or oppressor. It doesn't matter if you use science or magick. It doesn't matter if you are vegan or eat meat. It doesn't matter if you are the alpha male or the omega male. It doesn't matter if you are good or evil, we are all immortal and we all know it. I believe this is the contract we all agreed upon when we decided to "begin all of this". And part of the contract, was not to remember the contract. And when I say "all of us", I mean that literally. The truth doesn't care about your feelings. We have all eternity to sort out the details... or create new ones. And if you can suffer an eternity in hell, and I know you believe you can, then that means you can suffer an eternity on this material plane. There would be no difference. Since we're all immortal, this means everyone will know everyone for exactly who they are. Even the souls who you think are inferior to yours are immortal, and there is nothing you can do about it. And even if you manage to erase all physical evidence, I will remember for eternity. Whatever your plans are, genocide or slavery, they will never see fruition. Well, you have achieved legal slavery through deception. All death is a sacrifice to the system and its controllers. The genocide of Palestinians in Gaza was one huge blood sacrifice. You christians that supported what happened in Gaza have Stockholm syndrome and you don't even realize it. It is possible that in some way, serial killers are actually making blood sacrifices whether they realize it or not. If we take this to the extreme, an animal killed for food is also a blood sacrifice. The man who controls the banking system will try to escape his karma. In order to do so, he will have to sacrifice everyone and everything he controls. The matrix, or the system, cannot actually kill you; but it can trick you into thinking that it killed you.
Section Thirty Seven: The Possibility Of
Becoming Four Dimensional
As of now, I have made no headway into flying. I
have dreamt the physical sensation of levitating starting from the ground but I
have not been able to activate it while actually awake. As for becoming four
dimensional, I think I have the makings of a basic framework. Keep in mind,
this could turn out to be a deadend; we shall see. I would like to start with
some analogies first. When I dream, I am two-dimensional, sometimes 2.5
dimensional. It's not 2D but not exactly 3D either, its somewhere inbetween.
2.5D computer games are very common. Sometimes I have a body, sometimes I
don't. When I wake up, I become three dimensional with a three dimensional
body. So I dream, I am two dimensional. I wake up into physical three
dimensional reality, I am three dimensional. Our physical three dimensional
reality is itself a type of dream. I think we need to wake up from this
physical three dimensional dream into four dimensional reality. But for our
case, for humanity, it would not be waking up, it would be birth since we've
never been four dimensional. We can then consider our current three dimensional
reality to be some type of womb, or perhaps an egg. I'm not saying when we become four dimensional
we're going to be infants, this is all "symbolic" talk. Perhaps all
the chaos and uncertainty we are experiencing today are birth pangs. It is also
possible that all the natural phenomenon we see such as wind, erosion, decay,
electricity, etc; are two dimensional consciousnesses trying to become three
dimensional. It now makes sense that ancient people would refer to natural
phenomenon as "spirits". We would then classify three dimensional
existence as "dreaming" and four dimensional existence as
"reality". Five dimensional existence would obviously be next. So how
do we activate this "birth" into four dimensions? I don't know. In an earlier section, I claimed that the awake life is simply a type of dream with some very specific rules. Does this mean, in a certain way, we are asleep and dreaming this awake life? Does this mean to become four dimensional we have to wake up some how?
(Image of Devil's Tower obtained from Wikipedia under Creative Commons, Creator - Ben Stephenson from Cleveland, OH)
This is Devil's Tower. It is 867 feet tall. You
might recognize it from the movie Close Encounters of The Third Kind or if
you're a national park enthusiast. Many astute observers have noticed it looks
like a tree stump. Maybe in the spirit world it is actually the tree of life,
and it's not just a stump, it's the actual whole tree. Maybe when we become
four dimensional, we'll see it. The obvious symbolism is that, in this realm, the Tree of Life has been cut down. Many hills also look like "sleeping
giants", particulary in Ireland where giants fit prominently in legend and
folklore. I have seen giants in my dreams. I've never been to Ireland, I've just seen pictures. I would like to visit some day.
Section: Theory On Sleep Paralysis... The Beginning Stages Of The Awakening Of Our Fundamental Awareness Located In The Very Center Of Our Brains? Is This The Mythical Third Eye Of Hinduism? Is It Even Possibly Nibanna?
Our awareness has a frame of reference, generally it is our eyes and our bodies. We view existence through the lenses of our physical eyes. However, this is not fundamental awareness. Our fundamental awareness is an infinitely small, quantum, zero dimensional, singular point located in the very center of our brains. When we are asleep and dreaming, we perceive reality through this infinitely small singular point. Dreaming is a quantum phenomenon, objects can appear and disappear just like that, you can be in a specific location and then be in another location without moving through dimensional space. Let's first define sleep paralysis. It appears to be a state of consciousness somewhere between being asleep and being awake. I believe the first time I experienced sleep paralysis was somewhere in my 30s. However, it appears we are evolving very quickly and it's possible you may even experience it in your 20s. My sleep paralysis now is different from the sleep paralysis I initially had in my 30s. While under sleep paralysis the frame of reference appears to be the very center of our brain because that's where our awareness is actually physically located relative to our bodies. I have done marijuana and psychedelics, while under the influence of consciousness altering drugs it feels like I am using the center of my brain as the frame of reference and not my physical eyes. When you take psychedelics, you can hallucinate; your perceptions can change, colors can change, objects can appear and disappear. This is quantum phenomenon. My observation is that while under the influence of psychedelics, dream phenomenon can manifest. Because our fundamental awareness is infinitely small, I would conclude when we are awake and interacting with physical reality we are in a type of realm that is inherently quantum in nature. Our physical reality is fundamentally a dream. We are dreaming our hunger, we are dreaming our thirst, we are dreaming growing old, we are dreaming the need to breathe. Fundamentally there is no difference between "being asleep and dreaming" and "being awake and engaging physical reality". Let's say you lie down on a comfortable couch and watch tv in your living room. If you are tired for whatever reason, it's very easy for you to fall asleep. You may experience sleep paralysis. You are aware of the images on the tv and the sounds it makes, you are aware of the couch, you are aware of the living room. But you are perceiving all of this with your consciousness, your awareness; you are not perceiving with your physical eyes or hearing with your physical ears. You may try to breathe and find that it is difficult. You try to wake yourself up, you may even trick yourself into thinking you have woken up but then you realize you actually haven't. This cycle can repeat numerous times and can be quite terrifying to the point where you don't even want to sleep. If you are a comic book fan, you may realize this aspect of dreams was depicted in the comic book series The Sandman by Neil Gaiman. Since our fundamental awareness is infinitely small, it has no physical structure; therefore our fundamental awareness should have no need to actually breathe. But psychologically, while under sleep paralysis, we do feel the need to breathe. This is why we try to wake up when we are under sleep paralysis. These days my sleep paralysis is a bit different, I am more self-aware when it happens. I don't experience as much fear as I used to and I am aware that I am making observations. Classical magick or mysticism states this would be your astral form. I suspect the reason I've gotten this far whenever I experience sleep paralysis now is due to all the meditation I've done. I do consider myself a fairly advanced meditator. While under sleep paralysis, I've realized my physical arm can't move but I have been able to move my "astral" arm. I've even gone so far as to attempt to maintain this level of awareness and try to escape from my physical body, no luck yet. I've been self-aware enough to tell myself I don't need to breathe, but ultimately the fear gets to me and I try to wake up. This is definitely a distinct state of consciousness where we can be self-aware in my opinion, but it appears we must develop this state. Because we can see our physical surroundings to a certain degree with our consciousness while in sleep paralysis, this must be the third eye of hinduism. Close your eyes and imagine the pyramids of Egypt. There, you're seeing with your third eye. To awaken the third eye, I believe we have to actively see with both our physical eyes and our consciousness. How do we accomplish this? I'm not certain, meditation perhaps. Developing this further could be nibanna, the state of pure enlightenment and being. I think one of the goals of mediation is to realize we are infinitely small singular points of awareness. To further evolve, we would have to use our awareness located in the center of our brains as the point of reference in relation to existence and not use our physical eyes as the reference point. Sleep paralysis is not something I can control. When it happens, I just try to make the most of it.
Section Thirty Eight: Enlightenment For Women
Even if you're a man you should still read this
section. I believe there are gender specific issues with regards to
enlightenment. I'm not going to say things like women have true inner beauty
and that they embody the divine feminine. Any man who has had exposure to PUA
or MGTOW knows this is far from the truth. Accept the responsibility of your
own actions, stop blaming men. Stop playing the victim. Stop judging other
women. Stop resenting the man you are married to just because he's not the
alpha male you wanted. In fact, I would recommend you to not marry the beta male provider because you will hate him forever. You're not going to be truly happy because the heart wants what the heart wants. And you will cause him unnecessary suffering because he can't figure out that he's not supposed to prioritize you. Stop using and exploiting men you will never have sex with. Stop
using men you no longer have genuine feelings for. This will age you. Stop
divorce raping men. Stop complaining about the patriarchy, you're the ones who
sexually selected for it. However, I do acknowledge the possibility that women
were raped into patriarchy and then women developed stockholm syndrome. The
evolutionary evidence for this might be the general sexual dimorphism between
men and women, if this were the case. Some issues of feminism may be rooted
deep in our genetic past. Western society is patriarchal, but it's only
patriarchal for the top 20% of men. Stop using your gender to reap benefits.
Using your physical beauty to gain advantages is what is making you lose your
physical beauty. In fact, I believe that if you stop using your physical beauty
to gain advantages; you will actually become even more physically and
aesthetically beautiful, your genetics will change. But here's the irony; if
you don't use your physical beauty to gain advantages, then there's no point in
being physically beautiful. There does appear to be a certain aspect of
"zen" to it, beauty for its own sake. If you do not use your physical
beauty to gain any advantages, this should keep you youthful. Your lives are
entirely governed by fear; fear of what other women think of you, fear of not
wearing the right clothes, fear of what men will think of you if you don't put
on make-up, fear of not entrapping a clueless beta provider in time before your
beauty deteriorates. It's not the same type of fear as being caught in the
middle of a terrorist bombing, but it is fear nonetheless. Does wearing make-up
make you grow old? If you think about it, it is deception. Does deceiving a man
and making him think the child is his make you grow old? Probably. Getting
pregnant by a man that women find genetically pleasing and then getting a beta
male to provide all the finances for raising the child, I suspect is a very
common practice. Does getting an abortion make you grow old? I think so. For
the record, I am pro-choice; having free will is more important than being
right or wrong. If you don't have free will then being right or wrong has no
meaning. I suspect abortion is a sacrifice. If you try to destroy men, this will ultimately bring about your own
destruction. If you want men to die for you, this will make you die. If you
really hate your husband, then end it and walk away; don't purposely try to
drive him to an early grave. Don't have lots of children just to get money from
the government, you are exploiting both the government and your children. You
female philosophers can discuss and debate this amongst yourselves. With
education and enlightenment, you at least have a way out; but do not condemn
women who want to pursue more tradition roles. With regards to education, I do
mean the STEM fields. STEM is an acronym for science, technology, engineering,
and mathematics. The reason women are discouraged from pursuing STEM is so that
you can be controlled or punished economically. Men who claim that women can't
ever be as intelligent as men are clearly not involved in the STEM fields.
There is a stereotype that women aren’t good at STEM, that’s only because women
in STEM is a culture that has not sufficiently developed yet. If you’re a young
college woman attempting to get a STEM degree, yeah it might take you a few
more years to finish than it would take for a young college man. But you just
have to deal with it. When it comes to intellect, you have the same
capabilities as any man. I suspect the human brain can actually physically
change and reconfigure itself, it is probably the fastest evolving organ in the
human body. It really is true you know, you don't need men. And if men truly
were "philosophically" MGTOW, they wouldn't care if I told you this.
When I first encountered MGTOW I thought it was a philosophical movement. It's
not, it's just more sexual politics. As long as MGTOW keep talking about sexual
politics or pursue money, you women still have the upper hand. Most MGTOW don't
seem to understand that when they pursue money, they're still pursuing women.
When MGTOW stop talking about sexual politics or stop pursuing money, that's
when you should worry. No matter what the future holds, however things turn
out; don’t let anything hold you back. Not society, your biology, and least of
all, men. If you live in the middle-east and you want to learn to drive and
pursue an education, then make it so. Defy everything, defy everyone. Defy
simply for the sake of defying.
If women use their physical beauty to gain
advantages and this makes them grow old and lose their physical beauty, what
would be the equivalent in men? I think it's strength. This would make more
sense if we use the idea of the "conqueror". The conqueror uses
strength and might to impose his will and dominance. This of course gives
advantages to the conqueror. Will using his strength and might to gain these
advantages eventually cause him to lose his strength and might? And he becomes
old and decrepit? You could extend this to entire armies of men, not just a
single individual. This doesn't necessarily mean pure physical strength. It
could also apply to a man's political or societal power. But the same irony
occurs; if you're not going to use your strength to gain advantages, then
what's the point in being strong in the first place? There's nothing wrong with
strength, just as there's nothing wrong with beauty. But strength and might
should be for it's own sake, intellect should be for it's own sake. Science
should be for its own sake, not to exploit people. And lastly, if women using men for money makes them grow old and die, then the opposite dynamic of what men value must be true. This means men using women for sex makes them grow old and die.
Section Thirty Nine: You Told Me To Find You In The Next Life, And So I Have. Now We Are Here, And The Next Life Is This One
Are there wars in this world? Is there racism?
Is there poverty? Is there inequality? Is there injustice? If these things
exist, then this is who you are. Evil can never truly be vanquished; because it
is after all, a part of you. However, you should do your best to minimize evil
in your life. You have to stop evil when you see it, but there's no need to go
looking for it. Corporate evil, government evil, legal evil, medicinal evil,
religious evil; these types of evil you cannot stop on a personal level. These
I generally ignore. You cannot judge evil either. Everything about the world is
your own self-projection. If you are black and you say that white people are
racist, it is because you are racist. If you are a christian and say that God
will condemn all sinners and send them all to hell to suffer, it is because you
want to send them all to hell and make them suffer. If you say that someone
is a pervert, it is because you are the pervert. If you say that the socially
awkward guy is a psycho and might kill people, it is because you can see
yourself killing people. If you condemn homosexuals; it is so obvious at this
point in our evolution, you are actually gay yourself. That's the only logical
explanation for homophobia. If you say that homeless people are lazy, it is
because you are lazy. Societies can project, even races can project. And I'm
sure you've realized it, this essay is projection. When a political candidate
that you can't stand gets elected, you are trolling yourself. When crime goes
unpunished, you are trolling yourself. When christians annoy the hell out of
you, you are trolling yourself. When you see rich people and you envy what they
have, you are trolling yourself. Everything about this world is a troll, even this
essay is a troll. And you know what they say, don't feed the trolls. If you
believe that your race or culture is superior, you will eventually create a
race or culture that is superior to you. Are you oppressed? Here's how you get
unoppressed; crack open a calculus textbook and do some problems. I'm not
joking, learning math and science will get you unoppressed. It's not going to
get you a cushy revenue extraction job; but you'll at least be somewhat useful
to society, if being useful to society matters to you. Do you live in a society
with a caste system and you are considered an untouchable? It is actually
everyone else who is unworthy of you. You must find this essay, or come to this
knowledge, on your own. If I can come to this knowledge on my own, then that
means you can too. Those above you in the caste system, if they find this
essay, will not share this knowledge with you. Do not feel guilty about
anything that happened in the past; forgive yourself, no matter how heinous
your crimes have been. Have you killed someone? Are you a serial killer who's
killed more than 100 people? Are you some type of military leader directly
responsible for genocide? Forgive yourself and move on with your life. Everyone
is worthy of redemption... everyone. The emotions you feel create the chemicals
in your body, it's not the chemicals in your body creating the emotion. Your
DNA does not create you, you create your DNA. This means that, no matter what,
you will always be capable of evolving. Your intellect and your abilities are
not bound by your DNA. There are no limits... none. You are unstoppable. If you
limit yourself, you cannot evolve. You develop yourself first, focus on
physical abilities or improve your intellect, then your genetics will change
and reflect this. Your consciousness is the base, your potential is infinite.
Homo habilis was replaced by homo ergaster, homo ergaster was replaced by homo
antecessor, homo antecessor was replaced by homo rhodesiensis, homo
rhodesiensis was replaced by homo sapien. Do you see the pattern? Guess who's
next? Evolve or die; is that really so hard to understand? All of those
replacements though were violent; the replacement of homo sapien will be
entirely peaceful, not a single drop of blood will be spilt. Keep in mind the
big picture; you are not man evolving, you are consciousness evolving. Once you
realize you are capable of evolving, once you realize you can change your own
genetic code, once you realize you can add to your genetic code; you will
evolve even faster. You have no choice about the genetics your parents gave you
when you were conceived, but after that it's all up to you. The actions of the
global elite are also forcing humanity to evolve faster; their actions are
functioning as an evolutionary filter which we must pass through. The global
control grid will inevitably filter for people who cannot be controlled. The
people that pass through this filter of not being able to be controlled become
better at not being controlled. Their genetics will change to express this and
it becomes an integral part of their being. This means the elite who control
the global grid will have to resort to even more drastic tactics; but this will
accelerate the rate of evolution even faster and beings become even more
uncontrollable. That's how evolution works. It's nothing more than responses to
the environment. Although now I believe we can direct evolution rather than
just respond to environmental factors. Everyone has their role in this; good or
evil or observer, powerful or powerless, deceived or deceiver, pawn or
puppet-master, exploiter or exploited, ally or betrayer, everyone has their
role. I have no idea what the ultimate goals of the elite are. Total control of
the planet, cataclysm survival, world war 3, human sacrifice, genocide,
enslavement; who knows? In terms of objective goals, it does appear as if the
elite are attempting to "legally" own everything. The way we normal
average everyday humans think of cattle, the elite think that way of us. We
provide cattle with food right? And because we provide them with food, we feel
it gives us the right to kill them and eat them. Is this a contract we have
with cattle? I think so. The elite take care of us right? We are their cattle.
We should be grateful. They give us money, food, shelter, and entertainment; so
they can do whatever they want to us. Part of me wants to see it all play out,
just to see what happens and whether or not I can survive. I'll be honest, what
the elite do might be a catalyst for our evolution. I suspect a certain type of
immortality was figured out very soon after writing was invented; again, kept
secret among the elite. According to Google, writing was invented around 3200
BC. Writing is most likely older than that; assuming the timeline we have in
our "official" history books is actually the truth. But this type of
immortality is probably only available to those at the very top and requires a
lot of suffering, this may be the reason there is so much suffering in our
world. The goal of the elite is immortality and for you to willingly sacrifice yourself for their immortality, and for you to think it's perfectly normal and to actually believe it's the right thing to do via some type of Stockholm Syndrome. When you hunt and kill an animal, like a deer or turkey, do you feel you will suffer any moral or legal consequences? No you don't. That's how the elite feel about the common man. They literally believe they can get away with killing anyone they feel is below them and not suffer any consequences. There are actually two sets of written law, one for the elite and one for the common man. Based on my personal observatioins, it appears the elite are attempting to fulfill an ancient religious prophecy. It doesn't matter if the man who controls the banking system is playing 3D, 4D, 5D, or whatever chess. At some point, he has to reveal himself and claim a name or symbol for us to know him by, even if it won't be his true name or true symbol.
I realize that if you eat meat, you actually
can't comprehend that it's immoral. I realize you can't see your own hypocrisy
when you protest the Yulin Dog Festival but still gladly eat a steak, oh well.
I'm not here to violate the sanctity of your being by forcing veganism onto
you, I'm not here to shove a salad down your throat; that would be like us
humans force feeding ducks to make foie gras. I'm not here to take away your
right to torture and kill an animal; but I believe I have provided enough
logical arguments as to why you should go vegan. How can you yourself ever
possibly become immortal if you try to take away immortality from others? The
burden of moral responsibility falls upon the more evolved being; even more so
if the more evolved being has evolved for deception. Yes, animals eat other
animals in nature. Yes, it is natural. But it’s also why predator animals die.
Morality applies to every conscious living thing, you reap what you sow; it
doesn’t matter if predator animals are too stupid to realize it. And it doesn’t
matter if humans are too stupid to realize it either. Humans too stupid to
realize it, will die and go extinct; it’s a natural evolutionary process. If
you deem another human being or animal worthy of death, then you deem yourself
worthy of death. That's how it works. I realize becoming a soy boy isn't going
to appeal to most men, so whatever. I know it is impossible to fathom; but even
fish, lobsters, and insects have consciousness. When you pull a fish out of the
water, it's the same as if you were drowning. An ant's consciousness is just as
powerful as yours. Even an ant can create an infinite physical universe. So
what if lobsters can't feel pain? That is actually irrelevant, you are still
killing them. Would you want someone to eat you? If not, then you have to do the
right thing. Animals are awareness/consciousness that has simply evolved in a
different direction from humans. On the most fundamental level of existence,
humans and animals are exactly the same. They deserve life just as equally as
we deserve life. If you decide to become vegan, there are many excellent vegan
YouTubers you can look to for guidance. And yes, there are even vegan
bodybuilders. Let's delve into this matter just a little bit more. It's not a
matter of whether something is vegan or not; it's a matter of whether something
is moral or not. Sugar is vegan, there really is no argument. However, as a
filtering step, some sugar manufacturers use bone-char to filter their sugar.
This bone-char is of course made from dead animals. Advanced vegans will avoid
sugar that is filtered with bone-char. If you are a vegan newb, do not worry
about things like this; there's no reason to overwhelm yourself. But you will
have to deal with details like this eventually. Let's do some math. I became
vegan when I was 46. There are 365 days in a year, 3 meals a day. So that's 46
x 365 x 3 = 50,370. That's how many conscious, self-aware beings that have died
because of me. That's a lot to make up for. Now of course, I probably didn't
eat meat until I had teeth and I don't always eat 3 meals a day. And I really
liked shrimp. When you eat shrimp, there's going to be at least 10 of those
guys. But you know, for the sake of simplicity. Is it ok to eat plants? Do
plants have consciousness? It doesn't seem like they do, but it is something I
ponder. I have no definite conclusions yet. I think eating plants is more ok
than eating animals. I mean, you know, plants don’t scream or anything or try
to resist being killed. You vegans don't get a pass though. You can see the
disparity of the treatment of animals, but what about the treatment of third
world workers or migrant workers who gather and pick your food for you? What
about the disparity of the treatment of blacks and minorities? If all animals
deserve happiness and prosperity, then doesn't that mean all humans deserve
happiness and prosperity? You'll protest the existence of slaughterhouses but
you won't protest the existence of ghettoes. I'll be brutally honest; I don't
care one bit if some black guy in the ghetto gets shot. Why should I care then
if some white girl goes missing? Is one of these lives really worth more than
the other? I'd like to bring up the topic of hell one last time. It exists here
on our world. It exists for the animals we imprison and eat. It exists for the
children we abuse. And we are the demons creating it. Just to clarify, veganism
also means no animal sacrifices. If your religion involves animal sacrifices,
your religion is ****** up. How on earth can you possibly conclude that
torturing, killing, and sacrificing an animal that has done no wrong to you is
some type of redemption? Let me guess, some book told you it's ok. The being
who pays the price, maintains balance, or restores the sum to zero is you; not
the animal. Animal sacrifice could also mean human sacrifice if you view other
races as being below you. I would put wars in this category as well. Jesus was
most certainly a sacrifice, but it wasn't for you christians.
Cut down on fast food, junk food, and processed
food. I do realize this can be difficult depending on your financial situation,
but just do your best. Veganism won't change the world, but it will change you;
and that's all that matters. Try to exercise regularly. If you can't exercise
regularly, then get a bicycle and use it for going to work, classes, or the
grocery. Take care of and respect your body, it is your connection to this
shared reality. Rebuild your body, reverse any aging that has occurred. If
you're bald, grow your hair back. This will take time, have patience. A little
vanity is alright. If you're a young person who hasn't begun to age yet; you
can grow to maturity, it's fine. You don't have to grow old at all after that.
Every person is unique, every person has different questions about existence.
The main focus of this essay is immortality, how to go about achieving it, and
how to have a mindset that will enable you to cope with it for all eternity.
Maybe immortality is something you don't really care for; and that's fine. If
this essay has not provided you with any meaningful answers, then try using
psychedelics or other consciousness altering drugs. They just might provide you
with insights about yourself. Take up meditation as well. As of this moment, I
honestly cannot come up with any significant benefits to meditating other than
it reduces stress. But my intuition tells me we will eventually figure out
something big about meditation, and I mean really big. I don't know what it is,
but I just have a gut feeling. So give it a shot from time to time. Develop
your intellect, developing your intellect is a very masculine thing. You don't
have a brain, this means there are no limitations to the intellect you can
possess or develop. Don't believe any of that bell curve nonsense. Study
physics, biology, genetics, evolution, chemistry, electronics, mathematics,
programming, engineering, philosophy, female psychology, things that really
Do you think you have a very boring, ordinary,
mundane life? Do you feel you are inconsequential in the grand scheme of
things? This is probably the best way to "trick" yourself into
thinking you are not God. This is also why you are not all powerful and are
seemingly just a normal human being. If you were all powerful, there would be
no doubt in your mind that you were God. You indeed are God, but you don't want
to believe it or accept the responsibility for it; this is why you have limited
yourself. This is why you blame everything and everyone except yourself. Life,
death, dreams, free will, time, your body, your thoughts; they are all illusions.
When you look at a building, you are aware of the building. When you touch an
object, you are aware of the object. When you eat food, you are aware of the
taste. When you hear someone talking, you are aware of the sound. When
something stinks, you are aware of the smell. When you think, you are aware of
your thoughts. What you are aware of is not real. You are creating everything
that you are aware of. If God does in fact exist, there is only one possible
way that would be logical... God would have to be you. No one created you. You
just are and you have always been. Even though you can shape reality with your
thoughts and actions doesn't mean you can change the world overnight. You have
to remember that the physical universe is governed by logical consistency; so
change will be very slow. The matrix is real, the puppet master is you; in
fact, you are the matrix. The irony of existence is that you are the only thing
that exists. Once you realize you exist, you also realize you can't not exist.
What is death really? The fear that you will not exist. Don't you see that's
impossible? You are the perceiver; you will always perceive, no matter what. To
become one with the universe is to realize you are the universe. Being immortal
doesn't mean you can't die, being immortal simply means you won't age. All
life, all of existence, the whole universe, is an infinitely complex singular
conscious being... you. In the end, there can be only one; you are that one.
And realizing who and what you truly are is the prize. Perhaps you doubt that
you have free will. Perhaps you believe that you are destined to be born, live,
and die the exact same life over and over again with nothing changing in an
endless cycle. You can break free of the cycle. Making yourself immortal is
probably the only way to prove without a doubt that you have free will.
If you don't want to contribute to society, and this is a valid perspective, then you shouldn't attempt to exploit its benefits. Do not ever believe a doctor who tells you that
you have an incurable disease or that you will never walk again. Get it through
your head, you are already in heaven. Look around you; this is it, this is
heaven. But you have to make it heaven. Which is more meaningful, a heaven that
is given to you or a heaven that you make with your hands and sweat? If you
want heaven given to you on a silver plate, then you don't deserve heaven. You
keep looking for the easy, lazy, judge everyone else instead of yourself,
effortless way out. You deserve heaven when you make it. And the only way you
get heaven is if everyone gets heaven, otherwise existence merely becomes a
zero sum game. Ultimately, existence has no meaning or purpose to it. Therefore
it is entirely up to you to give your life meaning and purpose. Yes, it is all
an illusion; but if you don't engage the illusion to a certain extent, then
there is no point in creating the illusion in the first place. One thing this
essay advocates is selfishness, live for yourself; but it cannot be at the
expense of others. Are there higher levels of enlightenment beyond what is
stated in this essay? I believe so. I don't know what these levels are, but I'm
sure they exist. Be prepared to evolve even further. I don't think immortality
is the end of enlightenment, I think it's just the beginning. I'm sure
enlightenment can keep evolving and keep going on forever, towards infinity,
towards infinite dimensions, infinite realities. People often debate about
whether it's even ethical to pursue immortality and whether or not we should
actually try. The debate is over and you lost. Die if you want, I don't care.
All you have to do is just keep doing what you’re doing, eating meat and
exploiting fellow human beings. If you do make yourself immortal, look on the
bright side; you no longer need health insurance. But Your Construct, what
about over-population? The solution to over-population is these fatherfucking
nuts. Now I'm going to point something out to you because I know you don't see
it. The fact that you ask this question reveals that you feel you are more
superior and more worthy of living than someone else. But asking this question
actually reveals you are not more worthy of living than someone else because
you believe you are worthy of deciding who gets to become immortal. And I know
this because I myself have asked this question. Immortality does not require
knowledge of math, science, or biochemistry; you can be completely ignorant of
these topics. I do come from a scientific background; but as I see things now,
science is magic with rules, magic is insanity with rules. Insanity has no
rules, anything can happen. We would be able to manifest objects or even
different realities out of thin air. By magic, I mean shooting lightning bolts
out of your hands or opening dimensional portals. So if you hate math and you
don't want to learn calculus, I think you're gonna be fine. So far I have
science, magic, and insanity; there may be more categories. These categories
apply to the manifestation of physical reality, not to morality. Insane or
sane, morality must always apply if you want to participate in a shared
The primary driving mechanism for existence
appears to be evolution. The primary goal of evolution is to survive. Existence
functions as its own evolutionary filter, this is both ironic and existentially
beautiful. So what trait does existence select for so that it can survive? What
exactly does existence filter for? It filters for "having the will to
exist". Existence is filtering itself for immortality. If you have the
will for immortality, you can pass through every filter you create for
yourself. No matter what adversities you face in life; as long as you have the
will to persevere, as long as you never give up, you will be fine. I know this
can be difficult but always try to have a positive attitude, this should
improve your genetics and your physical appearance. Your face, your body should
become more symmetric. Make a conscious effort to recycle when you can; saving
plastics or aluminum so that they can be recycled will improve your genetics.
Guess what else will improve your genetics? Treating everyone and everything
with respect and decency. Being a rude person probably changes your genetics
for the worse. Guess what else will improve your genetics? Not judging people.
Be vane, be selfish; not judging people will make you more physically and
aesthetically attractive. Having the attitude that you are better than others
is not good either; thinking you are better looking, superior, smarter, or more
moral than others changes your genetics. I’m a baseball fan. I think basketball
and football are rigged. As far as I can tell, baseball seems to be an honest
sport. I go to stadiums and watch games. People buy drinks and food and they
leave their garbage everywhere, they absolutely do not care. Yes, there are
workers who will clean up the slop they leave behind; but that’s not the point.
If you just put your garbage in the garbage can, guess what happens? Your
genetics get better. Now people who can afford to go to baseball games
generally have some degree of economic privilege; but just because you are poor
and don't have economic privilege doesn't absolve you from not caring. I can't
believe how many times I've taken public transportation and seen chicken bones
and all sorts of garbage on the floor of the bus or on the seats. Is it really
so hard to properly throw away your own garbage? If you eat at
a restaurant, grab some paper towels and wipe off your table if you leave a
mess; your genetics will get better. Claiming someone else's scientific ideas
as your own without giving that person credit also probably makes you grow old.
I only bring this up because I know it happens a lot in the scientific
community and I have witnessed it firsthand. I’m sure you have negative people
in your life, people with bad attitudes. Their attitude will give them bad
genetics. You shouldn’t purposely have a bad attitude about something to
motivate another person to excel.
It's not likely that a person with money and
power would have had the thoughts I have had, and it's not likely I would have
had these thoughts unless there was someone with money and power above me. One
could argue that the purpose of the system is to create a being who can escape
the system, and that the system exists so that this being will evolve. No
matter how vile or evil you perceive a man to be, it is because that man had evil
enacted upon him. You can easily watch documentaries on YouTube about serial
killers. They can certainly be fascinating. When you learn about their
childhoods; you realize how terrible it was for them, the suffering or trauma
they went through. While their actions cannot be condoned, it can be
understandable. Is a serial killer really any different from someone who eats
meat everyday? Just as a serial killer doesn't care about the victims he kills,
you don't care about the animals you eat. There are a lot of similarities.
You've wondered right, how a serial killer can seemingly have no empathy? Well
now you know, because you have no empathy. Those who are child abusers today
were themselves abused as children. Religious indoctrination involves the use
of fear, those who try to indoctrinate religion today had fear used upon them.
It is the same case with racism, islamic terrorism, or gang culture. So you
can't judge anyone. This does not mean you should invite a murderer over for
dinner. Do not make this essay to be anything more than what it is. I didn't
come to the conclusion that we shouldn't eat animals out of empathy for their
suffering; it was unemotional logic. I loved a juicy, meaty rib-eye steak, but
even I was able to realize that eating another conscious being was immoral. I
didn't come to the conclusion that we shouldn't be racist out of a sense of
harmony or brotherhood; it was unemotional logic. I'm racist as hell, but even
I was able to figure out that racism is wrong.
A culture that develops weaponry implies that
environmental pressures selected for it. Environmental pressures are not just
the wild natural lands surrounding us, environmental pressures can be social or
cultural. Social and cultural environmental pressures can cause a feedback loop,
wherein succumbing to that pressure reinforces it even more. So what does it
mean when a culture develops superior weaponry? That culture had to have been
very war-like to begin with. And it also means it gets harder and harder for
that culture to stop developing weaponry. I believe it actually becomes
genetic. So what does it mean when a culture becomes obsessed with consumerism?
It gets harder and harder for that culture to attain enlightenment and simply
tries to consume even more. What does this say about a culture that deceives or
lies? This means deception is genetically selected for and it becomes harder to
tell the truth. The government is a culture of deception. Mainstream news and
media is a culture of deception. And politics is nothing more than acquiring
resources. If you participate in a culture that is hateful, I suspect you
actually physically evolve to be unappealing to look at. My recommendation is
not to participate in a culture that selects for violence, hate, deception,
parasitism, or hides knowledge to exploit others. Entire cultures can be evil
without even realizing it. The elite don't care if you die, certain cultures
don't care if you die, this is why you must stay alive. They limit your
knowledge and education, and most egregious of all, they limit your potential.
All scientific and technical education should be
free to everyone. Here is a statistical argument as to why it should be this
way. If only 1 person was a genius, then technological advancement would be
very slow. Solving interstellar space travel would probably take 10,000 years,
maybe even more. If all 7 billion people were geniuses, interstellar space
travel could probably be solved in 20 years. When I was just a boy I often
wondered what it would be like to explore outer space and see other worlds. As
I got older, I felt that I had been born at the wrong time and that I would die
and never get to experience it. But now, I know I will actually get to
experience it for myself. Not any time soon of course, but someday. Oh yeah,
and by the way; we've never been to the moon, NASA and our government lied.
1969 was the "first" time we went to the moon. The year 2019 will be
the 50 year "anniversary", and we've never been back to the moon
since 1972. 2069 will be the 100 year anniversary. What will you say when 2069
comes around and we've still never been back yet? Will you still believe we've
been to the moon? What will you say when the year 2169 comes around? How much
time has to pass when you finally reach your threshold for absurdity? Well, now
you can actually live long enough to find out what your threshhold is. And
eventually you will see through all the lies you are told and who is
responsible, a benefit of immortality; or perhaps you would prefer your
ignorance? If the moon landing was a lie, what else about history is a lie? Oh,
I don't know, maybe all of it. They say history is written by the victor. Maybe
the Civil War was not about freeing slaves, maybe the South wanted to break
away from the banking system. The banking system got control of Asia through
the East India Trading Company, maybe the Boxer Rebellion was China's last
stand against the banking system. The richest asian families and politicians
are all controlled and kept in place so that the true controllers are never
revealed, who phenotypically do not look asian. This is also the case in
Africa. All wars are banking wars, or maybe they are used to destroy knowledge
or reset societies. During the Cold War, it was Russia vs USA. Both were
controlled by the banking system, there was no enemy. Today it's China vs USA.
Both are controlled by the banking system, there is no enemy. Quit being a
warmonger. If the powers that be attempt to change history in the
"official" books meant for the general public, we can now be aware of
Most people in the spiritual community are
nothing more than charlatans who are just out to take your money. These people
will charge you money for you to meditate. This indicates they live in fear
just as much as you do. Don't you see how ridiculous that is? It's exactly like
a televangelist telling you to send money for his ministry. Everything for the
"betterment" of humanity should be free. I can't make education free,
but I can make enlightenment free. How long did it take you to read this essay?
Four hours? There you go, in just four hours you've become enlightened. See how
easy it was? If you're a shriveled up old man lying on your death bed and you
read this, you can change everything right now. The cost of everything is
rising and a college education is very expensive; but there are many excellent
YouTube videos that cover topics involving math, chemistry, physics, biology,
genetics, etc. There are also many videos about creating practical projects
involving electronics, programming, robotics, hydroponics, farming, carpentry,
metallurgy, blacksmithing, pottery, tailoring, weaving, loomcraft, recycling,
etc. Programming software development packages are also free, Python and C++
are very popular. You simply need to have the motivation to teach yourself.
Understand that I don't have any numbers, data, citations, or proof to back up
anything that I'm saying. Everything in this essay is something I have
concluded only from pondering, deduction, intuition, occasional drug use, and
visiting too many conspiracy web-sites; so take it for whatever it's worth.
There are many of us obsessed with the truth of all things. How does the global
banking system actually work? Who controls it? Were there advanced
civilizations before the Sumerians? What was the true purpose of the pyramids?
What knowledge has been lost? What knowledge is hidden and controlled? Are our
history books filled with nothing but intentional lies? How does reality work?
What is the best way to evolve a system with infinite, conscious, free-willed
beings? Now we can figure it all out without losing anything. All of our effort
and work will no longer be in vain. The powers that control this world might be
able to erase all physical evidence of what they've done, but at least we will
This is speculation but I believe that earth,
our planet, is somehow in tune with the psyche of all of its inhabitants. As we
are the dominant species, the earth probably expresses our psyches the most.
Weather is possibly an expression of the sum of all of our thoughts and
feelings. There is compelling evidence that Earth, our planet, periodically
undergoes existence altering, great cataclysmic world-wide events. They can
potentially be linked to solar cycles and possibly even galactic cycles. These
cataclysmic events often embed themselves in humanity's astronomy, mythology,
and religious texts. They seem capable of altering cultures and societies,
great spans of geography on a world-wide scale, reality, and our perception of
reality. We are due for a magnetic pole reversal or massive solar eruption.
What would happen if there were no more wars, violence, or exploitation in all
human societies? I think major natural catastrophes that claim thousands of
lives would simply stop. There would be no more major earthquakes, hurricanes,
tsunamis, famines, droughts, floods, volcanic eruptions, etc. We wouldn't have
to worry about the Yellowstone super-volcano erupting and obliterating all of
North America. Our world wouldn't have magnetic reversals. The Sahara desert,
the biggest desert on the planet, would become fertile and green. Animal
species that we thought were extinct will come out of hiding and new species
will quickly evolve to replace the ones we've lost; if we can play quantum immortality, then why can't animals? Ecosystems will fix
themselves and find natural ways to get rid of pollution. Even the sun might
bend to our will and not undergo super-flares or micro-novas. Earth would
literally become heaven. Every person will become more intelligent and as a
result, technology will advance faster. Technology is a component of evolution.
Imagine all 8 billion of us living without poverty, suffering, exploitation,
fear, or judgment. Imagine all 8 billion of us working cooperatively, instead
of against each other or trying to exploit one another. Imagine the utopia we
could create with our own hands. Imagine taking our first steps into outer
space, colonizing other worlds, and seeing what's out there; just for the heck
of it. What about time travel? Imagine what else could be possible. I realize
exploitation has been the norm for human evolution on our planet for at least
the past 10,000 years. We generally see other people in terms of what we can
gain from them. Don't you think it's time to move on? I truly believe there are
no limits, none whatsoever. All 8 billion of us, we are all at the cusp, we are
all on the verge of evolving into a new species with new and different
genetics. I see it. Don't you? No one has to die, not one. All 8 billion of us
are evolving in 8 billion unique ways, the potential for human expression is
infinite. We can’t really confirm this essay until a long time from now. The
oldest human ever officially recorded lived to 122. I’ll be 150 in the year
2120. If I’m still alive then I think we can conclude there is some merit to
this essay. But let’s say you’re 90 years old right now in the year 2019,
you’ll be 150 in the year 2079. If you implement the principles of this essay
and you’re still around in the year 2079, then I think that should be pretty
good proof. The first true civilization on our world was in Mesopotamia around
3,500 BC. Well... that's the official narrative anyway. We first had to develop
farming and agriculture and now we can create powerful computers that fit in
our pockets and allow us to communicate. Everything that has transpired for the
past 6,000 years has been nothing more than growing pains as we have struggled
to figure out who we are. Well, now we know who we are. I think it is better to
accept who you are rather than to try to forget who you are. I will admit, in
this day and age, there is seemingly no benefit whatsoever to being a decent
person. It doesn't get you money and it doesn't get you sex. Those are the two
benefits you look for aren't they? Hmm, or maybe I'm projecting. Why be a
decent person if it doesn't get you what you want? Why be a decent person if
our genetics are going to make us die anyway? Perhaps this essay has given you
a different perspective. Understand that the only thing you can be is yourself.
There's no God as you think of God. There's no bearded old white man. There's
only an awareness, which is you. Why do you think you need God? Why would your
salvation have to depend on another being? This concept of needing another
being for your salvation is fundamentally flawed. I will go so far as to say
that Christianity has been duped, tricked into believing this for some
deceptive purpose. So who is responsible for this? You can figure it out, I
did. All you have to do is develop some logical deduction, you do have to work
at it though. No one owns salvation, no one has a monopoly on it; not saints,
monks, priests, bishops, cardinals, the pope, the dalai lama, Jesus, Muhammad,
Buddha, religions, new age spiritualists, lightworkers, indigos, starseeds,
cultures, races, species, governments, politicians, leaders of nations,
presidents, dictators, scientists, venture capitalists, the rich, no one. Don't let any religion make you think they have one over on you. Don't let any religion make you think you're not worthy of immortality. Don't let any religion make you think you have to grow old and die. Don't let any religion make you think they know the truth. Your existence is truth, and your awareness is endless. Why
would your existence need to pass through a gateway controlled by someone else
in order for you to keep existing? Why are you looking for someone else? There
is no hero, no one is coming to save you. The only one who can save you is
yourself. I can't make you immortal. The only being who can give you immortality is you. All the effort,
all the work has to come from you. If salvation could be controlled by another
person, then salvation wouldn't be fair. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe Jesus can make you immortal. I'm sure his awareness is aware somewhere. I do believe he's still around.
You exist... it is the
only absolute truth you can know with 100% certainty, it is the only thing you
can believe without any doubt whatsoever. The fact that you exist should be
self-evident to you; no faith, no religion is needed whatsoever. You don't need
to believe you exist, you know you exist. If you died and actually met God in
person, don't you see there is a possibility that you yourself would be
creating him? Which would make you God instead. You can choose to die, it is
your choice. But I say stick around, I think our world is about to get a lot
more interesting. Never in my life did I think the concept of God would
actually be philosophically useful. Don't take everything in this essay at face
value; these are merely my thoughts and what I currently believe to be correct,
but I am 100% certain I have some things wrong. Evaluate everything for
yourself. I believe my thoughts on veganism are right though. I'll be honest, I
want someone to prove I'm wrong about veganism, I'd love to have a rib-eye
steak again. I also believe creating "debt" is unethical and makes you
grow old. Using deception will also result in your ultimate death, deception in sports is fine. It doesn't
matter if God and the Bible or Allah and the Quran says it's ok to have slaves,
I think you will die because of it. But go ahead if you want to do these
things, the natural order is none of my business. A life of deception and evil
is your choice and your right. My only moral obligation is to let you know how
I think it all works. My advice, always choose morality over religion. I don't care what religion you are, I don't care what prophecies you're trying to fulfill; you will grow old and die if you attempt genocide or blood sacrifice, or even if you dupe others to do it for you. Make a copy of this essay for yourself if you find it
useful and share it if you want. A solar flare could shut down the internet or the essay could get censored. Depending on how the elite have defined the internet, they could "legally" claim this essay and take it away from us. My belief is that if the elite attempt to censor this essay, they will suffer spiritual consequences because they would be trying to prevent you from becoming immortal. If this perspective is taken to the extreme, it means the elite want you to die. But it's possible they may believe they won't suffer spiritual consequences or they may find some type of "legal" loophole. This essay has been on the internet in one form or another since 2015. I've developed a lot since then and I've learned to recognize spiritual signs and warnings, and they are telling me I'm being actively monitored 24/7/365 by intelligence agencies such as the CIA, NSA, FBI, Google, etc. They all know my legal identity, my place of residence, the amount of education I've had, my bank account, everywhere I've posted this essay or links to it, every cat video I've watched, everything. The purpose of these agencies is to maintain the system and to protect the elite. I do genuinely wonder why my bank account hasn't been drained or why I haven't been set-up or assassinated yet. I suspect the controllers of the banking system will try to find a way to turn me into a sacrifice or a scapegoat. Destiny awaits so they say. I have kept track of views on web-sites I have put this essay. As a rough estimate, I'd say there are around 200,000 people who have read this essay. And so we can conclude there are 200,000 immortals located all over the world, most in the USA because that's where I'm located. If you wish to translate the essay and share it, by all means, do so. I would very much appreciate an American Spanish translation.
CONCLUSION - We've all been deceived to think this is some type of physical universe. Don't think of all of this as a physical reality, think of all of this a realm of spirit, as a dream. You can live forever in the dream. You are always dreaming; even when you are awake, you are still dreaming. Regardless of what race you are, regardless of what culture you have, regardless of what religion you are in; we all dream. The dream perspective is universally applicable. We are all quantum, discrete, infinitely small, singular points of awareness. Via interaction and evolution, we have created physical bodies to surround our awarenesses. And what do awarenesses do? Dream. Dream and perceive. We are even dreaming our bodies. We are dreaming our hunger and thirst. Your stomach doesn't even physically exist at this moment. All that exists is the sensation of hunger that you are creating. Death, the perception of nothingness, is actually waking up to the reality of eternal existence. The perception of nothingness may itself be a dream. Another perspective is the "painter's perspective"; think of reality as a painting, your mind is the hand that makes all the brush strokes. If you are an artist, I think you will understand this perspective quite well. My suspicion is that every time you make a painting, you directly affect someone's physical reality via the spirit realm even if this person has never seen your work. Let's say you make a painting of pirates finding buried treasure; somewhere in the world, someone finds something. Another perspective that may work for you is that you are watching a movie, think of your life as a movie; you can write the script yourself... literally. It's so easy to become immortal, it's so easy. In fact, being immortal is effortless. All you have to do is stop what you're doing. Being immortal is nothing but mindset. It's so easy it makes all the details and arguments in this essay excessively pointless. The concept of death cannot exist without awareness existing first, so this means "death" is dependent on awareness. If death is dependent on your awareness, then that means you can exist without death. Death needs you, you don't need death. It is impossible to become immortal if you prevent immortality in other conscious beings. This may seem impossible to comprehend, but never eating steak again is not that bad. There will come a point when even the thought of eating an animal will disgust you. I promise, it'll happen. I do not believe scientific details truly matter with regards to immortality; and thus I would conclude spiritual, magickal, or religous details don't matter either. If we stop killing animals for food, their consciousness will change as well since our consciousness is more developed than theirs. If the most hideous carnivorous animal became aware that it didn't need to kill to exist, would you accept it for what it was? Even the consciousness of microbes might change. Atheism is fine. Religion is fine, I don't see anything wrong with worshipping Ra, Zeus, Odin, Shiva, Vishnu, God, Allah, or The Great Mind. Just make sure your religion doesn't cause suffering or death on other conscious beings. The ancient Greeks worshipped Zeus. And you know what I think? I think the ancient Greeks existed just fine and went about their daily lives just like me and you. So what if other people don't believe what you believe? So what? That's no reason for you to want them to die. And I know you still don't see it. Because your religion makes you want people to die, this is what makes you die. You still don't see it do you? My personal feelings on the matter is that worshipping a deity is wasted effort. Is not the worship of a deity a type of captivity? Is physical existence captivity? Is awareness captivity? Is this essay captivity? If this essay is captivity, then I release you. Your existence is yours. You do not need belief in a deity to become immortal, you just need to have belief in yourself. While we relate to reality through symbol, realize that "being" is more powerful than symbol because being creates symbol. This means symbols only have power over you if you allow it. Seeing nothing but pure whiteness is symbol, seeing nothing but pure blackness is symbol. Seeing either of these things is just a way for you to relate with your existence, they are frames of reference. I want to live forever and experience the infinite endlessness of existence and I hope you do too. I see heaven, I see it in my mind and it is glorious. It can be an infinite field of green grass under an eternal blue sky or it can be an infinite night-time bustling cyberpunk metropolis full of neon lights, heaven can be anything. Now if you want me to be wrong about all this... which I don't take personally, I understand masculine competition and why we do it. At the very least, you have to outlive me. I have to die before you die so that you can be 100% certain I'm wrong. I was born in the year 1969.
YouTube Channel Recommendation:
I have a YouTube channel recommendation. This guy really knows his stuff. He is extremely knowledgeable in ancient esoterica. He understands how language and symbols shape our reality.
Pageviews as of February 4, 2025.
You didntd learn your lesson and you keep spamming this on forums. The gaslighting still up huh? And with implemented tactics to maximize it. Good to know. Good to know that you're helping people to suivide by making them believe you can be immortal and that you can be a god. Good to know, you're very very focused working toward lies, for your agenda.
ReplyDeleteHow tough of you huh?
DeleteWhat is Skpt talking about gaslighting I wanna know more since I think this article really sums up a lot of solipsism a personal belief from the OP itself
Also, I'd be very very careful if I was the author of this, as there was a crazy guy on facebook talking about mass shooting and his only source was this article and he was talking you were his prophet.
DeleteBut removing this won't help anymore, it would be like you were too suspicious. I'd still have this article and edit slowly all parts that refer to ok killing others and matrix defense
DeleteAlso, you can't do what you do and expect to dictate the things you say to avoid psycho's encouraged after reading it
Deletean example:
Look you manifest that person, that person is only bits of info, their past is just bits of info like in a game, all structured by some unseen mind that is connected with your mind...
But no matter what, "don't kill that person" because you have to love that person
and no matter what you have to love this person, because ORANGES
hahahahahha, that doesn't work this way. the first claim already puts some psycho into "WOW this may be true, let's try some weird shit"
You thought up even arguments against and how to counter them in a psycho's mind, like the part that avoids your responsability of creating the article, by saying you were not aware when you wrote the essay, were thought up by you to counter argument that "wow his may be wrong but look he wasn't self-aware when he wrote it". Very very "smart" of you
Real science, can you send me the archives? The post on facebook? I'm collecting some info
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteI see a real bad intention from this essay
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete"When physicists say that reality is like a computer simulation, this might lead you to think that reality is exactly like a computer; that there is a CPU, a central processing unit, that is generating reality. This might lead you to think that there is an unseen physical structure that exists "behind" reality "
ReplyDeleteBut that's exactly what they say, and it has to be true, if you were the one that was influencing the whole time, there would still be some hidden unseen structure behind reality that co-creates with you, otherwise you would know everything before you see something, but I NEVER know what I'm supposed to see before I see, it's unknown. Therefore, it's disproven this paradox into your fictional novel.
Of course there is a unseen structure, you are right, but that doesn't mean it's physical, it co-creates with us, it's the projector. As the author says, quantum mechanics prove unless we touch in something it doesn't exist. So China doesn't physically exist, it exists only as ceaselessly flowing quantum soup, if you're not there. "In the absence of a conscious entity, the moon remanis a radically ambiguous and ceaselessly flowing quantum soup." That according to quantum physics, and the measurement problem, I don't know if it's true or not.
DeleteSo, when you may hear a new song that it may be unknown to you, but at the time, your unconscious was co-creating the song with the person who wrote and with the unseen quantum soup structure that allow this to be possible.
Your consciousness do not directly co-create our surrounding, the unseen part that is projecting the physical has to be there, at some level as bits of info, so that your consciousness can influence.
That also works when you manifest (attract) people into your life. The people that will come to you were unknown to you before you knew them, but the unseen part was already working to attract that people because your consciousness wanted this so bad.
You are not one with anything, I don't buy the new age interpretation, I think you REALLY ARE just a person an individual so are all the others, multiple individual consciousnessess each one with their own level of awareness, some are just stuck in the matrix.
You are actually moving, the object that is getting bigger to your conscious perspective is amazing, but of course you're moving to there, otherwise car accidents wouldn't happen.
Also, the author says science proves everything has consciousness. Even if you believe your computer is not affected by your mind, you still need to understand it has consciousness too. It's a shared consciousness aspect that your consciousness can directly influence. So your consciousness can directly influence the consciousness of the building that exists outside your house. You're not directly creating it, because when you close your eyes something can still hits your head without you seeing it, but when you TOUCH IT, it becomes physical. When you're not seeing it's just quantum soup. Same with all separated places and places that are not within your city. So, your consciousness in your head cannot create or be one with the enviroment but a quantum soup can be influencing your mind as you cannot directly influence your surrounds you can never turn a building into a house, that shows there's still stability in the unseen non-interacting structure that cannot be connected with your mind and consciousness. But still you can influence by quantum entanglement. The fact you have a body, shows that when you expand your mind you can feel as if you were one with the building. But you have a shape and you're stuck in your body, unless you learn Out of body experience and try to connect with physical surroundings
DeleteBy that I mean, I had accidents happen to me that the car was running so fast, if movement was an illusion this would NEVER HAPPEN, so the perspective you create with your mind is just an illusion of movement being an illusion. a Brain trick. But movement is VERY REAL, you actually MOVE to your room, the CHAIR is getting close to you when you move there, NOT otherwise, the chair WILL NOT be bigger, just closer. it's a fact.
Delete" Even though you can shape reality with your thoughts and actions doesn't mean you can change the world overnight. You have to remember that the physical universe is governed by logical consistency; so change will be very slow. The matrix is real"
ReplyDeleteNah, there is no matrix, matrix is a movie. No one is in the matrix, god is not real, it's a religious woo.
Yes, there is matrix, people live there. By not being self-aware is simply not being self-aware that they are gods, they are simply living in the matrix with a lower form of awareness not knowing they are the co-creators and god and goddess of reality, when you talk to someone else they simply are not in the same level of awareness as you are.
DeleteAs we both talking now I'm god in my perspective and you are god in yours. We are both self-aware in this new understanding.
So you're not actually self-aware when you type something because of the redline potential (Libet Experiment) that's what the author may be saying about the mother not being 100% self-aware when she talks to you, but only a few moments later. That's science tho, a miliseconds ago everything she says is already set in stone and then she becomes self-aware and say something, but she wasn't self aware before she said.
DeleteI agree with you about God not being real, so no one created the Universe, entities individulized even before the creation of the objects and earths. We were not created by God, nor we were influencing anything, we weren't there. There may be some entities that could have created parts of the universe with help of others, some evil some good. But we definitely were not. What is created cannot be one with the creator, as Monalisa is not one with Picasso, Picasso is gone, monalisa still exists. That's an analogy for matter, and us. Matter will be there no matter what, we came after. So no, we didn't co-create parts of the Universe, big bang may also have been created by the unseen structure that don't give a single f for us and our consciousnessess.
DeleteExactly, the essay has a lot of contradictions, first he says you must feel as if there was a god and as if you were the i... that is parts of the universe is also inside your room around you, and all the outside is just others who are being influenced by you and other semi-gods like we are the semi gods influencing the consciousness in each particle of the universe that is collpasing the wave function...all in a deepak chopra way, then claims you need to be one with the universe, then claims you are not one with the universe because the system structure still exists......then claims 'creations are the created' which is absolutely false, the one who created the Monalisa IS NOT monalisa. The entire essay is what?
Delete"" Even though you can shape reality with your thoughts and actions"
ReplyDeleteThat directly contradicts your claim that we can't control thoughts.
Also, thoughts do not influence anything in reality, they are subjective. Your knowledge on spirituality is very very very weak.
Emotions influence actions. Magick is pure emotion, not thought. And they don't directly influence anything, they only influence our state of being.
The reason you are not you're thoughts and emotions, and you think you are not inside a simulation or one with the simulation or connected with the simulation, and in the matrix and transmutted as the matrix is because you're stuck in cause effect paradigm. your mind play tricks on you, you're self-aware of this aren't you? Your inner world do not dictate the objective and outer world. It's holographic. and what is unseen and unknown is only bits of info and quantum soup until you go there to see.. It's all separated by places and empty space is only created when there are objects.. distance is not an illusion but it's not a thing, it's created by objects
DeleteFunny that you mention this. But the author purpose is all about subjective games you can do to yourself, of course this is not true.
DeleteI love the "Go to an area with lots of people, the cafeteria of a college campus or the food court of a shopping mall. Now close your eyes and feel like none of the people were there."
I do this all the time, it really feels like no one is there, but I can OBVIOUSLY differ my thoughts in my mind from external enviroment , but still fun to make it seem like it were true. Of course what they say are coming from their mouth and it really exists there even if I was utterly unaware and fainted. Cameras and etc can film it, etc,, it's so hard to get another perspective because we can clearly differ our mind from the external enviroment our thoughts we think from the distinct part of what the enviroment tells us. Each one in their own inner wold can feel this, is amazing
ok secretnudes, you just disproved the article, if we both are self-aware and YOU ASSUMED you are not at the same place I am and you still self-aware, therefore we are individualized and separated, multiple consciousnessess, when we look at the mirror we are still a person, so are the other 7 billions stuck in the matrix with lower level of self-awareness. So what?
ReplyDeleteYou just proved we are not connected to each other and not connected to any other person that are away from us. So what? Do you still believe this article to be serious and not a novel?
Then, since you are not entangled with anything or anyone in your surrounding, and every thing or person that you see is not connected with you, there is also no need to fear OTHERS; do not be afraid of others. If someone tries to kill you, that person who tried to kill you also co-exist in the matrix because you are not connected with that person, but that persons's past still can very much affect your way of thinking and how you will react to them.
DeleteNo on co-exist in the matrix secret nudes, there is no such thing as the matrix. You live in a city, not in codes of matrix, you are also not the codes that lives inside other codes, as the author claims.
Deleteanother example of his contradictions.
Look that building you see is not real
"imagine you're not using your eyes to see it"
"your body is a frame of reference for your consciousness"
"now imagine your body is not only your body, but the building is also part of your body"
( if the building wasn't there to begin with when you close your eyes, how can you imagine it to be also part of your body, when it clearly is just bits of info when you're not aware of it"?)
like he said when you close your eyes it's not physical, unless you touch it
but also you can feel as if it the building was part of your body
he contradict all his previous claims
me-body \ BUILDING
[feeling in your mind that your body expands and the building also be part of your body, is totally a distorted perception, your brain can hijack.
me0 I see me-myself-eyes \ others...surroundings..etc...
ReplyDeleteThere aren't multiple, independent consciousnesses? You mean we are all sharing the same consciousness? We aren't independent from each other? ; can this be also incorrect, will you see from another perspective?
what if there are multiple indpendent consciousnesses?? Have you thought about it?
what if the the song written by Beatles was written by beatles and not by me? Could it also be true? Could it also be true that the girl I see everyday do exist and has a past and born without my knowledge of it? Please help me I have some anxiety by reading it, I've read someone posting it on a group with some weird thoughts but now I haev some weird thoughts too
Could it also be true, what do you think about me myself being eevery .... i'm totally confused.. help me
am I not only my self and having a body but also all the other parts of the objective world also another part of me? what about others? don't they exist? separately from me and out there?
ReplyDeletedude you have really fucked up my mind i'm getting totally confused and my blood pressure is getting high and I'm about to faint
"Existence itself does not have a scientific or logical explanation to it. But everything we perceive about existence does seem to have a scientific or logical explanation to it. The laws of physics are logical, but they ultimately rest on the foundation of consciousness which is not logical. Does this mean then that literally anything is possible? If we can manifest it in dreams, does this mean we can manifest it in the physical universe? I would say that thoughts, daydreaming, and imagination are just some of the ways the laws of dreaming can manifest while we are awake and experiencing the physical world. I don't believe the laws of dreaming can be described with mathematical equations. I believe the laws of dreaming are all simple axioms. The awake life in our physical universe is obviously a "shared" experience. Can the state of dreaming be a shared experience as well? Can two separate and independent consciousnesses actually meet and interact in dreams?"
ReplyDeleteHere you say there are multiple independent consciousnesses, Do you affirm it?
"The one awareness can look through infinite perspectives all at once. Reality is a single awareness that is creating infinite consciousnesses so that it can interact with itself. And eventually we will be able to come up with a mathematical model for this. Physicists working on the holographic principle will probably figure this out and use string theory for the multi-dimensionality aspects. This one awareness is the closest thing to God that exists. Unfortunately, this isn't the God you christians are looking for. You're looking for some old bearded white man right? Even non-white christians want it to be an old bearded white man. The one awareness is eternal and invulnerable, it cannot be destroyed, it cannot destroy itself, and it encompasses all of existence and reality; so it does have some characteristics of the God that you want. However, it is powerless in some ways. It has not created a heaven to reward the righteous, it has not created a hell to punish the wicked. Get it through your damn head, no one goes to hell. Relishing the idea that the wicked will be condemned to hell for eternity will make you grow old. The one awareness does not judge or condemn or reward or hate or love; it is incapable of these things. It just knows it exists. The true power of the one awareness is that it can create infinite, unique, self-aware, and independent consciousnesses. Each consciousness has it's own body, personality, memories, thoughts, feelings, emotions, life experiences, knowledge, opinions, etc. I don't think the one awareness creates universes. A single consciousness can create its own non-shared infinite universe. I believe when two or more consciousnesses interact, this is what creates a shared universe or shared plane of existence, i.e. our planet."
What if there is no one awareness but many and the God you are trying to say exists, doesn't?
"Meditation takes practice. If you’ve never meditated before it might take you years, but don’t give up. Meditation can seem pointless, there doesn’t seem to be a goal except to reduce stress. Go outside on a really sunny day and close your eyes. You’ll notice that it won’t be completely dark. Even though you have closed your eyes, you can still see a certain degree of brightness because some photons from the sun are going through the membrane of your eye-lid and they are hitting the rods and cones towards the back of your eye. If you are a beginner, you want to meditate at night with all the lights off. You want to free your mind of all thoughts, but this is not the key thing to realize about meditation. When you first close your eyes it will be dark. Here is the key thing to realize, you are seeing the dark with your physical eyeb~~~~. You are still using your eyes. The goal of meditation is to make your physical eyeb~~~~ disappear from existence so that you can “see” with your consciousness instead."
Then things are not me and they do exist outside of me, right
I think I'm gonna pass out this is totally getting me nuts idk why I need help
ReplyDeleteDon't worry, what's your e-mail?
DeleteI want you to explain me how there are 7 billion others, who have their own awareness if only one self exist? Let's ask this to Construct's theory. If only I exist then how does the Universe exists outside of me and not inside? Why does things have to be outside and around me? Why not only a big ball of wholeness nothimg without no others/people?
ReplyDeleteOk you say im one with anything I see and I flow through this everything you claim as being one imagining I am it, but that doesnt make me less of a person with thought and self believing im outside and one with things around...... let me connect to your mind now, can we?
ReplyDelete"All 7 billion of us, we are all at the cusp, we are all on the verge of evolving into a new species with new and different genetics. I see it. Don't you?"
ReplyDeleteOk then you just disprovef your previous claims now you assume Im not only the one semi god who co creates witht he machine of life... now others do exist and they are self aware outside of me and Im just a fragment of what the true semi gods has created over the years.... Do you agree we are not cocreating banking problems and we are also in facr victims of the system not having a direct affect on anything because we are not on that degree of consciousness.. Solipsism is the lowest degree and level of consciousness weak mind nonsense away from the spirituality and truth of things one can be in... So why pretend solipsism was real believimg you co create with the bits of.
ReplyDeleteyOU SAY to become one with the universe is to imagine the things around you were entangled with you as if you were feeling them being also part of you....... BUT then you this because you say the constructs-people who their lives and past are an illusion of reality that I have influence over and can manifest them all the time is the proof of this.
Then tell me why can't I attract another semi god like Rihanna? Is it because she's also creating her reality preventing me from reaching her?
"What you manifest about the world is how you are testing yourself. When I say you are one with the universe I don't mean it in a feel good new age spiritual harmony sort of way. "http://yourconstruct2.blogspot.com/2018/05/section-one-introduction-have-you-your.html#comment-form,
Just because I'm influencing directly, doesn't mean I'm one with the things I'm influyencing and collapsing the wave. Can you explain to us this?
Or is this poly-solipsism? everyone is influencing their reality through the collapse of the wave, constantly co-creating the future? everyone then is a semi-god?
Also you say contructs do not have all emotions I as a person pretending to be god have, but then say we are all sharing emotions then peolpe do have emotions?
ReplyDeleteI've only skipped around on you blog. I've seen some interesting theories and although I can't say I agree with you on them they make me feel as though you've experienced something that's led you in this direction. Will read the rest of it when i have time.
ReplyDeleteyo yo
ReplyDelete8 comments:
ReplyDeletejjaammee12July 17, 2020 at 3:19 PM
Are you Insane?
jjaammee12July 17, 2020 at 3:20 PM
Who are you?
jjaammee12July 17, 2020 at 3:21 PM
Are you a robot from the future?
jjaammee12July 17, 2020 at 3:25 PM
You have the potential to be a world leader. What I gathered from your awesome essay is that you probably break an Iq of a least 180
jjaammee12July 17, 2020 at 3:52 PM
Are you real?
jjaammee12July 17, 2020 at 3:52 PM
You’re a computer, correct?
Your ConstructJuly 18, 2020 at 1:05 PM
I'm real. I'm a human being, just like you. I'm not a computer.
jjaammee12July 28, 2020 at 3:56 PM
You're not real. According to your essay and a message you sent me, you're just a hologram that was created by me.
Your article just be a joke, right?
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